
The Unlocked Path: A Novel by Janis Robinson Daly, Janis Robinson Daly

angiew23's review

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This Historical Fiction follows Dr. Eliza Pearson Edwards, a fictional character based on the author's own relative, who is one of the first women to complete medical school as the Women's Medical College of Pennsylvania. This historical fiction, set at the turn of the 20th century, covers everything relevant to the time period: suffrage, societal views of women (and especially female doctors), the titanic sinking, racism and discrimination towards immigrants, the Catholic church's view of abortion and contraception, WWI, secret lesbian relationships, the Spanish Flu and more! Janis Robinson Daly definitely knows her stuff when it comes to history from this time period.

I really loved how the author portrayed Eliza. She is an independent and determined young woman who knows that just becoming a wife and mother is not enough for her, she wants to challenge herself academically. When she convinces her mother that she should and will attend medical school, she sets out on a path that is very unusual for this time period and one that does not follow a nice gentle path. The author is realistic about the time period and includes many challenges for Eliza including: conflicting views of her profession, academic difficulties, disastrous romances and the inner conflict between her desires for both a career and family.

As far as Historical Fictions go, this one follows a nice, easy chronological timeline that gives just enough foreshadowing for you to guess what might come during the next current event. There is no time hopping and it is just told from Eliza's perspective - though the other characters are well developed and therefore there are actually a good number of storylines and ideas to explore throughout the story.

I would definitely give this book a 5 star rating and recommend it for anyone interested in historical fictions set in the late 1800s/early 1900s with some medical drama. Thanks so much to NetGalley and Erin at Darcie Rowan PR for the opportunity to read and review this great book!