
Glass Heart Broken by Lindsey Iler

kaydanielsromance's review

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Mystery, deceit, and who to trust? Glass Heart Broken picks up right where Glass Heart Savage left off. Marek and Palmer are still twisted up in a tale of deception and lies, unsure of how much someone else is pulling the strings or if they are still deceiving each other.

While Palmer may have jumped into a relationship with Marek to try and uncover information about her sister ,Reed, she can't seem to help falling deeper into emotions for the man that may destroy her.  While Marek has shown her the monster that lives inside of him, a monster that calls to the darker side of her, he also has a softer side that he doesn't show anyone but her. The only problem, she doesn't know if it's an act or something real.

Marek can admit he's played wicked games with Palmer in the past, but as his feelings are growing for her he's not sure how he can forgive himself for the the hurt he's caused her. He's also not sure he can just shut off the dark side that lives inside of him, but he's gotten to a point where he craves her and isn't sure how to ever let her go. Before he can ever contemplate a future he has a past he needs to deal with and it has just crash landed on his doorstep and it seems the more he and Palmer try to uncover the mystery surrounding the murders on campus the more they find themselves falling into something more sinister than they ever thought possible. 

A thrilling conclusion of Marek and Palmer's story, but these boys of Glass Heart Academy are just heating up.

bookboyfriendandhusbandmake3's review

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The author stated that Glass Heart Broken had been delayed because of COVID and I must say that every single word of this book was worth the wait.

I was immediately pulled back into the Glass Heart Academy world, this book and these characters monopolized my every thought from the first word to the last.

Marek and Palmer are still surrounded by secrets, lies and half-truths but their connection has become electrifying as they carve a deeper part of themselves in each other’s broken hearts. Amidst the chaos of what could have brought anyone to their knees Palmer didn’t let it break her. She still had her caring heart and kept the core of who she was while finding her inner strength that had been buried by others.

It's been a long time since a storyline hypnotized me like Marek, Palmer and the other Glass Heart guys. Getting more insight to all the guys while also knowing each and every one of them is battling matters we have yet to discover. The storyline had me reading as fast as I could, holding my breath as I turned the page to see what cocktail of nerve-racking, spine-tingling moment was about to transpire.

This was beautifully written the emotions of these characters bled through the pages straight into my heart. Glass Heart Broken is unputdownable, epically intense, mind-bending, emotional storyline, intoxicating chemistry, feels and steam. After only 2 books in this series, Glass Heart Academy has become one of my favorites.

thebusybookmom's review

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It is very rare that I find a book where I can't figure out what is going on! Hats off to Lindsey as this book did exactly that.

Will they or won't they, will she or won't she, is she or isn't she, is he or isn't he? I cannot tell you how many times es I asked myself these questions and second guessed my answers through the whole book. There were times I wanted to shut the book, but ny curiosity always won out!

We catch up with Palmer, Marek, and the rest if the Glass House boys as they continue trying to solve the mystery of who is out for the girls of the academy. Everytime they seem to get close to the answers there are about five more questions that pop up. Not to mention Palmer and Marek are trying to digure out just what exactly their relationship status is besides messed up. Will Palmer always feel second best to her dead sister? Will Marek be able to move on from one sister to the other?

There are so many subplots and moving parts I am amazed at just how well the author managed to keep them moving, and tie things up in the end. Im glad we're going to get more of the Glass House boys and group because I have been sucked down the rabbit hole and ready for more

kfriend's review

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When I happened upon Glass Heart Savage, I was RIVETED. How had I not read Lindsey before?! I’ve been anxiously awaiting- and this sequel does NOT disappoint. It delivered everything I wanted and more. I am so obsessed with this series.

Glass Heart Broken picks right back up where our story left off- after the catastrophic climax between Palmer and the four Glass Heart boys- leaving them all battered and bruised, some emotionally, some physically- and the startling revelation at the end of the story. Palmer is left reeling , trying to make sense of all she’s learned, and she’s not sure if she can forgive her tormentors for using her so callously- trying to find her sister’s murdered at the expense of Palmer herself. And that’s the real heart of it, what hurts the most- now what they did but rather the fact that she was so easily sacrificed. Because they love her sister more. And that is Palmer’s cross in this story- trying to figure out these guys, Marek in particular- can truly care for her, and if that will ever compare to how they cared for her sister. All while trying to solve the original mystery of course- who is killing girls at their schools….and what other secrets are at play. And everyone has a secret.

