
E l'amore bussò by G.J. Walker-Smith

pagesforsanity's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this novel. I couldn't put it down. It started a bit slow but picked up fast. It was a cute novel about love gained and lost. I would highly recommend it.

bookphenomena_micky's review against another edition

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This was a beautifully sweet read, that's not to say things were smooth for the main characters Adam and Charli. Charli lives in Tasmania in a small town that seems dead end. Adam is American and comes visiting his aunt and stays once he has met Charli. Charli is a little on the crazy side and she is such a fun and loveable character. The surrounding characters of Alex and Gabi are great. The, I just have to buy the next book.

samwlabb's review against another edition

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4.5 Stars

kathryn08's review against another edition

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Very YA. Good, although a little unrealistic, considering how self-assured the 17 year old was. I read the first one because I got it for free as an iBook or on the Kindle app. Will I keep reading the series? Possibly, if my library buys the next books in the series - they aren’t ones I’d bother to buy.

jsedge's review against another edition

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Right up until the end, I was unsure whether I'd rate this a 3 or a 4. It definitely came in closer to a 4 than a 3. Mainly because on finishing, I had the 2nd book d/l'd within minutes needing to continue.

I have some issues with the story, sure. Such as I thought Charli and Adam fell too hard too fast for each other, and more could have been made of the build up; it wasn't til past halfway through the book I felt any characters outside of Charli took on more of a 3d shape; oft times, I thought the drama was really overplayed and exaggerated- the events didn't justify the reactions; and it annoyed me a little when Charli was constantly referring to herself as trouble and gave no examples of really shocking behavior to back it up. Sometimes, the story just didn't feel big enough.

However, it is very well written and Charli is an awesome narrator who I came to care very much about (she would SO be my friend!). I loved the small town setting. I loved her and Adam's random conversations. I loved the whole Alex reveal. And though I hated what another certain person did, I appreciated that twist. Most of all, I love how it ended. It would have most likely been a 3 star had it have went any other way. I hadn't realised it was the first of a trilogy- I'd thought it a stand alone. Finding out Charli's tale wasn't done yet excited me and I look forward to continuing her journey :)

hannahcatron's review against another edition

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I don't usually read e-books. I don't have any problem with them, I just find it easier for me personally to have an actual, paper book in front of me. I do have an e-reader, though, and I do get books on it occasionally if they are free (free books... why ever not?).

Saving Wishes had been on my to-read list for awhile. I don't remember why or how it got there, but it was there. I never have the heart to remove books from my TBR, I always want to be able to read everything. So, when I found the e-book for free, I figured I might as well mark this one off the list.

This has got to be one of the strangest books I have ever read. The story idea itself is not a strange one (it was actually pretty cliche), just what the author did with the idea made it weird for me.

First of all, this book is set in Tasmania, which actually sounds uber cool to me! Hello, vampires! Dracula! (Also, side-note: I had no idea that Tasmania was in Australia... I guess I'm just ignorant) But, alas, this book had no vampires in it, and after about two seconds Charli completely ruins the setting for us.

If I were her I would completely love living in Tasmania, but, nope, not Charli. She hates it, and paints an ugly picture of it in the minds of all the readers. Which, I guess is okay since it helps us understand why she wants to leave so very badly, but throughout the whole book I just didn't care for our dear main character, Charli, at all.
She was always super angry and emotional throughout the whole story. Every little thing would set her off.

Enter Adam: hot, rich, American/French dude. After detesting him for exactly 2 hours (or something like that) Charli discovers that fate brought them together, so they must be soul mates! Then starts the vomit-inducing making out which lasts the whole entire rest of the book.
I'm a girl, and am okay with a little bit of mushy gushy romance, but this was far too much too fast. Also, Charli's brother's name was Alex, and I kept getting his name mixed up with Adam's... kinda awkward, but yeah.

Things just kept going down-hill from there. The most random things kept happening that, honestly, I wouldn't have been surprised if a vampire did turn up somewhere.
This whole story felt like a complete mess to me. The "plot twists" and surprises at the end were predictable and altogether weird, and I didn't like any of the characters one bit.
I was disappointed really. I thought this might be a great book that would make me realize that there are some good free e-books out there in the world... but no... not this one. The cover is pretty, though!

Sorry, Wishes series, I shan't be continuing with you.

behindthepages's review against another edition

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Charlotte is a small town girl with a gift for photography and a wish to travel the world. In Pipers Cove, Australia there isn't much to do outside of school, surfing and stirring up trouble. Her reputation has long been ruined by her previous mistake of a relationship, and she can't wait to leave the bad memories behind. Until Adam shows up in town to visit family. This foreign boy with his American ways quickly wins Charlotte over, but is she about to make the same mistakes?

