Go read this, do! It's a fantastic collection of 89 weird and wonderful very short stories in 572 pages. Each story starts out strange and winds its way into even more experimental, experiential territory.

Also, do read Emshwiller's novels The Mount and Carmen Dog. Yes, do!

Not yet sufficiently enticed?

Here are some first lines of stories:

(Writers, read this for: first lines; examples of brief, engaging stories of the type published in numerous science fiction and literary magazines and journals and anthologies)

"It's Saturday," the absolutely hairless woman said, and she pulled at her frayed, green kerchief to make sure it covered her head." — "Day at the Beach"

"This the diary of lost sleep." — "The Queen of Sleep"

"The person you care about the most has just told you you're no good." — "Joy in Our Cause"

"In a dream I follow him to a cocktail party of his admirers." — "I Love You"

"We are advancing into an unknown land with a deliberate air of nonchalance, our elbows out, our hands on our hips, or standing one foot on a rock when there's an opportunity for it." — "Abominable"

"I am the woman of the year, or so it seems so far." — "Verging on the Pertinent"

"In the beginning there was a goddess from whom all things flawed flowed." — "If Not Forever, When?"

"We have always yearned for great men." — "The Promise of Undying Love"

"She is eighty-two and in love." — "There Is No Evil Angel But Love"

"Grandma used to be a woman of action. She wore tights. She had big boobs, but a teeny-weeny bra." — "Grandma"

Still, here? Goodness, dear, go read Emshwiller!

One issue, editing: This volume contains far too many obvious typographical errors.

[b:The Mount|94702|The Mount|Carol Emshwiller|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1331748403s/94702.jpg|1631644] is entertaining, but this somehow feels like a slog - so many stories, and so inconsistent.