wingfoot27's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this audiobook, read by the author. It made me think differently about my time, and how I use it. Lots of great suggestions for restructuring your work day, thinking differently about the time available to you throughout the week, taking advantage of unexpected time, and more. Some of my favorite suggestions were to schedule meetings early in the day so you don't spend your day thinking about and anticipating them, to not start your work day with email and instead give yourself time to really dive into something that takes an hour or two - then get to email and other things, and to schedule somewhere between 3 and 5 things for your weekend so you don't just let it waste away. These could be as simple as a movie night with a spouse. I've noticed lately that when we get out and do a few things during the weekend, the days feel so much longer and more fulfilling. I'm also looking forward to listening to more audiobooks while doing the dishes, squeezing in journal writing during unexpected time, and thinking of other fun hobbies I can squeeze in spare time.

deannah's review against another edition

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There were some great takeaways from this book. One: look at your time over the span of a week vs a day. I.e.: you may not be able to exercise every morning at 5 am because life happens, but perhaps you can squeeze in a walk one day, or wake up in the morning just a couple of days a week. Also, it can be depressing if you just look at what little you accomplish on any given day, but more encouraging to see what you can do in the span of a week.

I also loved this idea of looking at your life as a series of mosaics. It is so common for us as humans to focus on the challenging aspects of a day, etc. However, if we view our days/weeks/experiences as mosaics we can choose to focus on those brighter spots: the great conversations we had with kids, those brief meaningful moments and not just at the darker parts like when we yelled or had no patience.

The book just helped me think outside of the box--to be a bit more creative and also intentional with the use of time, etc. As a SAHM, it is easy to dismiss family time/weekend time etc as it is plentiful. But it also means that I don't use it wisely. I like how this book gave me ideas of how I could be more intentional with how I spend my time both with my family and also for myself.

marrije's review against another edition

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Quite interesting, actually. Solidly researched, not the usual re-hash of time management tricks you can read everywhere, but new info about how successful women really aren't that harried and workaholic at all. There is so much time in a week - no need to temper your ambitions: people who say they work sixty hours a week are probably lying and a balanced, interesting, challenging career is certainly possible with a bit of common sense and flexibility.
Recommended! Especially for those smart women we all know who think combining a family and a career is impossible or something for superwomen.

emmacharlene's review against another edition

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Closer to 2.5 stars.
This book had some good information, but I felt like a lot of it just didn't apply to me. I didn't read anything about it before I listened to the audiobook, so I didn't realize that it was going to be so focused on higher income women with children, which wasn't what I was looking for. Based on the title alone, I expected it to be more focused on the relationship between successful women and how they manage their time, but it was very focused on specific examples of how women with children manage to have children and still work (and the answer in many cases was that they can afford to outsource various things in life like cleaning and grocery shopping.) Even if I had kids, I'm not sure how helpful this book would be overall, but there were a few bits of information that I thought were interesting and could be helpful.

waywardtomes's review against another edition

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There's a lot of good information in here. I want to go back through with a highlighter and post Its.

silver_valkyrie_reads's review against another edition

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Technically this is a DNF because I skipped several chapters and sections that didn't apply to me. In retrospect, I should have just picked up [b:168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think|7847359|168 Hours You Have More Time Than You Think|Laura Vanderkam||10958350] (which I will read next) and skipped this one, because my idea of being a successful woman is completely different from the one presented in the book.

There were still a few helpful/interesting points, so the book did manage to just barely hit a three star rating for me.