
Record of Grancrest War, Vol. 1 by Makoto Yotsuba, Ryo Mizuno, Miyū

karebic's review

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adventurous slow-paced


ruthsic's review

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Record of Grancrest War has the potential for a good story but is distracting on account of its fan service. In this fantasy world of two kingdom conglomerates, there are mages and there are Lords, both of who can wield magic. It is not clear as to how the magic is distinct, as the book doesn't do much world building, but the gist is that the Lords can fight demons and increase their crests (which is what gives them political power), and Mages can perform all other kinds of magic, including demon summoning (why can't they banish demons too is anyone's guess), and are usually tied to a Lord like a servant. Siluca is a fresh graduate from the academy, and wants no part of the petty politics of the Lord who only seek to gain power and not help people. Enter Theo, the good knight, who wants to protect people, and she puts her support behind him, to help dismantle the corrupt system.

Now, while the story is interesting even if its generic, it tries to be eye catching by heaping on the fan service like a stable hand shoveling manure. I won't deny the artwork for the manga, and the character design being good, but Siluca's outfits are all impractical and skimpy, which is out of character for a girl who seeks to be impressive not adored, and who likes to fight. Don't think I ignored that comment about her mini skirt being more easy to fight in - you know what makes it more easy and safe to fight? Padding and protection from skin abrasions! Also, later on there are two whole pages of a new character (who is also her classmate and a mage) groping her for no reason - girl on girl sexual harassment is soooooo funny, you guys! Typical seinen tropes - have the powerful but beautiful girl be reduced to eye candy and jerking off material.

At this point, all I can say is that I am going to hang on for maybe one more volume to see if the story can make up for the shortcomings. Otherwise, this is just generic fantasy rolled up in fan service.

Received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review from Viz Media LLC, via Edelweiss.