
Sea Swept by Nora Roberts

emylee41's review against another edition

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It was a great read to know the three brothers and Seth . Loved Anna’s character and their love story . Looking forward to read the other 2 books !

castlesinthesky's review against another edition

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Unprofessional heroine and an unlikable more concerned about getting some and flirting with the heroine than making sure they keep their relationship professional and in the best interest of the child. Too many punches thrown between brothers. Punch-happy brothers a no-no.

pjgal22's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this book, especially as a native Marylander (Sea Swept is set on Maryland's Eastern Shore). The brothers are all likable, and I plan to read the remaining two books in the trilogy.

tessiekat's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this story. It is rare to find a story primarily about men that is done right, and feels believable. Nora Roberts really captures these men in a realistic, believable, and realatable way that really shocked me. Cameron stole my heart and I have a feeling the rest of the Quinn boys will too. On to book two!

linnjbookis's review against another edition

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Oj oj Nora Roberts lyckas igen! Nu får man läsa allt (eller mest) utifrån Camerons perspektiv och det är ljuvligt. Cameron Quinn är den äldsta adoptiv sonen som paret Quinn adopterar och tar hand om. Cameron blir med åren en fri själ om man säger så, han åker runt i Europa, tävlar med olika fordon och ligger runt. När hans far ligger på sjukhuset återvänder han hem o bemöter sina bröder. Men det har kommit ett tillskott till broderskap, Seth, en tio årig pojke som blir lämnad till bröderna efter Ray Quinn dör.

Super spännande! Seth är ärrad efter sin mors misshandel, Cameron blev misshandlad av sin biologiska far och hans älskade flamma Anna har också hårda och mörka ärr från barndomen... Väldigt intressant att läsa om deras mörker men också se de små ljusa vardagsglimtarna som öppnar upp Seth. Hjärtat värms, på ett annat sätt än vad Nora Roberts romaner brukar göra. De flesta romaner jag läst av Nora Robert har tänt en romantisk gullighet för mig men nu är det så mycket mer familjärt fint och det är så härligt att läsa det hela! Rekommenderar så starkt denna bok och jag tänker fortsätta med nästa bok i serien snarast!

delfinarcheron's review against another edition

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Aunque no soy muy aficionada a las historias románticas, tenía este libro desde hacía tiempo en la estantería y decidí darle una oportunidad. Sin embargo, no fue para mí...

Tengo que decir que la parte familiar sí que me ha gustado. El cliché de familia encontrada es de mis favoritos y este libro se centra bastante en ese tema.
Creo que mi principal problema con esta historia ha sido que no he conectado nada con los personajes principales. El personaje masculino, sobre todo, me ha parecido insoportable, plano y aburrido. Esto ha hecho que tampoco conectara con su relación amorosa, en lo que se centra principalmente la novela. No me ha gustado cómo se ha desarrollado, incluso había partes a las que no les encontraba sentido dentro de la historia. Me ha dejado muy fría y el final me ha parecido muy precipitado.

La historia en sí es bastante plana. A lo largo de la novela no hay grandes giros y en general me ha parecido bastante superficial. Me hubiera gustado que se profundizara más en el personaje de Seth y en la relación con el resto de hermanos.
Por otro lado, se tratan algunos temas sensibles como abusos y violaciones de una forma muy superficial (o al menos yo lo he sentido así). Apenas se profundiza en los traumas de los protagonistas.

Es verdad que me entretuvo durante parte de la historia (y es lo que yo andaba buscando). Creo que me hubiera leído el libro de una sentada si no me hubieran caído tan mal los protagonistas.

poorashleu's review

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Originally posted here

Whenever nothing sounds good to me, I always go to Nora Roberts, because I know she can take me to my happy place. She is known as the Queen of Romance for a reason and Sea Swept is a perfect example of why: she shines. Her stories, even when told in a magical realm, are always believable. The Chesapeake Bay Saga is the story of four brothers who, while are not blood, are family. They love each other, and three of them are brought up together, and ultimately the fourth is raised by the three.

Sea Swept is the story of Cameron, or Cam, the wild child who doesn’t want to be home and enjoys booze and women. But he’s not the stereotypical bad boy, he just didn’t want to be home. Then his father gets into a car accident and he has nowhere to be but home. His mother died a decade ago and now his father is essentially gone. On his death bed, his father tells Cam, and his two brothers that they are now in charge of Seth. However, things of course don’t go that easy, nothing goes that easy and the social worker assigned to Seth’s case makes the Quinn brothers work for Seth.

Seth doesn’t make it easy on any of them. He’s had a horrible childhood, he trusts no one and of course doesn’t believe them when they say he wants them. Because why would they? His mother didn’t. But they do. They just don’t know how to show it because they just don’t communicate

What’s really hard for Cam, isn’t to get over his old life, but it’s to communicate with Seth, or anyone, including his brothers. While communication tends to be a major issue in romance novels, there wasn’t a communication issue between the couple, but between Cam and everyone else, the only person he could talk to was Anna, the social worker.

Anna, who has walls up around herself and doesn’t want to let anyone in, lets Cam in, even though she know she shouldn’t. The problem is Cam wants to race. He enjoys the freedom and the racing, but mostly the freedom. Love was never part of the equation. Particularly falling in love with the social worker who is supposed to be watching for how they are around Seth. There is a heartbreaking scene where she just wants to see Cam and they all assume she’s there for a surprise visit, something that never crossed her mind. Seth also doesn’t like Anna being around because his mother ditched him for guys, and that’s what Cam will do right? Ditch him for a girl?

While the ending does not wrap everything up, it does end on a very hopeful note.

Important to point out I read this saga out of order and still knew what was going on. Not important to be read in order.

kimberly_b's review against another edition

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2.5 stars rounded to 3

This was my first Nora Roberts book, and I can't say that I'm all that inclined to read many more by her. It was borderline boring. The premise sounded interesting enough, and the book got off to an okay start. Somewhere in the middle it just fell flat. Where was the climax? The drama? The tension? It wasn't a bad read by any means; it just could have been so much better. I already have a couple other NR books on hand to read, so I'll still give her another shot.

novelesque_life's review against another edition

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"A champion boat racer, Cameron Quinn traveled the world spending his winnings on champagne and women. But when his dying father called him home to care for Seth, a troubled young boy not unlike Cameron once was, his life changed overnight...

After years of independence, Cameron had to learn to live with his brothers again, while he struggled with cooking, cleaning, and caring for a difficult boy. Old rivalries and new resentments flared between Cameron and his brothers, but they tried to put aside their differences for Seth's sake. In the end, a social worker would decide Seth's fate, and as tough as she was beautiful, she had the power to bring the Quinns together--or tear them apart..." (From Amazon)

I enjoyed this family saga of four brothers finding love with a partner and family. Roberts is great at finding her heroes a heroine that not only meets their match but also someone that adds to their life. The relationship between the brothers is heartwarming and realistic. A great series.

sharpsilver's review against another edition

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I was having a hard time feeling invested in the romance because the MMC was the kind that doesn't listen to the FMC'S spoken boundaries and the unprofessionalism of the client/social worker relationship dynamic. The pacing was also a little slow for me.