
A Bond Of Blood and Fire by Karen Tomlinson

lmurray43's review

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I received an ARC version of this book from the author. The gifting does not influence the rating or this voluntary review, which reflects my honest opinion of this book.

This is the first book I had the pleasure of reading by Karen and I loved every minute of it. The story is amazing and even without having read the first, I feel like I got to know Diamond and Hugo.

chelsea2020's review

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Wow, this book was a VAST improvement to its predecessor. I can really see the growth in Diamond as she learns to harness her magic and become a warrior for the people who need her. She has transformed beautifully from the scared little woman she was the night she lost her father, into a battle Goddess worthy of her people's loyalties and devotion. However, I still think she's WAY TO FORGIVING, especially when it comes to one broody warrior fae.

The first half of this book was very dramatic and soap opera-esque, in a woe-is-me they're-trying-to-break-my-spirit kind of way. I wasn't a fan. Don't get me wrong, this was a big part of Diamond coming into her own and growing into that warrior spirit I've come to admire. But it was also ALL THE RIDICULOUS DRAMA of the Queen screwing with Diamond and Hugo, trying to break them apart, when they were doing a pretty damned good job of it theirselves. Weak sauce y'all. Again, not a fan.

The second half of this book was what I was really waiting for. LET THE BATTLE COMMENCE! Diamond really got to show her stuff and prove how far she's come in her battle prowess, unleashing tremendous power upon her enemies. Slay girl! I grinned like a fool the entire time, watching Diamond work her magic over everyone around her. She really has come so far.

I don't know yet when book 3 is coming out, but doubtless it's FAR TOO LONG to please me. I'm so eager to see where Diamond ends up next and how she will continue to grow and fight for those she loves.

gypsydawn's review

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4.5 rounded up

Great!!! This moves at an astounding clip, launching two ill fated lovers into a plight neither could really prepare for. It’s vicious, it bloody, and it’s heart breaking.

Multiple POV, cliffhanger, Fantasy
Rating = Pg-15 to R for violence
Romantic dynamic = M/F
Character age range = 17+

- Well written
- exciting
- Heroes are wonderfully flawed.
- Dragons, Magic, oh my

- Minor editing issues.
- Touch tropey

curls's review

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I'm so torn with this book. I loved certain things but this book had a big big problem that I'm not sure I can look past.

What I liked-
Diamonds character growth. I'm the first book Diamond is a scared innocent girl who suffers from panic attacks. It was very nice to see a female character who does get scared. There are so many strong women right now in ya, no complaints there. Diamond watched her father murdered in front of her and she's fragile. In typical ya this would have been given as a tragic backstory and Diamond would be a badass from the start of the series. It is so nice to see her go from scared of her own power to mastering it.

The world building is excellent. The author does a great job of showing and not telling the cultures of the world.

Jack is my favorite secondary character. He's the obvious Jacob if this was a love triangle. He's flirty, fun, and not brooding. I love his character and I hope he's more involved in later books.

What I didn't like (big spoilers) -

Hugo. We need to talk about Hugo. His actions in this book seriously pissed me off. He's a guard of the evil queen and is trying to protect Diamond by hiding his obvious interest in her. There's a lot of angst that goes on for far too long. I actually like angsty books. The breaking point for me is when the queen is going to test Diamond's combat skills that she has learned in the first half of the book. While holding Diamond's friends hostage, she has her guard beat Diamond to a pulp. Diamond holds her own until Hugo gets there. Hugo beats Diamond unconscious. Yep. That's the love interest. It's later explained that Hugo's first girlfriend was in a similar situation and when Hugo refused to hurt her, she was raped and murdered in front of Hugo. So he learned from his mistake and knocked her unconscious until they could get away.

I just don't know. Diamond was rightfully pissed, but she does end up forgiving him. And even though it's portrayed as the better of two horrible scenarios, it left me feeling very uncomfortable.

More spoilers and it's a big one

At the end of the book Hugo dies saving Diamond's life. And I thought wow, that's a bold but clever move. Hugo may have physically hurt Diamond to keep her out of a worse situation, but that still doesn't excuse all the other crap he's pulled. His sacrifice redeems himself, and it gives Diamond strength to go on and finish fighting. It's also gives Diamond a chance to go on in later books to find strength within her self. And since this has romance, maybe not find a love interest that's not so questionable.

But it turns out it was a Disney death and Hugo is alive. Gah. It just felt so predictable when it could have been so much more.

I really did enjoy this book even with my issues. It's got excellent world building, and intriguing plot, and Diamond's character development is exactly what I was hoping for. I did not like Hugo's actions and was hoping Diamond would pull a Feyre and get the hell out. Maybe she will in later books. I plan to continue this series.

readingmama86's review

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I received an ARC version of this book from the author. The gifting does not influence the rating or this voluntary review, which reflects my honest opinion of this book.

All I can say is this: Wow! The MCs are finally growing up and understanding each other and the action, steamy and intense (in multiple ways).

The Evil Queen is still just as vile as ever. I just want to punch her in the face. Lol

Prince Jack really needs a side story to find his love. If Diamond wasn't pinning for Hugo, I'd want her to be with Jack instead. He has really grown and I have high hopes for him.

Hugo: Nooooooooooooooo!!!!! But yet, YESSSSSSSS!!! Then Noooooooooooooooooo and YESSSSS again!!! (lol you'll understand once you read it)

Diamond: FINALLY works on herself and her goals without the "all about a man" mentality. I like it. She has to save everyone and anyone she has ever cared about. Can she master her magic or will it control her and destroy everything?

The ending just makes me demand the next book. I can't wait for it. I NEED to know what happens!! I highly recommend reading this book.

theestherhadassah's review

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Oh the wait! I must know what comes next! Diamond and Hugo are a wonder. Every moment of this book was an adventure. I loved every bit of it. It is definitely a great addition to this series!