
Insatiable by Meg Cabot

breezy610's review against another edition

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It was soo good. it was slow at the beginning but it really pick up. the ending was really sucky thought. it made me wish that there was a aequel coming out. who know, maybe there is!

wendythegeekgoddess's review against another edition

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When I first picked this book up I was hooked! I loved the concept of a woman who can see how everyone is going to die falls in love with a Vampire. A huge reason being because he's already dead so she never envisions the end of his life. Of course at first Meena Harper doesn't know the man she's fallen for is undead, and actually despises his kind. The love story was really good and the book was packed with action of all sorts including vampire duels, vampire hunters, and a creature so unexpected and amazing, you have to read it to believe it. I really enjoyed the book, but eventually I just grew tired of reading it for some reason hence the three stars.


1. [bc:Overbite|9462815|Overbite (Insatiable, #2)|Meg Cabot||14347737] [b:Overbite|9462815|Overbite (Insatiable, #2)|Meg Cabot||14347737] BY: [a:Meg Cabot|11654|Meg Cabot|]

2. [bc:Whitby After Dark - Volume 1|20596816|Whitby After Dark - Volume 1|Stella Coulson||28135127] [b:Whitby After Dark - Volume 1|20596816|Whitby After Dark - Volume 1|Stella Coulson||28135127] BY: [a:Stella Coulson|7698278|Stella Coulson|]

techknitly's review against another edition

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I didn't like this title as much as I usually like Meg Cabot's work. It wasn't terrible by any means but it wasn't as great as I'm used to.

shlebby's review against another edition

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Lets talk about this book. *spoilers*
Insatiable is about a girl named Meena Harper who writes dialogue for a soap opera called 'Insatiable' she just so happens to absolutely HATE vampires (fictional ones of course) but then she falls in love with Lucien .. the "Prince of Darkness" (cheesy amiright?)

First I would like to say that I don't read many adult novels, especially romance type novels, i'm a fantasy girl. But I decided to give this book a shot since I said I was going to try and read more adult, andI thought hey Vampires lets try it out.

I gave this book 3 stars for a couple different reasons.

1. it takes about 75ish pages before Meena even meets Lucien, and in those
75 pages nothing happens. Like actually nothing, Meena goes to work, complains about work, Meena gets home, she complains about her brother, Meena gets on the elevator, she complains about her talkative neighbor. Boring

2. Besides the fact that the entire book was very predictable, I enjoyed Lucien's character for the sole fact that there is development (YAY!). You begin the book thinking Lucien is the nice type of Vampire that won't bite you and try to turn you into a Vampire too to spend eternity loving you (gag). But then you realize he is not so good of a guy after all and by the end you are really not sure who he really is.

3. What was up with the turning into a bat thing though? That is over the top cheesy to me but you know I could handle it. Then he goes and turns into a dragon out of nowhere. SO RANDOM. Then he kills a bunch of people and disappears..

4. wtf

I admit I did laugh out loud while reading this book, more than once, this book would have been 2 stars if not for that. I would definitely not recommend this book to anyone unless you like to read extremely mediocre books where nothing happens..and has a dragon in it for one chapter.

icelacs's review against another edition

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Not such a bad read. I enjoy Meg Cabot's writing and characterization, but I dreary dialogue between the characters--especially from one supposedly averse to such things (i.e. Meena).
I found it entertaining and enjoyable. I'm not sure if I'm very happy that the ending set-up potential sequels, however.

agnesgailx's review against another edition

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I had originally planned on giving this book just 2 stars, but towards the end the story kind of improved, so I'm giving it a 3.

I am a huge Meg Cabot fan. I have loved her books since I was in high school. But this one.. Not her best, to be honest. When it started out it was a little interesting, and then towards the middle it became just a teeny bit boring and I found myself just wanting the story to end because Meena started getting on my nerves. She seemed too shallow for a main character. And there wasn't a single character that really caught my attention. There's usually always that one character in a book that stands out to me.

But yes, to cut it short, the story did improve in the end. I expected a typical Meg Cabot ending, but I'm glad she did something different.

Despite not really enjoying this first book, I will still be picking up the next one. I'm curious that way. ;)

catbrigand's review against another edition

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Cute, fast read, but really, really full of tropes. ESPECIALLY in character names, good lord.

smorrison4's review against another edition

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A great start to this duology (I would say trilogy but I don't think the third book will ever materialize). I love Meena's ability and how she tries to save everyone she can from succumbing to their future death. 

Looking forward to reading the second book to find out what happens next.

annettebooksofhopeanddreams's review against another edition

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I love Meg Cabot! I think I love her even more in English than I already did in Dutch when I was a little girl and the Princess Diaries was a relatively new story. So when I found this duology in a bookstore filled with used book I knew I had to have them. Vampires and Meg Cabot, that had to be a match made in heaven for me. And Sunday morning it was finally time to dive in. I planned to read a few chapters every day...

Once I started reading I just couldn't stop anymore. This book was incredibly addictive. That's partly because of the writing style. Cabot clearly has her own style and for some reason she always manages to make a lot of descriptions sound funny. I've been giggling out loud quite a lot, even during the more serious chapters. Because, although the writing style made the story sound funny, there were some really serious undertones too.

Because although this book has been written in the vampire era, when vampires were considered hot and we all wanted to date one, it's quite clear these vampires are quite dangerous too. Girls are getting murdered and left behind for the authorities to find and the Vatican is still paying an entire devision to kill these monsters and especially the Prince of Darkness who's supposed to be the baddest of them all. I don't wanna give too much away, but especially the finale DOES get dark.

And still the story feels kind of lighthearted. It's hard to explain. In a way Cabot tells a dark tale about vampires and a girl with a paranormal gift getting caught up in a vampire war. And yet it's also like she's writing a parody on all the vampire books that have become so big. Just like she clearly did her research and linked her story to quite some legends and folktales. While she's also adding loads of twists and unexpected turns.

I'm not entirely sure if I can keep myself from diving into the sequel tomorrow...

threesixnine's review against another edition

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I almost didn't finish this - it was tough, not sure I'll continue the series.