I loved the first book, but this one is even better- you can see Lindsey really settling into these stories and characters. Pacing, character progression, emotional depth, and romantic tension are all even stronger than in the prior book. The suspense is meted perfectly, the drama and angst is addictive, and the characters are even more interesting. Lindsey really lets the character dynamics shine here- more so than in book one, which I think makes for an even more intriguing story. Along the way she introduces a hugely important element, and element that changes everyone’s dynamics. And it is brilliant- not only does it ultimately help progress the mystery in a way that leads to a fantastic denoument, but it also makes for some really clever writing. Because we get to watch everyone unravel, everyone gets exposed, MOST of the secrets come out- and we get to watch them work through it. Facing the hard truths about their relationships with each other- and thus, their relationship with themselves.

Palmer REALLY shines- she grows into herself, embraces her power and stands up for her needs. Even if she still is weak for Marke, and to the other guys as well. Lindsey also smartly gives each guy a crucial role in this story, with Palmer in particular, which helps redeem them some, and helps us understand their motives better. Like the prior book, Marek is still SEXY AF- but here we get more into his heart, more into his baggage, and of all the characters, we see the greatest vulnerability for him- the most emotional openness. And he struggles with some stuff- stuff that he HAS to, and that I was worried about facing (because I myself didn’t want to confront some confused Marek feelings)- but he can’t not decide what the past means for the present. His chemistry with Palmer is scorching and aching- a finely tuned balance of longing and repressed emotions.

The mystery is finally solved- and it was a shocker. The way all the pieces weave together into the finale was pretty brilliant. SO many twists and turns, and now everything makes sense. The Glass Heart world, the Glass Heart boys, and Palmer, are all broken. Broken by challenges we expected, and broken by those that we don’t. Broken by what they have to confront about the mystery, about their relationships, and about themselves. But we discover that their freedom lies in their brokenness- in embracing the cracks, exposing them- not only because it lets them, and you breathe, but because it means you can face them. These characters are broken, but they are not shattered- and they soon learn to find safety, fulfillment, and hope in their scars.

This conclusion was an epic adventure- but even better, an emotional roller coaster. And, while this chapter is done, and one mystery is solved, we’re not done finding out what is next for these Glass Heart men- and I am so ready for Breaker in particular!

shassler82's review

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Oh, Marek ♥️

thelovelybooknerd's review

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Wow that was an insane journey. So many twists and turns and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!!!
Palmer & Marek. God I love these too. But damn I wish I could slap them both. So many times I wanted to slap them. They eventually got to where I wanted them to, but DAMN the push and pull was crazy.
Rest of the boys. I LOVE THEM! Breaker better be getting a damn book. I need more Breaker ASAP.
What are you waiting for?????GO GET THIS BOOK NOW!
Darkness Factor: 8
Relationship Type: MF
Sub-Romance Genre: Bully Romance
Triggers: A,T,DA
Age Appropriateness: 18+
Ending Type: Not a Cliffie!
Availability: Amazon, Kindle Unlimited
Release Date: Out NOW!

maya_acacia's review

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I got 45% through this book, I really hoped that it would get better and it didn’t so I decided to DNF it

amberbehnke2013's review

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I swear it is Lindsey's goal in life to completely destroy everything I hold dear! She takes what I think I like, laughs in my face and then writes something totally different. Instead of confirming what I think, she has me questioning all my life decisions. A story like Palmer and Marek's is not normally my cup of tea. But hell what do I know? I loved this book so much! It's hot, dark, and full of suspense!
Thanks Lindsey for making me question everything!

kswear79's review

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My life hasn’t been the same since I found Lindsey in 2018... Her writing speaks to my soul.... Glass Heart Broken had me yelling at my kindle at one point - “I FREAKING KNEW IT....” but, holy smokes

sammers19's review

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This is book 2 in the series and oh my has it delivered, I haven't found a book by Lindsey that I haven't devoured yet and this one surely doesn't disappoint.
We learn so much about Palmer and Marek in the conclusion, and of course the while crew is back.... Breaker what more could I say about him