arcanajax's review

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I enjoyed the 2015 collection more.

gettyhesse's review

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This was perhaps an even stronger collection than last year's, if that's possible. I especially, especially enjoyed Vandana Singh's "Ambiguity Machines: An Examination." It reminded me of the best of Borges, only with more characterization and background detail.

woahno's review

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I'm using this space to record my thoughts on "The Game of Smash and Recovery" by Kelly Link.

This story was a mixed bag for me. Some of the abruptness and vagueness in the writing style through me off but it played into a wonderful back story. I kept wanting to know more about Anat and her parents and if they were going to show up. Outside of that though I did not find the games Anat and Oscar play that engaging and the ending did not land with me.

pearseanderson's review

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It only makes sense to give this anthology around half of the possible stars, since around half of the possible stories in it are "The Best of 2016." And most of those were backloaded into this anthology, hung up by pieces like the science-fiction nonfiction-prose-poetry "Meet Me in Iram," the frustrating and unnecessary "Tea Time," and the instantly forgettable "By Degrees and Dilatory Time." This anthology was, in my opinion, poorly selected and arranged and I don't know what would explain this but Karen Joy Fowler. Were these the best? Really?

Well, besides the light/literary SFF (Rushdie's New Yorker piece, Ziemska's Tin House piece, Johnson's Harper's piece, Anders' essentially modern Rat Catcher's Yellows bit), there is some strong, creative, hard SFF work: Three Bodies at Mitanni, Ambiguity Machines, and Planet Lion (the former two have made it onto my Best Prose I've Read in 2017 list). Now, Anders and Johnson did do good pieces too! And Headshot and Things You Can Buy for a Penny were good too, but the remaining, unsuperb, kind of filler "best" works weighed this anthology down for me. So I dunno what I'll give it: 6/10? 7/10? It made me groan at times.

survivalisinsufficient's review

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There are some amazing stories in here...some of my faves: Three Bodies at Mitanni, Interesting Facts, No Placeholder for You My Love, Headshot.

jonathanwlodarski's review

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"The Great Silence," Ted Chiang
"The Heat of Us: Notes Toward an Oral History," Sam J. Miller
"Rat Catcher's Yellows," Charlie Jane Anders
"The Mushroom Queen," Liz Ziemska
"By Degrees and Dilatory Time," S.L. Huang

britreads's review

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A definite must read for anyone who is interested in magic, space, fairy tales and tall tells. Some stories that are my personal favorites include: "Interesting Facts," "The Apartment Dweller's Bestiary," "Tea Time," "Headshot," "Things You Can Buy For A Penny," and "The Heat of Us: Notes toward an Oral History." But all of these stories are wonderful in their own way.

drewsof's review

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Not quite as strong a collection as last year's, but in a still-very-interesting way - and one that reflects the guest editor, I think, as opposed to general strength of SFF in 2015.

More TK.

ctaymor's review against another edition

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There were some really delightful stories in here, and only one that I really didn't enjoy.

It was fascinating to find that such a new book (only a year old, and the stories inside two years old, published in 2015) felt a little dated. The world has changed so much in 2 years, and some of the going concerns in sci-fi then simply aren't the most pressing concerns today. But they are still really interesting.

I started to list my favorites, but the list was half the table of contents. Suffice it to say, there's lots of great stories here.

kevinwkelsey's review against another edition

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Posted at Heradas Review

This is an equal mix of F and SF stories, and John Joseph Adams truly understands the difference between Fantasy and Science Fiction, which is refreshing. The stories started out a little rough but quickly got into some AAA level stuff about a quarter of the way in, including a few new personal all-time favorite short stories in any genre.

Standout stories: Interesting Facts, No Placeholder for You My Love, The Duniazát, Things You Can Buy for a Penny, and Three Bodies at Mitanni.

Individual story reviews:

Meet Me in Iram, by Sofia Samatar: F, 2/5
Narratively unique but otherwise not particularly interesting.

The Game of Smash and Recovery, By Kelly Link: SF, 3/5
Enjoyed this one. I like it when authors write outside of their usual genre like this. It's dedicated to Iain M. Banks at the end, which automatically made me rethink it as a Culture story, which it isn't. But it very easily could exist in that universe.

Interesting Facts, by Adam Johnson: F, 5/5
A new all-time favorite. Heartbreaking and human, with mind-blowing prose that literally changes the way you read the story AS you're reading it. Fantastic fantasy.

Planet Lion, by Catherynne M. Valente: SF, 2/5
Alien lion analogs act out some soap opera drama when they come in contact with advanced colonist tech. A real eye-roller, with a neat tech concept near the end that is its only redeeming quality.

The Apartment Dweller's Bestiary, by Kij Johnson: F, 1/5
20 very short non-stories written in second person about imaginary creatures in apartments, often detailing whether or not "your" boyfriend or girlfriend likes or gets along with them.

By Degrees of Dilatory Time, by S.L. Huang: SF, 4/5
I liked this one. Near future transhumanistic tale about adaptation and the process of healing being more than a physical one.

The Mushroom Queen, by Liz Ziemska F, 4/5
Creepy little fantasy story. Reminded me a lot of Jeff VanderMeer, but that might just be the Mushrooms talking.

Daydreamer by Proxy, by Dexter Palmer: SF, 3/5
Short little comedy about what seems like the worst place to work.

Tea Time, by Rachel Swirsky: F, 2/5
Great writing for literally being a piece of fan fiction.

Headshot, by Julian Mortimer Smith: SF, 4/5
Realistic near future democracy concepts. Very thought provoking.

The Duniazát, by Salmon Rushdie: F, 5/5
Fantastical alternate mythical history. Beautiful prose.

No Placeholder for You, My Love, by Nick Wolven: SF, 5/5
Fucking hell, that was brutally good. An SF romance/tragedy mixed in with Simulacron 3. Fantastic writing, and a compelling story.

The Thirteen Mercies, by Maria Dahvana Headley: F, 4/5
Great writing. I want to know more about this world. Brutal grim-dark fantasy that's just one click off from our world.

Lightning Jack's Last Ride, by Dave Bailey: SF, 4/5
Loved the way this one was written. Feels like a story straight out of the prohibition era, transported to the slight future.

Things You Can Buy for a Penny, by Will Kaufman: F, 5/5
Such a perfect cautionary fairy-tale. I wanted to hate this one when I started it, but it very quickly won me over and became another high peak in this collection.

Rat Catcher's Yellows, by Charlie Jane Anders: SF, 4/5
An almost perfect little SF story.

The Heat of Us: Notes Toward an Oral History, by Sam J. Miller: F, 3/5
Solid oral history of a paranormal event that took place during a police raid on a gay bar during the late sixties.

Three Bodies at Mitanni, by Seth Dickenson: SF, 6/5
This story exemplary embodies everything about what SF can accomplish as a literary form. An absolutely fantastic cerebral, philosophical, moral human story.

Ambiguity Machines: An Examination, by Vandanna Singh: F, 2/5
It was okay. The stories within the story were fun.

The Great Silence, by Ted Chiang: SF, 2/5
Really surprised that this wasn't better. Ted Chiang almost never disappoints, but this one kind of left me wanting.