
Phase by Adam Hamdy

woolyj's review

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I received this book from a goodreads giveaway.

It was quite interesting reading this book as I wasnt sure which way it was going to go. All through it I wanted the main character to be ok and really liked him, even though he seemed so messed up at times. The thought of losing his child to find her at the end and her not to be who he thought she could have been was a bit of a twist and the fact his oldest friend was behind the whole thing, yeah that threw me too.

I had been told it was pretty dark but it didnt seem that bad in my honest opinion. I have read book way darker than this but I really enjoyed it.

I would recommend this book, I did like it and thought the story was different than most I have been reading lately. I would recommend it to YA too as it wasnt as dark as it could have been.

Yeah I liked it so I give it 4 stars

velvetlibrary's review

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I received a free copy of this book through the Goodreads First Reads program.

Phase is a really good book. After you're halfway in. For the first 100 or so pages, I thought it was well written and the story line was good - even if it seemed a bit like a supernatural Taken - but it just didn't grip me. I could tell that I was reading a good book, but I could put it down too easily and leave it for a week without any desperate desire to pick it up again. It took me weeks to get through the first 100 pages. The took me two days to finish the next 90.

At that point, the action picked up and I was completely sucked into Schaefer's world. I couldn't put it down. In fact, the only reason it took me two days to finish was because I was so tired that I literally fell asleep while reading.

One of the things that makes this book so captivating is Schaefer. At the beginning of the story, we see only a normal man, desperate to find his daughter. But as the story progresses and his actions become more questionable, we start to wonder how much he is motivated by the need to find his daughter and how much of his behaviour is just pure darkness, residing within him. He's quite a complex character, and it was a breath of fresh air to read a book with a protagonist I wasn't quite sure about. Is he a good man doing bad things motivated by love? Or is he a bad man using love as an excuse to do terrible things?

If you, like me, have trouble getting into it, my advice would be to stick it out. It's not long - only 192 pages - so getting to the exciting, can't-put-it-down bit shouldn't take too much time.

Read it. You won't regret it.