
Galactic Warlord by Douglas Arthur Hill

bogartt's review

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This book changed me.

I still remember the librarian stamping the card when i checked this book out of my grade school library. I was in 5th grade at the time with the attention span of a gnat, I mean Choose your own adventure books were a challenge for me to finish. We had library day once a week, as a class we all trooped to the library for a short presentation of any new books by the librarian and time to find books to check out and read. Honestly i'd have rather been out at on the playground, but on this day just weeks before school was out i slid this book off the shelf to read the dust jacket. I had to checkout at least one book that usually sat at the bottom of my cubby for the week might as well be this one was likely my thought. Now, it only took minutes to grab that book i had at least 20 minutes left before heading back to the classroom, i went right for the reading fort playhouse thing and unknowingly truly opened a book for the first time. I read this book not once but twice that week, the next week we had to return our books, I couldn't check out more because of summer but there were more! The librarian told me to go get a library card from the public library, ya ya not for the first time but this time i did. I read all 4 of this series that were out that summer and many more. Since I read every douglas hill book released over the years even when i was getting into high school and had to check the kids section for new ones at the public library... hell, writing this has made me want to go find these books and read them again.