td3's review against another edition

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Readers who love short stories will want to read this newest release from JT Ellison. It’s a bit of a mix between Ground Hog Day and It’s a Wonderful Life.

Mia Jensen is a 40 year old woman who finds herself literally at death’s door in the first story. Each story that follows is written by a different author and gives a different version of her life, based on different choices she might have made in the past.

Having these short stories presented by different authors gave some very unique perspectives as to what Mia’s life could have been like. It also gives readers a sample of each author’s writing. I found myself turning back to the table of contents for a look at the authors of the stories and made notes of those which I enjoyed the most for future reading.

I liked the way JT Ellison’s last story tied everything up for the ending. This is a book that would be easy to read in one sitting or to spread out over a period of time, with one story a day. I will admit, at times it was difficult to switch gears and move from one story to the next.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Two Tales Press for allowing me to read an advance copy and give my honest review.

3no7's review against another edition

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“A Thousand Doors” is an anthology edited by J.T. Ellison , but it is unlike other anthologies one might have read. This one, of course, features stories by renowned suspense and thriller authors, however, “A Thousand Doors” features one woman, Mia, and many tell her story. These prominent authors all add a unique flavor to Mia’s narrative, creating an exceptional, inventive, and cohesive anthology.

Anthologies are formulated for reading on the go since a reader can complete one whole story in a short period. “A Thousand Doors” follows this model but each author tells a story focused on the same main character allowing the separate selections to flow together. The stories are uniquely tied together and connected, even at the end, in way that gives the anthology the feel of a typical novel.

Anthologies are well suited for on-the-go reading or for filling in the time while waiting for appointments, waiting to pick up children, or taking a long trip. “A Thousand Doors” is a complete reading package that all readers will enjoy.

I was given a review copy of “A Thousand Doors” by J. T. Ellison, The Independent Book Publishers Association, and NetGalley. It is a group of compelling stories by a distinguished cast of writers. I recommend it to everyone, lovers of anthologies as well as readers of “traditional” books.

loribree83's review against another edition

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What a fantastic read! I loved the concept of the book and the amazing team of contributing authors!! Each version of Mia's life had it's own voice, and the whole book tied together so well. I normally don't read short stories but I loved these because they all centered around a theme and story. Well done and highly recommended!

sarahjolyons6's review against another edition

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I do not usually choose short story collections to read but I decided to give this one a try. I am glad I did'. This was a perfect fit for me to read during a busy time in my life.

Thank you to Net Galley and J..T. Ellison for the opportunity to read A Thousand Doors in exchange for my honest review.

tinamoo's review against another edition

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I really loved the concept of this book. Mia is dying and she sees the other lives that she could have led flash before her eyes. I was really excited about this book as I thought it was going to be more of a sliding doors type of story. This actually just turned out to be a bunch of short stories about characters who are all named Mia. There was not a glimpse of the personality of the original character. If it had been marketed as just a book of short stories I think that I would have enjoyed it a lot more.

adrianab's review against another edition

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I have never read an anthology, being pleasantly surprised by this book.
It's about Mia Jensen and the millions of possibilities of her life if she had made different choices when the road of life reaches the crossroads.
Every story is extraordinary, making you come into the lamb's skin, living her intense emotions.

suspensethrill's review against another edition

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I'm not one to pick up short stories or anthologies on a regular basis, and I'm typically very critical of them, but this was something special folks. Gather round, friends, and let me tell you about this gem of a "novel". J.T. Ellison, the queen of suspense, has recruited the most desirable female authors in the psychological thriller genre today and brought them together to take their many talents and create one cohesive story. I know, trust me, it sounds so difficult, but they nailed it.

I don't want to say too much about the plot, because you just need to read it for yourself, but I do want to take a moment to discuss the formatting and why this collection worked so well for me. The sheer balls it took to gather so many personalities and writing styles to create a singular story is inspiring, and I think the risk paid off tremendously. Here's the thing-each author took us on a "possibility", what they imagined Mia experiencing, but they all tie together so wholly that I truly felt that I was read a traditional novel throughout.

I cannot express how unique, thrilling, and emotional of a ride it was to make my way though A Thousand Doors. The journey that Mia faces from beginning to end was suspenseful, tense, and gripping, and the ending tied everything together in a satisfying manner. Highly recommended to those who are finding the thriller genre a bit stale these days; A Thousand Doors is a breath of fresh air for readers who are feeling stuck in a rut.

*Many thanks to the author(s) for providing my copy via netgalley.

lisabreads's review against another edition

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Thank you Two Tales Press for sending me A Thousand Doors for review.
A Thousand Doors is a short story collection edited by J.T. Ellison. They are all connected by one idea but they are all very unique. The first story sets up the whole collection, Mia is murdered in her kitchen and as she is dying, she see all the different lives she could have lived. All the different careers, personalities, experiences, etc. It is a great way to compile a short story collection by a wonderful compilation of writers.
Like all short story collections, some are more to my taste than others, but that is one of my favourite things about anthologies like these. There is something for everyone and it’s a quick fun way to try new authors and see how their style works for you.
I also love a short story collection like this for the quick little moments when you don’t have enough time to settle in to a bigger story. Some of these had a quick pace and I was able to squeeze most in between cooking for my son or waiting for him at school pickup.
Publishing November 5, 2018 this would be a wonderful book to keep stashed in your car or purse for those little moments in life.