
Love and Gravity by Rebel Carter

readingwithstardust's review

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At least I'll always have Heart and Hand.

fictionalkate's review

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Grace is sure she has chemistry with the brilliant billionaire physicist, Anton. The only problem is they haven’t met yet and their relationship is limited to work emails and flirty phone calls. But when his work brings him to Switzerland where she’s currently the reigning lab manager (or should that be lab Queen) Grace has high hopes things might come together and their working relationship might evolve to more. A whole lot more. Will they finally get it together or will the pressures of corporate espionage, unruly scientists and their pasts ruin things before they get started?

I liked this book. The banter from the very beginning is fun and I loved hearing whatever would come out of Grace’s mouth. The interactions between her and Anton are fun, witty and romantic.

But there were a few things which didn’t work for me. I found the pacing a bit off and there wasn’t much of an overall storyline outside of the romance. I know there’s the whole stolen research plot but it was in the background to the love at all times (there’s a part where I feft they should have been freaking out yet they seemed more concerned with making out than making sure they hadn’t lost years of their professional lives work). I wish there had been more about their pasts sprinkled throughout the book so I could have felt deeper about their trauma and been more there for them emotionally when they unpacked that baggage.

I read in the author's note at the end that this story started life as a fanfic and that explained quite a lot. I love fanfiction. But I think the experience of reading a fic as it’s published is different from having the book in front of you. With the fanfic there’s inbuilt anticipation just from having to wait for updates. Sometimes you’re waiting weeks (or even months!) for the leading couple to admit feelings to the point where you’re almost shouting at the screen for them to kiss already! But in the book I am conscious that I’ve only been with these two for an hour or so and they’ve fought and made up and are now in a relationship. They only met a day ago! I think had the timeline been a little longer it would have made the anticipation stronger. Not including the epilogue (which is more an intro to the next book in the series than a conclusion to this book) all the action occurs in around a week. And it feels quick. Even some more emails showing the timeline of their flirtation in the prologue showing us they have had a thing for months would have made me feel stronger towards their romance than just being told they’ve got chemistry.

Despite wanting more science and more time - I did enjoy this book. The author’s style is so much fun to read. Her main characters have a lot of pizazz and there’s a big part of me who wishes Grace was real because I imagine she would be the best to go get a drink or two with! I am definitely going to be reading more Rebel Carter novels in the future. I’m excited for the next book in the series - that epilogue has left me excited to read about Lou’s antics.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

readingwithhippos's review against another edition

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My favorite part of this book was the setting--I have never read a book set at the CERN supercollider! Grace is a lab assistant who loves taking care of her science nerds--she’s always anticipating everyone’s needs and her job gives her a sense of purpose. Her orderly world is thrown for a loop when Anton, a scientist she hasn’t met in person but has developed a bit of a crush on over the course of many email and phone exchanges, shows up in Geneva in the flesh to work with her research team. Unfortunately, before they can be introduced, Anton orders her to fetch him coffee and is generally a self-important jerk. I loved this initial conflict because as someone who works in an assistant role, I place a high value on how people treat others, especially people like secretaries, receptionists, waitstaff, etc. who are perceived as “the help.” I was very curious to see how Grace and Anton would be able to move past their disastrous first meeting.

hijinx_abound's review

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Oh man there was so much of this book that was delightful. I adored Grace. She is amazing. Her friendship with Lou is amazing. There are not appropriate words for Grace.
Anton was okay. I liked that he was able to see things about Grace that others missed. I loved that he wanted to take care of her.
My main issue with the book is that the end is extremely rushed. I felt like the “mystery” had to be wrapped up so everything was crammed together and wrapped up real fast once they hooked up.
It was a quick read with an excellent beginning.

earl_of_book_dragon's review

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The one with the lab manager who goes way outside her job role and the brilliant scientist. The end felt wrapped up super quick but I was ready for it to be done.

This one thing bothered me. It makes no sense- if you BUY 20 coffees a day for your staff why wouldn’t you get a GD coffee maker in the office!

mhlreadsbooks's review

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Fantastic book! Loved the friendship between the two MC and her BFF. It hit pretty close to what science research types are like (okay, a little exaggerated, but not soooo far off). This may be my favorite Rebel Carter book.

prgchrqltma's review

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I really, really wanted to like this book, because it's a different setting (CERN) with nerdy characters. The whole story felt a little frantic to me, though. I kept wishing the author would slow down and spread out a bit. Also, I don't like it when allegedly grown people behave like children, so there's that, too.

anna_luquette's review

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Sooooo sweet

Rebel Carter does it again! She’s a one-click author for me and this book shows why. Anton and Grace are hilarious, flawed, sweet people who I fell in love with right away! This book is witty, fun, and emotional. And it has ladies killing it in STEM! I really hope we can continue to follow the science horde or even just Lou!

goldguardie's review

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Cute, but the ending seemed very rushed

blairleigh's review

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Rebel Carter is a one-click buy for me. She has been since Heart and Hand and she will be for the next how many ever novels she cranks out. Love and Gravity was a love story, but it was also a story of brilliant women who lift each other up. The friendship in this book captured my heart the most. But, the romance. Oh boy. That was some swoony romance. It’s funny, it’s light, it’s low-angst, and it’s badass women in STEM.