
Tattoo Thief by Heidi Joy Tretheway

snoopydoo77's review

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It took me a couple pages to get into this book, but once there I loved it. I think that was partly because of Beryl in the beginning and her “I’m stuck” attitude and a being whiny. Once she got to NYC , that all changed.
You can find my full review here:

nitzanschwarz's review

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Okay, color me shocked.  I never really expected to like this book much.  Maybe that's mean of me (who am I kidding? It's  definitely  mean of me), but I just... I was wary. Still,  I'm a sucker for  the Rock Star x Normal Girl trope (and, if anybody knows of a book featuring this trope but opposite, please share), but it's also not a secret that  I've been disappointed by some of the so called best of the lot.

Tattoo Thief tells the story of Beryl , a twenty two years old woman who feels stuck in her job, so when her late dad's best friend shows up and offers her a job in NY, she takes it. And then her roommate deal falls off, and a  house sitting  gig falls in her lap...

And not just any house -  Gavin Slater's . Oh,  c'mon . Don't pretend you don't know who that is. Just the  hottest  lead singer in the hottest rock band alive - Tattoo Thief. He seems to have gone through some form of meltdown, though, and Beryl might be just the person to bring him back.

Now Beryl... she's a tough one for me.  I both loved her and hated her.  I loved the brave, takes-shit-from-no-one kind of girl she proved herself to be in New York. I loved that she looked at houses and saw  people , and that she often wanted to fix them. I liked her dynamics with  DanCharles  and  Jasper  (who is the most perfect doggie, ever!).

I didn't like her shameless snooping.  I didn't like that she went on that drive with Peter ( seriously?! ). And I supremely didn't like the  Lulu's Clothes  thing. It's a relatively small thing to be so putout by, but I couldn't suppress my distaste and disdain with the fact  she was wearing a dead woman's clothes.

Now the love story... I did feel like they fall for each other a bit too fast.  I mean,  I loved their email chats , but every conversation kind of ended with them mad at each other, so why are you also falling in love? But  they were cute . Even if  there was way too little of actual Gavin.

Stella ... Stella reminds me of Stella from winx club. Same type of person; self-centered, kind of boy-crazy, easily hurts her friends without noticing (and sometimes, definitely noticing but still does it). See what you did there, character? You made me draw Winx Club analogies. Shame on you!

I don't think I could've forgiven Stella if I were in Beryl's shoes ... though, she clearly uncovered something earth shattering about herself to Beryl at the end there to gain her forgiveness... and I can't wait to find out what! (Sadistic of me, I know)

And the  ending .. well,  I feel cheated ! I was reading along, my kindle telling me I still have 48 minutes in the book when BAM  the end  and turns out those 48 minutes are  previews  for the next book. Seriously?! Bad book, you fooled me!

I wanted more time with Beryl and Gavin just  being  Beryl and Gavin together! 

camibookish's review

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1.8 stars
And I'm not giving it just one because I finished reading it.
Full review Here
This book started so great, but it was such a disappointment. Zero conflict resolution, or even an approach of it. The lead female that I thought might be so authentic at first turned out to be just a copy of somebody else, I have a lot to say, but be warned there's going to be SPOILERS!!!
I need to talk about stuff that without the details of the events in the book it's just not gonna be the same. So here I go.

