
Buni: Happiness Is a State of Mind by Ryan Pagelow

reader_for_the_dead's review against another edition

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I've been rating too many books 5 stars lately. But I've just had such a great NetGalley haul!

Remember Happiness is...?
Image result for happiness is

Well this book is also about happiness (and it features unicorns) but it's a little more....mature.

Don't read this review any further if dark humour and disturbing images get to you.

Alright. So I usually think about what to say in my reviews. I didn't really think here. I just felt. This comic is the funniest yet most charming stuff I've seen in a long time. It has the perfect balance of dark humour and the intricacies of life. It's basically me metamorphosed into a book.

So our protagonist(?) is Buni, an optimistic little bunny that just wants to love. Most of the time.

He's extremely naive, but he has his friends, Unnamed Bearded Prison Guy 1 (Who is a cynical, withered bunny) and Two-Legged Doggo, who is my favourite character of all time.

The illustrator turns tropes and popular sayings on their heads. And then some.

Sometimes I dislike Happiness is...because it really ignores that life can be shit (But sometimes that utopian view is needed). But this comic doesn't. It shows that life can be shit, but we can help each other grow stronger. Whether it's a two-legged dog or a man who just got out of jail, you can find love and acceptance.

And life doesn't have to be regular - it doesn't have to follow suit the so-called normal life. I can relate to this so fundamentally because my life has never been normal.


This anthropomorphic, dark-humour fuelled comic is genius and so relatable. I'd recommend this book to anyone who feels different and is in need of alternatives to cutesie self-help comics. There are hard truths about life in here, balanced out by an optimistic realist perspective, sprinkled with some jokes in-between.

I honestly wish I could put every page in my review, but you have got to go read this yourself. Here are some of my favourite pages: (I'm a vegetarian myself but the meat jokes killed me)

So kudos to Mr Pagelow for writing this gem. Here's my favourite comic:

received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

sunbat5001's review against another edition

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This is a wordless book of comic strips about a very clueless rabbit. The rabbit lives in a cutesy but nightmarish world where awful things keep happening, but he is still happy all the time. Some of the comics are funny, but some are a little too twisted for my liking, like where he eats the corpse of his pig friend after the funeral. The moral of the story was supposedly that happiness is a state of mind, but what I took away from it was that the rabbit was just totally oblivious. A lot of it wasn't really my sense of humour, but I'm sure some people will really enjoy those parts.

[Free ARC from NetGalley]

crookedtreehouse's review against another edition

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Writing summaries for a collection of stories or comics is a challenge. When, flipping through Previews, to order comics, this book's description didn't catch any of our attention. Fortunately, we were shipped a copy by mistake.

I bought it. Two of my coworkers have since ordered it.

Optimistic bunny lives in comically dark world doesn't really do the book justice, so you should just go and check out Buni Comics, and then decide whether or not the bookis for you.

I think it's often hilarious.

I recommend it for people who enjoy unepected punchlines in their silent, three or four panel comics.

library_of_allie's review against another edition

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This poor bunny.

gorelenore's review against another edition

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Coming soon...

geekwayne's review against another edition

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'Buni:Happiness Is a State of Mind' by Ryan Pagelow is a collection of comics about a happy rabbit and a dark twisted world.

This is a collection of wordless comics. They mostly start with a pretty happy scenario that ends with a pretty dark twist. Buni is in the rain. It turns to bills. Then to coins. Most have a morbid turn full of black humor.

These comics had me laughing. There is something about comedy with an unexpected ending when the timing is good, and this writer has that timing. The art contributes to that because it is so disarmingly friendly.

I received a review copy of this ebook from Andrews McMeel Publishing and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.

mckinlay's review against another edition

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*I received a free DRC from netgalley and the publisher. This does not affect my review.*

[3.5 stars]
These comics were a nice mix of funny, sweet, and twisted. Just a cute book to flip through for a laugh and a smile.

mckinseyf's review against another edition

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It's so refreshing to find a comic where all the punchlines are visual gags rather than relying on dialogue. Not all of them were a hit, but I applaud the effort and talent required for this kind of comedy.

ljrinaldi's review against another edition

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This is another collection of comics that have previously been online. Built in audience, don't you know. And if you love all things Buni, you will love this collection.

But, if you are not familiar with Buni, below are two cartoons from the book. As you can tell, the humor is dark, and odd. Buni always has a sunny disposition, even if the world around him is crap. And perhaps that is a good way to go through life, but I found the cartoons sort of sad.

Buni Balloon
Buni Book

It is a good collection of these sorts of cartoons, and there are some laughs in there.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.

klearlyreading's review against another edition

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I try very hard to share reviews that are both positive but also suggest also checking out the book even if I don't like it. I love comics, I loved the idea behind this one because well honestly it really fits behind my sense of humor really well! But I just couldn't get behind it. The way it was pitched and the way it played out didn't seem to match to me. Individually I would love the comics. Together they just don't seem to work. I checked out the webpage when I was looking into the author. I really do like the comics. The bunny is so stupidly optimistic in such a messed up world and in a way it's like me and I can appreciate that. I do suggest checking the book out obviously what is not for me can be for someone else. Also, make sure to check out the author.