alienor's review against another edition

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"For as much as feminists are painted as "man-haters", we're not the ones suggesting that boys and men lack the ability to think rationally, control their own behavior, or act kindly toward other human beings - even with a boner. We're the ones who want all of our children to know about meaningful consent, healthy sexuality, and honoring each other's bodies and boundaries, instead of teaching them that one gender is responsible for managing the other's helpless animal lust."

Upon reading Asking for It, I was primarily faced with this question : Is it the right time to read this, when the news are already so fucking bleak every day? And then I realized that maybe there was no such thing as a "right time". I'm not gonna lie, all this hateful climate in the news affects me, and friends often tell me - with good intentions - that I shouldn't let offensive, idiotic (either political or ethical) decisions or statements hurt me. But the thing is, I hope I will never say, hey, that sucks, but that's how things are.

I welcome my anger and sadness because no, they're not sterile.

They mean that I, as an individual, do not agree with the bullshit I hear or read.

They mean that I, as an individual, do not accept the permanence or even pertinence of such statements.

They mean that even though I look pessimistic as hell, there must be some part of me who's optimistic enough to say that no, it's not okay and yes, we can change it.

While I may go through pessimistic stages, I don't want these stages to help spread bullshit. Take teachers, for example (I am one, so no, I'm not choosing a category of people to blame - I merely talk about what is more familiar to me) : before meeting your new class for the year, you'll often find a teacher* to tell you that,

" You know, you can't do anything more for X. Don't bother trying."

X being that kid, in the back raw, who often faces several learning disorders that either are a)not diagnosed or b)blatantly ignored when they're not c)mocked, or even d)dismissed as laziness or provocation (because not being able to spell would look like a provocation for a child. REALLY)

I wish I was generalizing.

So, let's come back to this statement : You can't do anything more for this kid. This 9 YEARS OLD kid (or even younger - often younger, actually).

Appalling, right? We can agree on that, right?

The thing is : for me, when it comes to rape culture, people's reaction often follows the same pattern, as if traditions (more like myths) were set in tables of stone and that our society would never ever change because we can't change it. Well. On that I'll give the same answer than I do when people argue that we should wait for industrials to take full responsibility for greenhouse gas emissions** before considering making adjustments in our personal lives :

1) Do you live on Earth?
2) Can you change something in your lifestyle - even a detail - that would reduce your ecological footprint?

Yeah? So WHY DON'T YOU. As with rape culture, it also revolves around a vicious circle that gives industrials and politics the opportunity they need to say - SEE! PEOPLE DON'T CARE! WHY SHOULD WE?***

When we refuse to acknowledge the existence of these issues, we're basically telling people who break the law a billion times that they can go on because we really do not care. Of course, as I said, everybody can participate in its own way and I'm not saying that everybody should read that book or follow that blog or watch that documentary because that would be annoying. I'm not saying that I'm perfect either, and that I know everything, because it would make me a liar (and also, a lousy human being).

"Rape is a thing that happens, sure, but it's not really something people do. Certainly, not that nice boy, that star quarterback, that beloved priest, that trusted babysitter, that troop leader, that teacher, that dear family friend.
It's as though none of us ever learned about "passive voice" in freshman comp. She was raped. Local woman raped. Girl, 11, raped in an abandoned trailer. Who's doing all the raping here? Incubi? If nobody's actually committing rape, how are we supposed to address it as a public health and safety issue?
Oh, right, by giving women endless lists of acceptable behaviors and warnings about personal responsibility, for as long as it takes until those dummies get it together and quit becoming victims."

- I love her sarcastic voice.

It can be telling that asshole over there that nope, groping women's breasts is not remotely funny. Neither it is normal, or inherent to male genetics (how can ANY man agree with that without feeling denigrated is beyond me). We need decent bystanders. Male AND female.

"In the meantime, though, it's worth remembering that in every one of the gang rapes I wrote about earlier in the chapter, there were not just people who participated and people who watched : there were also people who walked away, not wanting to be a part of it yet somehow not feeling empowered to stop it."

It can be answering a parent who tells you that his daughter sucks at Maths (or his son sucks at creative writing) because "you know, girls and Maths" that no, you really do not know.

It can be refusing slut-shaming as a rule including in a work of fiction because we can never separate reality and fiction entirely. Bullshit sure doesn't fear boundaries.

It can be teaching your kids that education is important because no, neither vaginas nor ovulation can "shut down" in case of rape.

It can be calling people on their shit when they propagate a Rape Myth like, "she asked for it" or "she is lying" (or he, in the case of a man being raped) or "sleep means consent" or "a victim must behave in a certain way" etc.

"Imagine if every pedestrian who reported being hit by a car were thoroughly investigated for evidence of suicidality, while the driver's claim of "I didn't see him there" would be reason enough to drop any charges."

It can be so many things.

What I'm merely saying is : admittedly, Asking for It won't be ground-breaking for you if you read a few books about rape culture before, because most of the facts and studies here have already been discussed elsewhere. Sometimes, though, this is not what matters to me. Sometimes what matters to me is that somebody cares - somebody tries.

And you know what? Things ARE changing. At a snail pace, sure, but they are. My little sister is way more informed on rape culture than I was at her age (and it's an understatement, really). It's not much, but it's SOMETHING, and if we dismiss these little progressions we are basically saying that it's a lost cause.

