
Twisted Fates by Geza Tatrallyay

annettebooksofhopeanddreams's review against another edition

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Ever since I read the first book, which was included in the Book Box Club, I was already really looking forward to the second book. There were so many questions unanswered and there were so many unexpected twists and turns. I just HAD to know where this would all go, how this would end, where this would lead.

I will start with the bad news: Although this book does give a few answers, it comes with loads and loads more questions, a few very surprising reveals and even more twists and turns. But I guess that's also the good news. This book is just as exciting and mind blowing as the first book in this series was and after the few revelations at the end I am even more looking forward to the next book.

Sci-Fi is a hard genre to write, but Rollins really has it down. It never gets too complicated or scientific, but she did create a solid base for everything that's happening. Therefore the book never feels unhinged, or unrealistic. Of course, the dystopia is only one of the many possible scenario's and a lot of this is currently just theoretic talking, but it feels scientificly right anyway. It feels like there are rules and those rules are being followed, although a little stretched at times.

However, the true stars of this book, no matter how awesome the science, the mystery and the revelations are, are the characters. I love Dorothy and Ash, together, but also apart. Although their romance is certainly a big part of the story, it's not everything. They are two separate characters with their own stories and backgrounds and motives and chances. And although they cross paths a lot of times, their characters don't depend on each other, something I truly enjoy.

And now I will count down the days until the next book comes out. I hope it will be in 2021!

tsquare345's review against another edition

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Grrrrr… Villains are so vile! Off to read the last book! C’mon, Dorothy! Make the ending happy!

briarsreviews's review against another edition

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To begin with, I think Julia needs to stop going outside or something. This girl keeps going missing and getting kidnapped! Get this girl a map and some bodyguards, and maybe we won't need a book four...

This epic finale to the Twisted trilogy follows Greg, Anne and Julia yet again. Julia has been kidnapped (again) and Greg & Anne are determined to save her! The action, adventures and insanity that ensues is sure to make you cling to the pages of this book!

I almost felt this book was a little repetitive, but it somehow worked. I found the jump from the first to second book to be a big, grande plot while this one didn't live up to the hype I had put into my head - but let's be honest, I'm not sure where it could have gone. The action and antics has definitely been upped though! And the stakes of not completing the mission is much worse! Although, I might have liked Julia not to be kidnapped again, but the plot line fits well within the book.

Some of the cheesey lines from the bad guy gave me Charlie's Angel's vibes. The baddies in that television series had some of the strangest lines, and the Twisted antagonists had a similar speech. They are a thousand times darker than that television show, but it did give a little bit of brightness in the dark "twisted" world of this series.

I hated the ending, but I'm a happily ever after type of person. Realistically, this book was on spot - life is not always perfect, there is some pretty dark material that happens in this book that is totally true, and people don't always get through these tough times unscathed. Is the ending bad? Absolutely not! I think it is really telling that Geza would portray something realistically. Does that make me like the ending any better? HECK NO! Vengeance, I want vengeance! Although, I must admit... I kind of saw the ending coming from book one. I just had this feeling a certain thing would happen...

The book slowly rolls into a close, and it felt just right. I wouldn't have wanted a fast, epic ending - a nice, slowly rolling, almost like film credits finale made this series close just perfectly! I think it brings the story full circle and makes it feel like a complete series. (Although, why do they keep visiting Vienna when bad things keep happening to them there? That's my real question.)

The best part of this novel is seeing how the characters turned out in the end. One of my biggest pet peeves is the book ending and I don't get to know how their life unfolded. It's a silly pet peeve for me to have, but we all have our quirks! Geza's final chapter really helped me settle down and see this book as the finale. And it was quite the beautiful chapter, if I do say so myself.

The book has some rape and dark scenes (it's about sex trafficking, so it was a given), so I'd say it's an R rated novel. I wouldn't be reading this as a bedtime story to your kids anytime soon (but hey, you do you I guess...). The bad guys are extra bad as well, with their brutality increased to the ten fold.

If I had any con for this book, it's a personal one. I had a PDF copy and I let my device lock and I lost my page! And then I forgot what page I was on... But hey! That's a good con to have! The book was a fantastic ride!

Overall, this was a lovely (yet brutal) finale to this epic series! If you haven't read this series yet, get on it! Geza does a great job summing up parts of the series in this novel, so if you wanted to jump into the last book you could. Would I recommend it? No! This book works much better within the series, but it could "stand alone" if you didn't want to read the first two books.

Four out of five stars!

I received a free copy of this book from the author Geza Tatrallyay in exchange for an honest review.