mokey81's review

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Settle in, people. I'm about to devote way more time reviewing this book than it actually deserves.

First off, shout out to Adam Wallenta for his illustrations, which were the only positive thing I have to say about this book.

Next, this book was incredibly too long. It repeated the exact same content over and over and over again. Repackaged in just slightly different scenarios that almost make you think it is a new idea, when really, nope. This book presents less than 5 original ideas, and really, that is me being generous. It is pretty much one idea over and over, which is, "Zombies are unrelenting and don't care about their own well-being, which make them the perfect soldier." There you go. you've now read the whole book. It should have been maybe 66 pages instead of 266.

Let's talk about the writing. The author can't decide on his audience and switches between talking to you as if you just need to use these ideas in your life to be more assertive, you as an army general of an actual army of zombies, or you as an army general of a group of humans you've somehow convinced to be zombies. Because he is unsure of his audience, his writing suffers. Also, you get the idea that he wants this book to be taken psuedo-seriously (we all know it is a silly book, but also is supposedly presenting "real" ideas), but then he talks to you like you're a friend he's talking to at the bar over a few beers. This unfocussed writing is distracting and annoying. Then there was the time-traveling where he spent most of the time talking about modern times, but then as the ideas wore thin, he began to talk about using zombies to defeat castles. Just truly unfocused and desperate to spread a thin idea as far as he could.

Let's talk about zombies. Now, I love the zombie genre. And there are good zombie books out there. I'm looking at you World War Z and Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Zombies. This is not one of those books. And allow me to share the most annoying/stupid thing. The author was obsessed with the whole "zombies eat brains" idea. That is the most old-fashioned, out of touch idea in the zombie genre. There's no recent zombie content where they are focused on brain consumption. They just want to consume your flesh to the point that you die and/or become one of them. I'm not saying the author couldn't mention it; it is part of the collective brain (pardon the pun) of what people "know" about zombies. But he beat the idea into the ground.

This book was such a waste of time. It wasn't any good. I read it because I knew it would be quick since I have a large reading goal this year. But it is not worth your time. Not even as a novelty! If you want a good novelty zombie book, get Zombies Hate Stuff because it is simple and hilarious.

johnmckinzie's review against another edition

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This book should be 100 pages long at most. The author takes a few simple concepts and then proceeds to beat you over the head with them for 270 pages by only slightly changing their application. This will be one of only 2-3 books I have not read to completion. I cannot justify wasting another second on this book. This book attempts to ride the zombie popularity wave, but it ends up being flotsam and jetsam.