As much as this book advertises that it is about a small town in Australia, outside of the constant gossip this could have been any town, anywhere. There was nothing to make it stand out and say it was a small town, or that it took place in a certain country. There was no local culture worked in whatsoever. I approached this book with caution because it was labeled as a romance, but I was hoping to see something unique out of it since it was set in Australia. Boy was I let down. I could have forgiven the lack of an interesting setting if the story was well written, however it was severely lacking.

There isn't much that actually happens in the story. Sure Charlotte meets Adam who is a cute out of town French American, he's got an accent to swoon any girl, but the story sort of ends when they meet. It's instant attraction and supposedly destiny the two characters meet. There really isn't much conflict aside from Charlotte trying to avoid becoming the town's hot gossip for dating the new guy. I'm sure teens who are new to relationships might enjoy this, as Charlotte endures self-doubts that are common for one, but I can't see adults enjoying this story. I actually don't even have much else to say about the book due to its lack of plot. Not a series I will continue.

kerribookhoarder's review against another edition

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I honestly don't understand how this has such good reviews... Boring, cliche and trite, in my opinion. It had potential but things either moved too fast or moved at a glacial pace. I almost put this down as DNF, but I wanted to see how it ended - but then surprise! It's part of a series. Of course.

laurencebc1's review against another edition

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Actual Rating: 3.5

“Charlotte has a high tolerance for risk, she’s a slave to the sea and she takes pictures of time.”

This was free on ibooks so I downloaded it and gave it a shot. I was pleasantly surprised, actually, by how much I enjoyed reading this.

Charli Blake has dreamt of travelling the world and leaving Piper's Cover for 10 years. She has a 'bad' reputation around town due to rumours started by the Beautifuls, as everyone in town refers to the trio of backstabbing bitches. Then she meets Adam Décarie ( ;) ) and falls unexpectedly in love with him. Meeting Adam makes her realise who she is and she becomes to accept herself. Through Saving Wishes, Charli suffers a lot, yet comes out strong in the end.

I really admired Charli as a character and thought she was strong-willed, tough, (oh so very tough for putting up with the Beautifuls), smart, imaginative, passionate, oh and funny and snarky. You really see her grow as a character and how she overcomes the problems she faces. Adam was your typical oh-so-gorgeous-ridiculously-nice guy, and a little too cliché for me, but fun nonetheless. Another character I really enjoyed was Alex, who I found loveable and I really admired his devotion and love for Charli, and WOW, big shocker that I did not see coming.

The plot focuses mainly on Charli's development as a character and her love for Adam and the decision she has to make as to whether to stay or to go.

If you're a fan of contemporary romance and cliché love-at-fire-sight romances, then I really suggest you give this a go.

littlethief's review against another edition

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Honestly, I wasn't expecting much from this book in the first place. The only reason I read it was because I didn't want to spend money, and I was bored, and I found it for free in the iBooks store.

And it turned out that I was almost expecting too much. And I wasn't expecting at ALL- that's how bad I found it. It seemed like a badly written, non-supernatural fanfiction of the Twilight books (not that the Twilight books are written well.) The female character was dull and boring, even though the author tried REALLY hard to make her fiesty and interesting. She failed miserably. I couldn't stand Charli twenty pages into the novel. Adam was so much like Edward Cullen, it annoyed the crap out of me. A guy who likes to fix stuff, who speaks different languages as if they were integrated into his brain the moment he was born, a guy who was so insanely gorgeous and mysterious that he could get anyone he could ever want, but the only one he wanted was a stupid, drab little girl who no one gave a crap about. Surprise surprise. They fell in love within hours of meeting each other. Hurray! Another ridiculously fickle love story that makes you want to cringe whenever they kiss or touch or when either one of them hyperventilates.

I mean, COME ON. The only cute part of their love story in the entire book was the fact that Adam called her Coccinelle. And, what? It took her around a week to figure out what that means? That really doesn't sound like any seventeen year old I know. SPOILER AHEAD. SKIP THIS PARAGRAPH. The biggest plot twist of the entire book was the fact that Alex turned out to be her father, and that's not even a well-developed plot twist. NOTHING HAPPENS to complement the story, except the fact that she can finally provide the birth certificate for her passport. And that is it.

The side characters were filler devices. And that was it. When the author felt like there was too much Adam in the pages, she decided to put in another character to give the illusion to the reader that there are not just three characters in the entire book. No character had a defined personality. Nicole was one thing, and then another thing. Even Charli was ridiculously bipolar. One moment she hated Mitchell, and then the other moment, she was running off on a world tour with him. FANTASTIC.

Poorly written, shallow characters, shallow story, overly-cheesy love that ended up going nowhere: these are the things that define this book. Honestly, I don't know HOW this book got an average rating of over-four stars. I fail to understand.

If I had a physical copy of this book, I would burn it. I honestly would. But, thank God I don't.