I am not remotely okay with saying that fighting rape culture is a lost cause.

"But if you've been alive longer than a few years on planet Earth, you have some ability to recognize bullshit. You should feel free to use it."

* You'll also find many teachers who will not buy that bullshit, fortunately.

** Granted, if you think that global warming is a scam created by the vile scientists around the world because of REASONS (??!!?), then my argument won't speak to you.

*** This rhetoric is often presented as "blaming individuals". Again, it's not the point. It doesn't mean industrials and governments don't have anything to do, or that individual responsibility is greater - it only means that if we're going to argue that we're sensible adults, we should well start acting like ones.

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kaitlynn_c's review against another edition

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spent the entire book nodding as i was reading

ktcarlston's review against another edition

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The Alarming Rise of Rape Culture and What We Can Do About It - this book was painful. Painful in the sense that I was reminded again and again that rape is the one crime where we almost always blame the victim. Or at least our questions are directed towards the victim. "How much were you drinking?" "What were you wearing?" "You kissed him?" This was an excellent book reminding and enlightening me about how no means no and that even when drinking we expect people to not operate a car or commit a murder - so yes, even if drunk we should expect people not to rape. I consider myself a feminist and yet I will admit some of the things the author discussed about the rape culture I admit either asking those same questions or at least looking to find some sort of culpability by the victim. This reminded me of how wrong that is.

kjboldon's review against another edition

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2015: Smart breakdown of the many aspects of rape culture, told with humor and style.

2020: Re-read. Just as pertinent and chilling, post #MeToo.

llochner's review against another edition

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emays9222's review against another edition

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I am not in the headspace for this book so it’s going to have to be a no from me for right now. I fully intend to come back but when you can’t get through the first bit without being emotionally devastated, it’s time to take a step back. 

barker563's review against another edition

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I'll admit that this is a topic that I've tried to avoid examining too closely. Everything about this issue makes me uncomfortable, especially since my lack of examination only exposed me to the most strident opinions on all sides, which made me feel like all sides on this issue were completely wrong.

That being said, I'm really glad that I read this book. It was well written and addresses extremism on all sides. While there were parts of it that I didn't agree with, they were well reasoned and forced me to think about the issues involved and form my own issues. Other books/articles/pundits make it easy to avoid forming a solid opinion. They are loud and spout extremist views and make it easy to just say "that's crazy" without forming your own opinion. Harding was well reasoned, so in order to justify disagreeing with her on anything I had to sit down and think about the issues.

While I don't agree with all of her viewpoints I do think that the main points about education are spot on. If our education improves then we wouldn't have the huge issues that we had today. I honestly feel like this book or one like it should be required reading as part of sex-ed classes. It forces you to take a long hard look at what exactly consent is and examine what aspects of the media have influenced your views on what is acceptable behavior surrounding success.

In short: this book is the best kind of book, even if you don't agree with it you are forced to think and you will come away a better person for reading it.

vivian_munich's review against another edition

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I’m glad that I picked up this book, although it was not a comfortable read, it was a necessary one. This rape culture of “victim blaming”, “boys just being boys and girls who drink and wear miniskirts are just asking for it” is so deeply ingrained in our society, perpetuated by countless men and not so few women either. It’s time to call it for what it is, there is no illegitimate rape or sex by surprise. Rape is rape. It’s more than just “No means no”; asking for affirmative consent calls for the new slogan “yes means yes”. And you can withdraw your consent anytime you want.

I never considered myself as a feminist, because I always encountered decent human beings and I thought that’s how the world operated. I didn’t see race, gender, religion, and everyone was a special individual. A while ago I had this epiphany that just because I look at things that way doesn’t mean the society does too. The society sees race, sees gender, and conditions the men to feel entitled to money, power and female bodies.

Just because it’s not happening to you doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

We need a collective awakening of awareness to change the status-quo. Join the wave.

jessrock's review against another edition

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Asking for It is a really well researched and well written book about rape culture - our contemporary culture, where men can generally feel safer than women, where men's words are given more credibility than women's, where jokes about raping people are still told and still sometimes get laughs in response.

I waffled on giving this four or five stars, because I'm very glad I read it but there's not really a lot of new information here; I don't feel like I learned a lot or had my eyes opened to things I hadn't already thought about. I settled on five because I'm really glad this book exists, and I can see it being incredibly powerful for a younger reader who's figuring things out for the first time, or for men who are willing to take some time to examine their privilege. I think for most adult female readers, Asking for It will be compelling and get the blood boiling a bit about this world we live in, but it isn't saying much we don't already know.

Harding does a fabulous job of striking a balance between being academic and humorous in her writing. She backs up everything she says with research; she examines how rape affects people across gender, race, class, and sexual orientation; and she knows the power of laughter in letting off some steam. I appreciated her moments of levity and thought her personality in the writing really helps keep this book from going too far into dry academic-writing territory.

Definitely recommended, especially for high school and college age readers, but it's a pretty compelling read even if you're already fully on board with everything Harding has to say.

feeona's review against another edition

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A sarcastic and offensively written book about rape culture and sexism. I really enjoyed reading it even though some of the examples really made me angry, but the sarcastic writing made it easier to read about such stupidity and ignorance.