
Claws of Brass by Meredith Rose

traciesimister's review

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I gave this Book a rating of 4 ✩’s
Title: Claws of Brass: a YA Theater Steampunk Novel
Series: Alchemy Empire Book 2
Genre: YA Theater Steampunk
Author: Meredith Rose
Format: E-book
Published on: October 1, 2016

I voluntarily reviewed a Courtesy Advanced Reader Copy of this book
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Main Character’s Descriptions:
Dietrich Wolff theater director
Minx Mellor Theater student
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Summary Paragraph:
After the rescue of Minx by her theater director, Dietrich he didn’t realize how much his life would change. He is now infected with dark magic and Minx must find the cure or he will
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What I liked/Didn’t Like: My second book by this author and it was a great continuation of the series. Highly recommended for the Steampunk readers out there.

kasfire's review

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4/5 Stars

This continuation follows Minx as she deals with the aftermath of the Phoenix attacks from the previous novel. However, the aftermath is more than she could ever have predicted.

It turns out that Minx is an animancer. It means that she can use any kind of magic, including soul magic. Unfortunately she accidentally created a soul tie (which is a felony, punishable by death) on her Presul. It connected him to the man who raped and tortured Minx when she was younger.

I loved that Meredith was able to have Minx overcome her fears. However, it was not in the way most people would expect. (I won't give any spoilers about that). But Meredith was also able to expand on more of the background characters.

So much drama occurred in this novel, but I loved every minute of it. The only reason I docked a star was because I felt like sometimes the focus was on the love stories and that it detracted from the main focus of the book.

Disclaimer: I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review.