
Toxic by Jus Accardo

kayla_llbr's review against another edition

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Toxic is a book filled with angst from the first page to the very last. Dez and Kale are growing in their relationship and spending time coming to terms to all of the drama that has happened to them. Dez finally has her mom back in her life and just when you think things might start going their way shit starts getting real. One of the most important twists of this book is Dez is losing her immunity to Kale’s touch. Now she cannot kiss or touch him without a violent reaction. Kale is determined to not hurt Dez and to figure things out but then you have the addition of a new character that is immune to Kale’s touch:

Jade. I HATED her from the moment she stepped on the scene and so did Dez.

“So what’d we miss?” Jade pulled a chair from the next table and wedged it between Kale and Dax.
“We were just about to vote you off the island,” I said, stirring my coffee.
“You’ve got my vote,” Kiernan said enthusiastically, glaring at Jade.

She is manipulative, and basically begging Dez to beat her down.

What I most liked about this book was how you could relate to Dez’s emotions. She’s so in love but she’s insecure, she’s scared.

“This is how it was with Kale. So easy to lose myself. Let all the walls down and forget about everything. He really was everything to me. My beginning and end.”

You really feel what she is feeling the whole book. And Kale <3 he is a beautiful soul.

3.5 stars*

lolasreviews's review against another edition

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I really liked this book, I liked book 1 better, but this book was also great. The story was really good and I wanted to keep reading to see what problems Dez and Kale would encounter now.

I did liked the story, but I think the story of book was more action packed an fast paced. In this book there was more sitting around and planning. The story did have some action packed moments, but few of them than in book 1. I did think that the story was a bit too predictable, there where some major plot twist that are obvious quite early in the book already and I had hoped for a little more surprises.

I also had the urge to shake some sense in a few characters, more than once. Dez had a few of those moments where she was totally convinced of something and I only could think please think a bit more about it, check if there is another explanation. And most of all just talk, quite often in a book the characters forget there is such a simple solution. Okay except for that I really liked getting to know the characters more and seeing more from Kale, he is such an adorable character and I love the simple way he thinks. Dez is the type of person I could never be, but I love reading about her recklesness and all the things she does to get another adrenaline fix. Both are such great characters. I did think that some side characters could get a more personality, there where a few characters from who we see a really one sided picture because of Dez' point of view. And I would like to know more about who they really are.

In this book there isn't much world building added, most of the world is already explained in book 1 and this book actually has nothing new to offer. Don't get me wrong I don't think this is a bad thing, there just wasn't anything about the world more to add. We do get a few more examples of what some of the sixes can do and I liked getting a better picture of the variety of skills.

To conclude: the story was a bit predictable, but enjoyable. The characters had a few moment where I really wanted to shake some sense in them, but I liked seeing more of the characters. There isn't really much world building in this book, but we do get a better idea of the variety of skills the sixes have. All in all a great sequel and I am looking forward to reading the next book.

cupcakegirly's review against another edition

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Jus Accardo doesn't have to worry about the sophomore slump because Toxic, with it's heart pounding intensity, is Touch on an adrenaline rush! Everything is higher in this second book of the Denazen Series, the action, suspense, romantic tension and definitely the stakes. There are surprises, betrayals and moments so heart wrenching, I wanted to cry. Toxic sucks you in immediately and keeps you on the edge of your seat right up to the last sentence.

Dez is still fierce and hasn't lost any of her rebelliousness but we do get to see her vulnerability especially when Jade shows up. (We are not fans of Jade's but we'll get to her in a minute.) When Dez and Kale's relationship is put to the ultimate test, she still puts his feelings ahead of her own, regardless of the personal cost. Normally, Dez goes looking for trouble but in Toxic, trouble finds her at every turn. *hugs her*

Kale is still a smouldering force of hotsauce to be reckoned with and I have to say, he's one of the more unique book boys with his mix of deadly and innocence. I love his honest take on every situation and his dry sense of humor cracks me up! Kale faces new challenges in Toxic and his true feelings for Dez are just one of the things he will have to contend with, Alex is another. My favorite quote is a Kale quote and takes place during a particularly stressful encounter involving Alex.

"If you continue to push me, Alex, I'm going to touch you. I've counted to three hundred. Twice." ~ Kale *high fives him* (with gloves on, of course.)

Jade is the new girl in town and I don't trust her as far as I can throw her. She's definitely up to something and her beauty and ruthlessness make for a dangerous combination. She isn't the only new Six we meet though and the others take "creepy" to a whole new level. There are familiar faces, like Kiernan and Alex, both of whom are just as snarkilicious as ever. Alex has the habit of showing up at just the right and wrong times and while I liked him a lot more in Toxic, there were moments I couldn't decide if I wanted to hug him or punch him.

Toxic is filled moments that had me fanning my face or clutching my chest and it comes with an ending that is frustrating in the best way possible. I can't wait to see what happens next! By this, what I really mean, I want Dez and Kale to live happily ever after! So Jus, if you're reading this, can you please make that happen? *bribes you with Twix cupcakes* ;)

demonsreadtoo's review against another edition

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Second-Book-Syndrome strikes again. I really wanted to love this one as much as I did Touch, but just couldn’t get over the decline in Kale’s character. Once loveable, and cute in his blank-canvas of a guy ways, that trait seemed to bring him down here. With so much angst holding up Dez and Kale’s relationship—a lot of it due to Kale’s inability to see what was going on around him, or how to treat someone’s feelings with respect—I found it quite to enjoy the romance, or lack of it. And with the rest of the plot revolving around Dez keeping secrets from everyone, as a reader, it just wasn’t a fun ride to be on.

