
The Angel Wore Fangs by Sandra Hill

yesteres's review

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Read this for an SFF book club during a themed month (the theme being books that would never normally make it to the list). Although it was definitely not my jam and I could expound on that at great length, I was never the intended audience and so am not here to rain on any parades. I only gave it a rating at all to keep my settings for the recommendation algorithm closer to the genres I want to read.

alexa_ayana's review

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Setelah baca dua buku terakhir yang mengecewakan dari seri ini, aku tidak berharap banyak saat mulai baca buku tentang Cnut, si bungsu dari keluarga Sigurdsson. Di luar dugaan, buku ini sukses memadukan beberapa hal favoritku. Medieval Viking, time travel dan cooking show.

Cnut adalah survivor dari penderita dosa gluttony akut. Dia mencintai makanan lebih dari apapun. Setelah beratus-ratus tahun menjadi Vangel, berdiet dan selibat akhirnya godaan sesungguhnya muncul. Andrea, seorang koki yang akan menggoncang hidup Cnut dan merusak semua program dietnya.

Hal yang unik dari buku ini adalah satu-satunya kisah dari seri ini yang mengangkat tema time travel. Ini membuat Cnut menjadi satu-satunya hero vangels yang bisa menebus kesalahan masa lalunya. Suasana medieval Viking dan joke-jokenya mengingatkanku pada serial Viking 1 yang super kocak dan lebih orisinil. Tapi sentuhan kecil ini sudah cukup untuk membuat buku Cnut tampil beda dan lebih seru untuk dibaca dibanding dua buku sebelumnya. Momen faveku adalah saat Andrea berusaha memasak menu resto modern dengan peralatan dan bahan seadanya di era itu. Dan frog scene tentu saja. LOL

Chemistry mereka berdua terbangun dari awal pertemuan tapi tidak berkesan instan walaupun penuh momen penuh getaran dan aromaterapi. Konfliknya sedikit bias karena kita awalnya disodorkan menyangkut ISIS tapi pertengahan berubah jadi masalah kelaparan di desa Viking. Rasanya seperti SH tiba-tiba punya ide lain dan mengubah alurnya. Interaksi Andre dan Cnut cute, lucu dan penuh tensi. Munculnya saingan cinta hanya sekejap dan nyaris tak ada efeknya.

So far buku ini bagus tapi bisa lebih seru dan lucu. Aksi laga buku ini dan kemunculan Zeb plus Jasper termasuk minimalis. Ending wedding mereka juga singkat dan lugas. Sedikit halaman awal dari buku Zeb akan bikin kamu patah hati dan kepo setahun kedepan. Ho ho ho..

Star : 3.8/5

annmm's review

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I was drawn to this book because of the title and because a friend told me how terrible it was. I NEEDED to know! I have not read the other books in this series, yet, or anything else by this author.

This story contained all manner of ridiculous things, but it was clear that it was as the author intended, and her sense of humor was evident through the entire story. Despite the absurd combination of angel Viking vampires undercover (in one case as a cowboy on a dude ranch) to defeat ISIS and demon vampires, plus time travel, this story was very entertaining.

This is the kind of book that I consider a "junk food read". It requires little concentration, is entertaining throughout, and you are guaranteed a happy ending.

malissac's review

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Vikings, Angels, Viking Angel Vampires.....what else do you need in a paranormal read? Oh, how about a Viking Angel Vampire (Vangel) that looks like Ragnar Lothbrok, a strong heroine who isn't going to take too much Alpha behavior, steamy moments, suspense, action, food, lots and lots of food ,(some that sounds like I need it in my belly now and some that sounds like...well just makes me shudder, haha.) and time travel! It's all here and it all works.

