
Adjustment Day by Chuck Palahniuk

bundy23's review

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1&1/2 stars purely because I managed to ready 70% of the way through before I gave up which is the furtherest I've made it through a Palahniuk book in almost a decade.

stacyculler's review

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Quite possibly the weirdest book I have ever read. Disturbing and gory and so unapologetically racist, sexist ... every “-ist” there is. I would not want to meet Palahniuk in a dark alley.

pryngols's review against another edition

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Please stay away from this book. It is classic Chuck P. with all his trademark nastiness, and I didn’t think it was possible but his crazy writing just got even more crazy on this one. If it’s your first time reading Chuck, maybe start with Fight Club or Choke or Survivor or his short story Guts. Then, only when you feel you are brave enough, then you can read this.

casey887's review

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One of the changes I wanted to make in 2020 was to stop forcing myself through books that I couldn’t get interested in. I do this often and it leads to less reading time spent on books I actually want to read. My criteria was to read 25% of a book and if I still couldn’t get into it, it was time to put it down. I’ve arrived at that point with the first book I started this year, unfortunately. No rating given since I didn’t make it to the end.

snchard's review

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I'm not sure why new Palahniuk books always make their way to the top of my reading list, but they do. It's some kind of morbid fascination, I suppose. I'm not sure I've ever really enjoyed reading his work. But, the way he describes these plausible not-too-distant futures makes me feel like maybe he knows something the rest of us don't. Adjustment Day felt more like his earlier works, and of course, will bring in endless comparisons to Fight Club. Definitely not for the squeamish, or anyone looking for a book that has any kind of optimism or feel-good elements. Probably best for those who are so jaded by current events that hopeless political commentary is the only palatable literature left. Also good for those who just want to watch the world burn, I guess.

shawnwhy's review

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My faviort of his books (lullady, Rant and Survivor) are those that are more focused on how a person deals with a strange situation , and not so much the description of the situation it self. I like how ambitious this book is, trying to touch on almost every part of the present social situation. It how ever is a bit disorganized.

joeam's review

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An ugly mess.

jarredactyl's review

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I can summarize my thoughts on this one with a single emoji: 😐.

jillreneemanns's review

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I wanted to like this book more. I feel like the second half was rushed and just disjointed enough that I found myself going back and rereading sections. I liked the story, just not the flow of it.