Read the full review on my blog, Demons Read Too

xoxotawnydee's review against another edition

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What?! What a way to end that book. I actually liked this one a lot because the abilities were all just freakin' awesome. Also.. I was not at all expecting what came about to be what came about. I was totally siding with Dez the entire time. I hope that in the next books that Abel and Aubrey make more appearances. I really like them.

slc333's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. I made the mistake of reading some reviews before reading this book and I was quite worried that I wouldn't like it because of the introduction of Jade and from what I read it seemed as if Kale's was falling for her tricks. But I was ok with what happened once we got Kale's explanation of why he
Spoiler kissed her
Spoiler. It was still awful for Dez and his reasoning was flawed but it was so Kale and kind of funny too. I really don't like Jade. She is sneaky , selfish and manipulative. Not only does she actively try to steal Kale (and it can't even be because she loves him as she starts the moment she sees him before she has even spent any time with him) even after been repeatedly told by Kale himself that he loves Dez, she also tells him he is toxic. Given Kale's issues with being forced to kill people that just proves that it is not abut Kale at all. And then at the end when she goes into to Dez to give her a pep talk she leads with I think you are vile and a bitch - excuse me!! what has Dez done that is so vile and bitchy other than want to spend time with her own boyfriend??? Jade is the vile, bitchy one. I really hope she does turn out to be a villian and have an ulterior motive for going after Kale. And i really don't like Ginger either. I liked the relationship between Dez and Kiernan and am really looking forward to seeing how that develops
Spoiler now that Dez knows they are sisters and they are on opposite sides. I really hope they don't turn Kiernan in a caricature villian like their Dad but have some interaction where she struggles with betrying Dez

thrillersandteacups's review against another edition

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Őszintén szólva a Touch -t nagyon – nagyon szeretettem. Izgalmas volt, egyedi és letehetetlen. Imádtam a sztorit, a Hatosok ötletét és az írásmódot is. A Toxic esetében viszont azt érzem, hogy minden, amit szerettem az első részben, odalett. Unalmas volt, vontatott és az egész másból sem állt ki, csak Dez nyavalygásából, és a szerelmi háromszög, immár négyszögre bővült. Nemegyszer gondolkoztam el azon, hogy ugyanaz az ember írta -e a két kötetet…
A vége nem tudom milyen lehet, mivel nem bírtam végigolvasni, de lehet, hogy majd később megpróbálkozok még vele.

kylek's review against another edition

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Oh, my beautiful, beautiful Kale...Why must Accardo put you through that again D: Breaks my heart.
Dez, kickass Dez, what happened to you!! I'm just gonna chalk up your total cluelessness in this one to you being poisoned, because I mean really, what the hell?
And Kiernan?! Ugh, what a b**! Saw that one coming though. That 'date' with Able..Really? She isn't going to notice? Sure...
Jade, Jade, Jade...She served a purpose, but my god I would helped Dez kick her ass multiple times.

I loved coming back and immersing my self in the lives of these wonderful characters and their world. Even though Dez was frustrating me through most of it, her narrations made me laugh out loud a couple of times and that's really what I love so much about this series and Accardo's wirting, all the feelings that it evokes. Excitement, anger, betrayal, frustration, happiness, and the love between Dez and Kale is beautiful.
Can't wait to find out what happens next!

tracyt223's review against another edition

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Wow, definitely the best in the series so far!!!! This one sucked me right in and didn't let go until the cliffhanger ending!!!! I love Dez and Kale and the world of the Sixes that she has created. Hope we don't have to wait long for the next one!

jeanz's review against another edition

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I received a pdf arc of this book, in exchange for my honest opinion and review from Entangled Teen. This is the second book in the Denazen series, though there is a 1.5 novella called Untouched that can be read in between Bk#1 and Bk#2.
The cover on this book continues in the same colours and hues of the other two books in a brownish colour. The character on the front of the book I would say is Dez. I like the character of Dez as she is quite a strong female. After reading Bk#1 and Bk#1.5 I was really looking forward to reading Bk#2 and I have to readily admit it did not disappoint!
The story literally picks straight up where the last book left you, with the dilemma that a day may be approaching very soon that Deznee will be unable to touch Kale without his freaky power killing her too. The book begins with Dez feeling pain from Kale's touch and obviously trying her best to hide this fact from him. Kale is not as detached from emotions and the tell tale signs as Dez thinks, and guesses. As with the other books Dez gets up to stuff she shouldn't and into scrapes she shouldn't, which ends in her being touched by a poison and guess who the only person with the cure is? .....that's right Deznee's dad, the last person she would ever wish to turn to for help. It's not just admitting she may need his help it is the scary thoughts of what or who he will want in exchange for the cure!
We have new characters introduced in this book such as Jade, the one who is to work closely with Kale to try and teach him control. There are also the characters from the other books in it too. We learn more about Kiernan as she becomes closer friends with Dez. Alex is still around, still besotted with Dez yet rejected by her. Brandt also still features in this book, within the body he now possess. Brandt comes to Dez within her dreams to try and help her work out different problems, though sometimes his cryptic clues lead Dez into more confusion.
I really like the naive character of Kale. The way he see's everything as so simplistic and black and white. There seems to be no middle ground in his mind just good and bad. His character reminds me of the main character called Martyr/3;3 from Replication by Jill Williamson. So if you like Kale and this book i reckon you should give Replication by Jill Williamson a go too.
We also find in this book that there is a traitor among the sixes, but who is it? Will the traitor be found before they commit the ultimate betrayal? The book once again ends by leaving you desperately wanting to know much much more!
The book is well written, and you fall straight back into the book and plot almost immediately. It has a fair share of twists and turns, plenty of action and adventure
So did I enjoy this book? Yes, definitely. Did it make me want to read more of the Denazen Series? YES. Bk#3 Tremble is going straight on my wishlist now! Would I read other books by Jus Accardo?Yes Would I recommend this book? Yes.