
Black Lies by Alessandra Torre

jodeezle's review against another edition

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This book was good but not great. It was interesting and once I knew she new his secret I wanted to know. Not sure I would recommend to friends, but will say worth reading if asked

caseroo7's review against another edition

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Review originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

I am a huge fan of Alessandra Torre's, and I love how different her stories are. They are always well written, unpredictable and completely fresh. When I first read the blurb for Black Lies, I wondered if this book would be similar to Sex Love Repeat. While I really loved Sex Love Repeat, I was hoping that this one wouldn't be the same but would be something completely new and it was. This book is unlike any other story I have ever read before, and honestly I thought that it was brilliant. I knew the twist going into this book. While I understand that some readers prefer to go into a story blind, I felt like I personally needed to be aware of what was happening. I am so glad that I did know, and I really think that it helped me to see this whole story for how great it really was start to finish. But I can honestly say that if I didn't know what the big twist was, I never would have guessed it. Alessandra Torre did such an excellent job of giving the reader clues all along while also keeping you guessing. It was the perfect balance of just enough clues to keep you reading and just vague enough to have no clue.

Lana has been dating Brant for three years. He is a tech billionaire devoted to his job, and he spends most of his time working. The rare instances where he isn't working he spends with Lana. Brant has asked Lana to marry him four times, and each time she has turned him down. Lana has also been pursuing Lee for two years. He is the exact opposite of Brant. He cuts grass and loves working with his hands. He is the bad boy where Brant is the good guy. Lee is rough around the edges where Brant is sweet and calm. While Lana loves Brant and sees a future married to him with kids, she also loves Lee and can't help but be drawn to him. This story is not your typical love triangle though.

I really loved the characters in this story. Lana is smart and strong. She knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go after it or stand up to others to get it. She was such a great heroine, and I can honestly say that I have never read a heroine like her before. I really loved her and how fiercely determined she was. She would literally do anything for those she loved, and I really loved seeing her stand by that. You might not understand everything that she does or her motives for doing certain things, but she absolutely had a purpose for everything and it all becomes so clear once you have all the facts. Brant and Lee were so different. You might think that you know who Lana should be with, but there is something in each of them that is exactly what Lana needed. They fulfilled different parts of her, and I think each one brought out a different side to her. While I loved Brant's goodness and how perfect he was for her, I also loved Lee's sexiness and how different he was from what Lana was used to.

I really wish that I could detail exactly how brilliant this book is and why you need to read it. But honestly this is one of those stories that you just have to trust me on and read it. It is absolutely a must read, and I am surprised how Alessandra Torre is able to surpass herself with each new book she releases. Alessandra Torre is absolutely a must read author for me and I would buy any book that she puts out at this point. She has a way of writing these brilliant stories that keep you interested and guessing the entire time, while also providing the reader with plenty of steam and sexiness. I think that this is one of those books that some will want to read blind and others will want to have the information before starting, but regardless of how you go into this one, this book is one that you will want to read more than once. I can't wait to go back and read this story all over again now that I have finished, and I can honestly say that this is the biggest book hangover I think I have ever had. I just can't stop thinking about this book or these characters, and I can't wait for Alessandra Torre's next book.

**ARC Provided by Patchwork Press**

mar_cortz's review

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I don't read cheating, that's definitely a hard limit for me therefore I read the spoiler before starting this book. I kind of imagined what it could be and it turned out I was right. The first half was reaaaaaally confusing and not in good way like building up to something mysterious or a plot twist it was confusing as in it doesn't make any sense at all, I can't follow the story. However on the second half it get so much better so it was ok. Not my favorite from this author and definitely not my last

readfrenzy's review against another edition

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1.5 stars

The sample was intriguing and the many 5-star reviews convinced me that my purchase was a safe bet. Imagine my disappointment when, halfway through, I had to talk myself into finishing this book. First of all, I guessed "the secret" long before it was revealed. I could forgive the lack of surprise. I could even suspend a certain amount of disbelief, despite the fact that "the secret" was as implausible as any contrived daytime soap opera plot device. What I couldn't overlook was the way Layana allowed herself to be repeatedly debased by Lee (graphically detailed by the author, by the way). For example, when Lee propositions Layana (I'm being polite here) he tells her, "Now, be a good slut." Charming, huh? Later, Lana muses, "He f*cks me as if I am dirty and his slut and his to do whatever he wishes with. He f*cks me as if he can give an order and I will drop to my knees to worship him... I cry his name and close my eyes to the tears as he f*cks me because all of it is true." And this was long after they'd both professed their undying love for each other. I'm no prude. I can enjoy well-written, well-plotted, romance-based erotica. But this? This just turned me off and made me sad for all the women in dysfunctional relationships who convince themselves they're in love. I couldn't understand what Lana saw in Lee other than hot sex. I certainly couldn't fathom why she was torn between Brant and Lee.

If that wasn't enough, there were some editing issues. I found myself distracted by the author continually switching tenses -- mid-sentence. I've had enough of the "gorgeous billionaire boyfriend with amazing sexpertise but a disturbing past" books in general. I know mine is an unpopular opinion, so I'm filing this under my "It Must Just Be Me" bookshelf.

ipariszara's review against another edition

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wow...umm..holy shit?

1neverendingtbr's review against another edition

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Wow... I donโ€™t know what to say. I. Am. Speechless. I was not expecting to like this book as much as I did. What a rollercoaster. Even though I had my suspicions leading up to the twist, and they were right, I still really loved it.

caratreads706's review against another edition

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It was fucking epic!! I should have read this ages ago. A definite favorite of mine this year. Never forget this book. ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

nilu_reads's review against another edition

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I woke up this morning and before getting out of bed, I like to read (mostly on weekends). Usually I would read a few pages and then resume going up doing my chores till I get a break to read again. But this morning was a whole different story.

Black Lies, is one of the best modern romance books I have read. I have to commend you, Alessandra Torre, for coming up with this page turner of a book. In fact, I have tagged this as a thriller as well, since she has seamlessly woven a romance genre with a thriller genre. It was just so well written.

Unlike other romance novels, the characters involved are not annoying. (Thank the Lord!) I was sucked in and was invested by the outcome of these characters.

And yes there is a BIG twist in the book, and Alessandra drops little hints along the way and it was executed perfectly!

This book is divided into three parts and by the end of the first part, I was scratching my head wondering WHAT IS THIS DAMN SECRET! And yes, if you paid attention from the beginning, you would have a vague idea of what it would be.

Cos well into the second part, I got my suspicions on what it was but even when the bomb is dropped, you are still like WHOA!

When it's out, everything falls into place. At one point, I was like "Layana, you are being psychotic!" but then it all made sense when you think about why she did it.

I would recommend this book to anyone to read.

It's not your typical romance novel or your typical love triangle.

littlestqueen's review against another edition

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Wow. What a ride. I had a hunch about the plot twist early on, but kept reading. Iโ€™m glad I did because everything was executed brilliantly. Definitely something different.

melg14's review against another edition

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To be honest I got really bored throughout the book. It seemed to drag on. But I kept with it because I knew the secret before hand and wanted to see how everything is brought together.