I have to admit that this is the first book in the series I have read and of course it is the last of the brothers books, seven deadly sins, seven brothers, I'd say seven books but I think that there are enough loose ends to be at least one more or perhaps a spin-off series. While I can see that there were moments I had missed out on some part of the story it wasn't so bad that I felt the need to stop and go to book one before I could continue. If you are just starting the series I do suggest doing that, but you won't be terribly lost if you don't. I will definitely be going back to book one and getting caught up though!

SevenViking brothers are being punished for not only taking up but truly living one of the seven deadly sins. Pride. Envy. Wrath, Gluttony. Lust. Sloth. Greed. Gluttony is the focus of this book, the sin of Cnut, (sounds like don't want to know how long I went around saying it wrong, *cringe*) their punishment is doled out by none other than the Arch Angel Michael, (Oh how I would love to see him get his own story...I think he 'deserves' one after all this, haha) a hard task master to be sure. The brothers are each turned into immortal Vangels sworn to fight against demons and to live a life that will wipe clear their past sins...of course Michael can't leave it at a 700 year sentence, no he takes on years for each infraction or sin the brothers commit meaning that even after one thousand one hundred and sixty-six year they are just a little bit closer to earning their wings and ascending to heaven. Cnut will of course as the 'owner' of gluttony find his salvation in chef, there could be no other for him. I really enjoyed Andrea, the heroine. She knows what she wants and how to get it. She is a bit of a pushover when it comes to her family but considering the dynamics of that family I don't think I can blame her...I'm still pretty much not a fan of anyone in her family other than her, eek. I enjoyed that she was strong enough to not only know her own mind but to not let herself get pushed around either by the hero or any of the secondary characters. She'll take her alpha with a side of the bedroom but not outside of it, lol.

Another thing I really loved about the story is Cnut's vulnerability. The fact that he may now look like Ragnar Lothbrok doesn't mean he feels like him, even after a thousand years. I think it is a good point that no matter how we change ourselves on the outside often forget to change how we feel about ourselves on the inside.

"She was teasing, or so he surmised. Despite centuries of having lost his repulsive fat, he still thought of himself as unattractive. He was inside."

I absolutely fell for Cnut in this moment because it was so easy to relate to that feeling. Here's this handsome immortal Viking that is uncomfortable with who he is on the inside because of who he used to be on the outside, how refreshing is that to see in a male hero?

I also enjoyed that while a good portion of this book occurs in the past (what a wonderful look into the world during the Viking Age) the tie in to the present has to deal with ISIS a battle that rages on in our world as I type. It's a small part of the book and not a true snippet into the world of ISIS but it is something that gives the reader a known connection to the book.

The banter in the book and the inner monologue from Cnut will keep you giggling as you read and don't be surprised if you find yourself in your kitchen creating a peppermint coconut vanilla cake, in fact I think I might go do that now.

This is a fun, romantic, cleverly written book. If you are a fan of paranormal romance and are looking for something a bit different than I would guide you in the direction of the Deadly Angels. Remember that while you don't have to have started at book 1 ( I didn't) you will likely want to go back and read them anyway so go ahead a pick up that first book!


movingtoguam's review against another edition

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Haha no

shell74's review

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“…I am a selfish glutton. I ate, nay, gorged myself while others starved. I cared more for my wealth than for those under my shield. My appetites rule me.”

The Angel Wore Fangs was a paranormal romance that gave the final of the seven Sigurdsson brothers his HEA. But boy did Cnut (pronounced NEWT) have to fight to prove his mettle to Michael and the Big Man Upstairs as he was sent back through time to right past wrongs. Hilarity and humility ensued.

I really love Sandra Hill’s Vangels and the story arc she’s created for the lovable group of men. Each book can be read as a standalone, but I think once you have read about one brother, you’ll just have to read about the rest. I’ve adored their self-deprecating sense of humor from the start and how they still hold on to some of their Viking ways after more than a thousand years as Vangels.

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librarianlirael's review

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The plotline was ridiculous, the worldbuilding was sloppy, and the actual writing was just plain bad. I have to wonder if anyone edited this.

