
A Day at a Time by Nic Starr

janetted's review

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A solid romance full of heartache and sweet beginnings. Nic Start delivers the perfect balance of warm fuzzy feeling and anxiety. A Day at a Time is kind of a workplace romance with many of the complications that setting can offer. Dating someone you work with is always taking a chance, because if it doesn't work out, there's usually no avoiding them later.

Sean is a hard working, dedicated guy, and on the outside seems like he's got it all together. Inside, however, he's struggling to overcome a painful past. I really enjoy the suspense Starr adds in the way she gradually reveals the source of his apprehension. Each revelation is like the piece of a puzzle locking into place - a very clever method on Starr's part. I could guess what he'd been through, but until she divulges all the details I wasn't 100% sure.

Dave's a pretty awesome guy. He's super patient and exactly the kind of guy Sean needs. I find him confident yet not cocky, a rather attractive quality in a main character. So many times in building them up, an author goes just a bit too far, but Starr seems to get it. She's in touch with how that kind of strength is an attractive quality, and she utilizes it well. In fact the contrast between Dave and Sean's confidence demonstrates just how much Sean grows and changes during the story.

That reminds me, the one thing that really surprises me is how aggressive and dominant Sean becomes when the two get intimate. I totally didn't expect that! I guess it perfectly shows the change I just mentioned. Sean's really hurting and still healing from what happened in his past. No spoilers, but that kind of experience changes a person, and it's no shock Sean would have some coping mechanisms. As he begins to look past all that and learns to trust David, you see the pain and insecurity fall away. What's left behind is someone who can be who he truly wants to be while learning to trust and love again.

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