
Dirty Deeds by Megan Erickson

kaitlin_durante's review

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3.5 adorable British man and lady mechanic stars! Cute story

jaimejustreadsromance's review

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You know how you start a series and fall in love with it and never want it to end but, somewhere in the back of your mind, you start to worry because what if, with each new book, the series starts to lose its steam? Well, this is not one of those series. I fell in love with Cal, Jenna, Brent and Ivy in the first two books and wasn't sure there was room to fall again in a third book, but I was wrong, because I totally did. Once I started this book, I couldn't put it down.

Alex is spunky and strong despite the fact that she's been convinced that she's weak and worthless. It's taken a while but with the help of her sister and the Payton family, she's decided to stand her ground and to quit running from her past. Spencer is a sexy, polished, British businessman with a not so posh past that he's determined to forget. One night with Alex while he's on his way out-of-town and he just can't seem to stop thinking about her and their night together, even when he's back in New York where she is supposed to be a distant memory.

When his job sends him back to town, he and Alex decide that their attraction is too strong to deny but the option for long-term isn't viable so they decide that casual is worth a shot. But casual turns to more, quicker than either of them can comprehend and when Spencer's reasons for being back threaten everything Alex loves, will it be the thing that finally breaks her for good?

This story was sexy and sweet and everything I've come to expect from this series and this author. I feel like I have a personal relationship with each of the characters and will miss them when this series is over for real. I'm holding out for one last story (*cough* Delilah & Davis). I have to admit that I might miss Brent the most. He's the perfect combination of sweet and funny and has provided some hilarious and sigh-worthy moments in each story.

If you love sweet, sexy, funny romances with a close-knit family feel to them then you need to get familiar with the Payton brothers and their friends ASAP.

*I received an ARC from Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review

agrutle's review

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You know of my love for Megan Erickson and all that she writes and this book didn't disappoint. We met Alex at the end of Cal's book but got to know her in Brents book. She's Ivy's sister and she's had some heavy shit go on in her life. Despite all of that she does still like men but she doesn't get attached. That way she can have the fun and but not the commitment and the possibility of the men becoming Robby, the past. One night when she was closing up the shop a nice car with a posh British guy rolls up and she's intrigued. She offers him a ride back to his hotel (his car needs some work), and he offers to buy her dinner. One thing leads to another, sparks fly and they end up sleeping together. I have to say that I was glad I read this alone because *fans self* it was super hot!! Alex knows that is just a one time thing and even though she's drawn to him like she's not been to any other man since the asshat, she won't let her emotions dive anymore below the surface.

Spencer is in Tory to scout a location for a new hotel. He isn't used to the rough roads of the area and now needs his car serviced. He wasn't expecting a woman to be at the mechanics let alone a woman that looked like Alex. She was petite and had curves in all the right places. He was attracted to her but wasn't going to make the move towards her because he wasn't going to be in the area long. When she offered one night he couldn't refuse and took her back to his hotel room. The night was amazing and he couldn't stop thinking about her even after he went back home. When he was sent back to Tory to pick a spot for sure out of two possibilities he knew he needed to see her again and try to get her to agree to a long distance thing.

These two were hot. I mean jump off the page heat. I loved seeing Alex break down all the walls she had built. We saw that in Ivy and Brent's book, how closed off she was to actually feeling things. Spencer broke through all of that when he would ask her what she wanted and not just take or assume things. Alex became the best woman she could be because Spencer showed her that she was worthy of love and that she didn't need a man to be content in life. I could go on and on about these two and this series, they're on my top 10 books of 2015. Check them out and let the author know what you think, reviews are your way of saying thank you!!

cupcakegirly's review

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I was so excited to learn Alex was getting her own book! She's a great blend of beauty, brains and ballsyness,(<--yep, ballsyness is a real word.) and her story does not disappoint. It's a great addition to the series.

Dirty Deeds is smexy, romantic and lots of fun! So is Spencer, in case you're wondering. The saucy Brit is all business but still manages to bring out the softer side of Alex, proving to her she's worth every bit of love she deserves. From her family, from her friends, and especially from him.

The cast of supporting characters was a blast too, then again, it's always a good time when a Peyton is around. I'm pretty sure this is the final book in the series, and as always, I'm sad to see these characters go, but it's been a fun ride!

Read it.

the_cover_contessa's review

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I want to thank Avon for providing me with a copy of this book to read and give an honest review. Receiving this book for free has in no way altered my opinion or review.