Also there's a holocaust joke. Like are you freaking kidding me? No. (There's also a demon character called Zebulon the Hebrew and there's a subplot about trying to win him over to God's side in the War. The anti-semitism is not super subtle here guys)

Even if I overlook that (which I am not willing to in present climate) the core element, the romance, is just underdeveloped and badly done. The MC's main attractions to each other just seem to be that one smells like coconut and one smells like peppermint. I know because it's repeated approximately every other paragraph. That's it though. Their smells. That's the romance.

I could go on and on about all the things I hate but I don't need that much negativity in my life. I was unaware that this was 7th in a series, but I don't think that mattered. I would have thought it was terrible either way.

papercutdoctor's review

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I annotated my copy to highlight and comment on the best/worst bits. Please borrow it and add your own notes! 4/5 because the book sometimes manages to feel blandly average despite being about a time-travelling Viking vampire angel fighting ISIS demon vampires on a dude ranch.

nadenetotallyaddictedtoreading's review

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The Angel Wore Fangs is the 7th book in the Deadly Angel series and the final book about the Sigurdsson brothers. This was another lively and entertaining episode within the series. All seven brothers were guilty of a deadly sin for which they had to pay penance for by being turned into a Viking vampire angel (Vangel). This installment tells the story of Cnut Sigurdsson, who is guilty of the sin of gluttony and as such was sentenced to life as a Vangel. Since his sentence, he has been trying to make up for the selfish acts he has committed in his past. The opportunity came for him to prove himself to Michael, the archangel when he was assigned the task of infiltrating and destroying an ISIS compound. He was a little unsure as to how he would accomplish this task until a beautiful pastry chef acquired his services to rescue her sister from the same compound he was supposed to destroy.

Andrea Stewart in a bid to save her younger sister from yet another one of her disastrous activities secured the services of Wings International to aid her in her quest. However, she got more than she bargained for when she found herself swept up in a world of Vikings and evil Lucipires. Will she be able to rescue her sister before it's too late?

Cnut: At first I didn’t like how he was portrayed, but as the story progressed, I found myself being drawn to him. By the end of the story, he proved that he was not the same selfish person that was portrayed at the start of the book. Thank goodness for divine intervention. I understood the circumstances that made him the way he was in the past. I loved that he tried to atone for his mistakes, even if it meant sacrificing his own happiness. Although physically he was no longer an overweight Viking, from a mental perspective, he still saw himself has being fat. He suffered guilt anytime he overindulged in food and has to make an effort not to give into his vices. These events made him a likable and relatable character.

Andrea: Andrea has been plagued with self-esteem issues most of her life. She never saw herself has beingbeautiful and sexy. She was the complete opposite of her sister. She was the cautious type and never did anything outrageous in her life. What she lacked in self-esteem she more than made up for it with her stubbornness and bravery.

Not much emphasis was placed on this aspect of the story. However, I enjoyed the little that was given.

The story took place in both the current century and in 850 AD. I loved the way the author portrayed each of the eras, but if I was to choose the one I enjoyed most, my choice would be 850 AD. The descriptions were so vivid it was like I was present at every scene. The move between each of the settings was clear and the characters interacted well with the setting. I was amazed at how easily Andrea adapted to the Viking era.

Initially, the story started out slow, however, it picked up a notch at about 25% of the story and continued that steady movement to the end.

I enjoyed this installment. Unlike the previous installments that I read the focus was on destroying Lucipires andsaving persons from becoming demons. In this instance, the focus was on Cnut and his attempts to atone for the mistakes of his past. The story is imaginative and hilarious. I had quite a few laugh out loud moments. I know there is no such thing as Viking Vampire Angels. However, the manner in which Miss Hill portrayed these beings will have you momentarily believing that they do exist. I thought it was ironic and a bit humorous when Cnutdiscovered that his life mate was a pastry chef. Oh boy! How is he going to handle this one?