I am a huge fan of Megan Erickson. I will read anything she writes. I've enjoyed each and every book she's put out so far. I especially have been in love with this particular series. There's just something so raw and intense about it that draws me right in. So given the chance to read this book for a blog tour, I jumped at it. And I was in now way disappointed. As a matter of fact, this turned out to be my favorite in the series so far.

We met Alex in the second book of the Mechanics of Love series. She was introduced as a tough as nails mechanic who would go to any length to protect herself and her family. So it's no shocker that she continues to be that same sassy, no bones girl we met in Dirty Thoughts. Of course Alex has her past that haunts her. A past that causes her to be a bit distrusting of people, especially men. She lets very few people get close to her.

Enter Spencer. He's an English business man who happens to need a mechanic while traveling for his job. What he doesn't expect when walking into Payton and Sons is to find a woman who knows just how to handle a car, and herself He's instantly drawn to her. But Spencer has a past he hies as much as Alex. One where he was a different person. One he's been trying to make sure stays buried as he pushes his way up the corporate ladder. And, like Alex, Spencer isn't looking for anything complicated, so given the chance to be casual with Alex, he takes it.

The two share one hot night together, agreeing to be done with just that. But neither can seem to get the other off their mind. Alex has quit men and doesn't want the feelings attached to what they can bring out in her, but she can't seem to shake Spencer from her blood. And Spencer wants his job, but Alex has gotten under his skin. There's no denying the chemistry between these two. And while I'm not usually a fan of instal-love, that's not really what you get here. You get a slow burn on the feelings end, but a hot run on attraction side!

Of course there's some stuff that might just tear them apart. Spencer hasn't been totally honest with Alex about what his company intends to do in Tory, MD. He lets his job blind him to the fact that Alex is just what he needs.

I love the cast of supporting characters in these books. They form an incredible family who support each other and watch out for each other.

The best part of watching this cast of characters and their stories lines is seeing how much Erickson has grown as a writer. I really enjoyed her Bowler series, so when she said spin-off I said YES! And with each book she wrote, her story telling grew stronger and stronger. There is no doubt I will keep coming back to Megan's stories in the future.

If you're a fan of contemporary romance with a bit of angst topped off with a sexy female mechanics and a swoon worthy Brit, you'll not be disappointed in this book. It can certainly be read as a stand alone, since the cast of characters is explained well enough. But that shouldn't stop you from wanting to go and see what the other couples have to offer!

chroniclesofabookreader's review against another edition

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Alex is a woman in a man’s world. She’s a hardworking, tough chick that loves working on cars, and she’s good at it too. Having spent too long running from her past, she’s settled down in this town and found solace in Payton and Sons Automotive, along with the Payton family. But with her sister and niece out of her house, she’s feeling that loss big time. So she spends a lot of extra time at the shop so she doesn’t have to go home and be alone. One such night presents a broken-down car and a hot, sexy Englishman. Not one to waste a golden opportunity, especially one that is only in town until tomorrow, she decides to knock some boots, because what could possibly go wrong?

Spencer has spent a lot of time and hardwork making himself into the man he is, and with where he is. Working himself up to the top, a lead into a promotion sends him into Tory, Maryland for a possible site for his company’s hotel. And that lead couldn’t have been better when he comes across the sexy mechanic who ultimately ends up rocking his world. And his heart. When it turns out that both of them have been running, will either of them learn to stay?

I was so happy to get to read the story about Alex. She is such a strong, unbroken character who thinks she’s beyond repair. She thinks she’s far weaker than she is, and yet she finds her strength in the most unlikeliest of places. And Spencer? Well he was just a doll. So caring and had such a soft-touch. Ms. Erickson created another uplifting and sexy romance that elevated the ability to find strength for the heroine, and a hero that simply lent a helping hand. Sexy and sweet, Dirty Deeds will make your heart melt.

**Received an early copy in exchange for an honest review**

jaimereadsromance's review against another edition

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You know how you start a series and fall in love with it and never want it to end but, somewhere in the back of your mind, you start to worry because what if, with each new book, the series starts to lose its steam? Well, this is not one of those series. I fell in love with Cal, Jenna, Brent and Ivy in the first two books and wasn't sure there was room to fall again in a third book, but I was wrong, because I totally did. Once I started this book, I couldn't put it down.

Alex is spunky and strong despite the fact that she's been convinced that she's weak and worthless. It's taken a while but with the help of her sister and the Payton family, she's decided to stand her ground and to quit running from her past. Spencer is a sexy, polished, British businessman with a not so posh past that he's determined to forget. One night with Alex while he's on his way out-of-town and he just can't seem to stop thinking about her and their night together, even when he's back in New York where she is supposed to be a distant memory.

When his job sends him back to town, he and Alex decide that their attraction is too strong to deny but the option for long-term isn't viable so they decide that casual is worth a shot. But casual turns to more, quicker than either of them can comprehend and when Spencer's reasons for being back threaten everything Alex loves, will it be the thing that finally breaks her for good?

This story was sexy and sweet and everything I've come to expect from this series and this author. I feel like I have a personal relationship with each of the characters and will miss them when this series is over for real. I'm holding out for one last story (*cough* Delilah & Davis). I have to admit that I might miss Brent the most. He's the perfect combination of sweet and funny and has provided some hilarious and sigh-worthy moments in each story.

If you love sweet, sexy, funny romances with a close-knit family feel to them then you need to get familiar with the Payton brothers and their friends ASAP.

*I received an ARC from Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review

the_cover_contessa's review against another edition

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I want to thank Avon for providing me with a copy of this book to read and give an honest review. Receiving this book for free has in no way altered my opinion or review.

I am a huge fan of Megan Erickson. I will read anything she writes. I've enjoyed each and every book she's put out so far. I especially have been in love with this particular series. There's just something so raw and intense about it that draws me right in. So given the chance to read this book for a blog tour, I jumped at it. And I was in now way disappointed. As a matter of fact, this turned out to be my favorite in the series so far.

We met Alex in the second book of the Mechanics of Love series. She was introduced as a tough as nails mechanic who would go to any length to protect herself and her family. So it's no shocker that she continues to be that same sassy, no bones girl we met in Dirty Thoughts. Of course Alex has her past that haunts her. A past that causes her to be a bit distrusting of people, especially men. She lets very few people get close to her.

Enter Spencer. He's an English business man who happens to need a mechanic while traveling for his job. What he doesn't expect when walking into Payton and Sons is to find a woman who knows just how to handle a car, and herself He's instantly drawn to her. But Spencer has a past he hies as much as Alex. One where he was a different person. One he's been trying to make sure stays buried as he pushes his way up the corporate ladder. And, like Alex, Spencer isn't looking for anything complicated, so given the chance to be casual with Alex, he takes it.

The two share one hot night together, agreeing to be done with just that. But neither can seem to get the other off their mind. Alex has quit men and doesn't want the feelings attached to what they can bring out in her, but she can't seem to shake Spencer from her blood. And Spencer wants his job, but Alex has gotten under his skin. There's no denying the chemistry between these two. And while I'm not usually a fan of instal-love, that's not really what you get here. You get a slow burn on the feelings end, but a hot run on attraction side!

Of course there's some stuff that might just tear them apart. Spencer hasn't been totally honest with Alex about what his company intends to do in Tory, MD. He lets his job blind him to the fact that Alex is just what he needs.

I love the cast of supporting characters in these books. They form an incredible family who support each other and watch out for each other.

The best part of watching this cast of characters and their stories lines is seeing how much Erickson has grown as a writer. I really enjoyed her Bowler series, so when she said spin-off I said YES! And with each book she wrote, her story telling grew stronger and stronger. There is no doubt I will keep coming back to Megan's stories in the future.

If you're a fan of contemporary romance with a bit of angst topped off with a sexy female mechanics and a swoon worthy Brit, you'll not be disappointed in this book. It can certainly be read as a stand alone, since the cast of characters is explained well enough. But that shouldn't stop you from wanting to go and see what the other couples have to offer!

kindlelovingmom's review against another edition

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I love this series! Both Cal and Brent's books were awesome, but lookout! Alex is such a badass heroine, and this is her time to shine. She, and her Posh Brit, Spencer!

It was so nice to see Alex come back into her own, after we learned her bad relationship history in the last book. To see her gain confidence in herself again was just beautiful. She is a total boss and I just love her. She and Spencer together clicked right away. He was more than he seemed on first impression, and I'm so glad she gave him the chance.

Of course, there were definitely some swoonworthy scenes as are typical from Megan's awesome books. I highly recommend this book, and this series!!

lpcoolgirl's review against another edition

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Such a fantastic book! Loved reading about these characters, and while I'm sad to say goodbye, I can't wait for Megan Erickson's next book!