I found this installment to be entertaining and funny. If you are looking for a unique story and you are a fan of paranormal romance and comedy, then you will enjoy The Angel Wore Fangs. Although this is the end for the brothers, based on the ending the saga will continue as there is one more character that deserves a happy ending.

A note of warning do not, I repeat, do not read this book when you are hungry. At the beginning of almost every chapter, there is a menu of some delectable items, (that will leave you salivating) and some not so much.

I received an ARC from the publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for a honest review.

nadenetotallyaddictedtoreading's review against another edition

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The Angel Wore Fangs is the 7th book in the Deadly Angel series and the final book about the Sigurdsson brothers. This was another lively and entertaining episode within the series. All seven brothers were guilty of a deadly sin for which they had to pay penance for by being turned into a Viking vampire angel (Vangel). This installment tells the story of Cnut Sigurdsson, who is guilty of the sin of gluttony and as such was sentenced to life as a Vangel. Since his sentence, he has been trying to make up for the selfish acts he has committed in his past. The opportunity came for him to prove himself to Michael, the archangel when he was assigned the task of infiltrating and destroying an ISIS compound. He was a little unsure as to how he would accomplish this task until a beautiful pastry chef acquired his services to rescue her sister from the same compound he was supposed to destroy.

Andrea Stewart in a bid to save her younger sister from yet another one of her disastrous activities secured the services of Wings International to aid her in her quest. However, she got more than she bargained for when she found herself swept up in a world of Vikings and evil Lucipires. Will she be able to rescue her sister before it's too late?

Cnut: At first I didn’t like how he was portrayed, but as the story progressed, I found myself being drawn to him. By the end of the story, he proved that he was not the same selfish person that was portrayed at the start of the book. Thank goodness for divine intervention. I understood the circumstances that made him the way he was in the past. I loved that he tried to atone for his mistakes, even if it meant sacrificing his own happiness. Although physically he was no longer an overweight Viking, from a mental perspective, he still saw himself has being fat. He suffered guilt anytime he overindulged in food and has to make an effort not to give into his vices. These events made him a likable and relatable character.

Andrea: Andrea has been plagued with self-esteem issues most of her life. She never saw herself has beingbeautiful and sexy. She was the complete opposite of her sister. She was the cautious type and never did anything outrageous in her life. What she lacked in self-esteem she more than made up for it with her stubbornness and bravery.

Not much emphasis was placed on this aspect of the story. However, I enjoyed the little that was given.

The story took place in both the current century and in 850 AD. I loved the way the author portrayed each of the eras, but if I was to choose the one I enjoyed most, my choice would be 850 AD. The descriptions were so vivid it was like I was present at every scene. The move between each of the settings was clear and the characters interacted well with the setting. I was amazed at how easily Andrea adapted to the Viking era.

Initially, the story started out slow, however, it picked up a notch at about 25% of the story and continued that steady movement to the end.

I enjoyed this installment. Unlike the previous installments that I read the focus was on destroying Lucipires andsaving persons from becoming demons. In this instance, the focus was on Cnut and his attempts to atone for the mistakes of his past. The story is imaginative and hilarious. I had quite a few laugh out loud moments. I know there is no such thing as Viking Vampire Angels. However, the manner in which Miss Hill portrayed these beings will have you momentarily believing that they do exist. I thought it was ironic and a bit humorous when Cnutdiscovered that his life mate was a pastry chef. Oh boy! How is he going to handle this one?

I found this installment to be entertaining and funny. If you are looking for a unique story and you are a fan of paranormal romance and comedy, then you will enjoy The Angel Wore Fangs. Although this is the end for the brothers, based on the ending the saga will continue as there is one more character that deserves a happy ending.

A note of warning do not, I repeat, do not read this book when you are hungry. At the beginning of almost every chapter, there is a menu of some delectable items, (that will leave you salivating) and some not so much.

I received an ARC from the publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for a honest review.