Everything was fine, this was going to be a 4 stars book. There were some things that might have been a little annoying but it was a good read anyway. That lasted only 'till the first 50% of the book. And then it all went slowly to hell... And I'm gonna do a list here of everything that made book a disappointment to me.
Spoiler1. She falls in love with the guy incredibly fast, with some superficial chat and e-mail exchange. I mean it wasn't all superficial, but certainly not to fall in love THAT fast.
2. When he seems to return some of the same feelings and they meet she kisses him only after a few minutes of talk, and that's ok, that's great for her to be so brave, but... When he puts some breaks on the make out session, she seems so disappointed and afraid and thinks there was some kind of relationship already that will not continue... (This annoy me and I didn't know why)
3. Then, the guy stood her up, and she was mad with fair reason. But while having an argument about it he asks if she trusts him and she doesn't answer inmediately, so the guy seems dissapointed and she answers him on the spot that she does trust him but he hurt her and needs to explain. (I got a feeling she wasn't sure if she trusted him but told him she did to not hurt him or dissapoint him, I'm really tired of write that word. And I mean, how can she trust him completely, they shared some secrets and stuff bu THEY DON'T REALLY KNOW EACH EATHER THIS IS THE SECOND TIME THE MEET FACE TO FACE)
4. Oh and here comes the biggest issue. The thing that bothered me through most of the book but it wasn't really an issue 'till this happened: She, Baryl (that's her name) starts wearing Gavin (That's him) death ex/muse's clothes, after he asked her she get rids of them. I could have understand this, it was expensive and perfect clothes and If I had been just a worker on the guy's house I would have keep them too, after washing them and certainly would have gotten rid of the dead girls UNDERWEAR!!!!!!! Her underwear!!! this is just so wrong. But the worst is when she wears the clothes for their first date, the date when Gavin stood her up. It turned out he did show up at the place, he just couldn't get out of the car 'cause she saw her wearing his ex/muse's clothes! So he couldn't deal with it, it was a trigger for him. Well, Gavin tells her this, but she doesn't approach it, she just tells him she went out with other guy after she was stood up... And then, when everything's solve, and the main 'conflict' was solved, it was just drama btw, they go to a T.V show (Jimmy Fallon's) and she goes with the dead girl's clothes again and she says she has HIS BLESSING to wear them... WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!!!

It seems to me that Baryl is just trying to be the replacement of Gavin's muse. And when he's aks if he found a new one he says it's no that, he says that that it's not healthy and it's addictive and bla, bla bla. But then he asks her to be the new model for the next cover of their new album (the band) and she accepts. Do you know who was the model for the two previous albums of the band? IT WAS GAVIN'S DEAD EX GIRLFRIEND/MUSE. And Baryl keeps wearing her clothes.
And I was done, I was fucking done. And I say it with respect. This is not against the author, it's my attempt to make a constructive criticism to a book that had so much potential, it was a great story, the preview was awesome and it captivate me, but I read it and nothing was right. This things I just mentioned could have perfectly been an issue in the book, and used as a conflict, as part of the relationship, as means to an end. They could have grown together as people and a couple by overcoming this issues. The book just ended and this things were there like they were normal, but let me tell you this, this are issues that are not normal in a healthy relationship and that eventually would explode and made everyone insecure with themselves, that's what I see in this couple's future.
SpoilerBaryl being insecure of herself after realizing that she's the exact same copy of Lulu, Gavin's ex/muse. She could have been a new muse of her own, with her own identity, but she was just a copy. The clothes were a massive No for me.
They could have discussed it, make an agreement, approach these subjects and not let them float in the book like normal. I think if all of that was approached, it would have been an awesome book and I would have given it at least a 4 stars review. Sadly, it was not. :(

mandapanda0310's review

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Loved! xoxo

caseroo7's review

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Review originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

Tattoo Thief by Heidi Joy Tretheway was so much different than what I was expecting. It was so much more than just another rockstar story. I really enjoyed reading this, and I finished it in one sitting. It was a quick and easy read that kept me interested through every last word. Beryl and Gavin were really easy to like and become invested in. I am looking forward to reading more in this series and from Heidi Joy Tretheway.

When Beryl gets the chance to leave her small Oregon hometown, she jumps on the first plane to NYC. She is working for her father's best friend Dan, who sets her up as a house-sitter and assistant to the rich and famous. Her first job proves to be difficult as she enters the house of Gavin Slater, lead singer for the rock band Tattoo Thief. The place is absolutely trashed and whats more is that she finds out he has not only left a mess, but he also left a dog behind at a boarder. She decides to give him a piece of her mind, and the two begin corresponding back and forth. After suffering a terrible loss, Gavin has run to the other side of the world filling his time with traveling to out of the way places. But as he and Beryl talk more and begin to open up to each other, Gavin realizes that he needs to stop running and face everything he left behind. Can Beryl find her way in a world much different than what she is used to and figure out a way to bring Gavin home?

I liked Gavin. He was so much different than the first impression that you get of him. He was sweet and thoughtful, and I liked that he really payed attention to everything that Beryl told him. He wasn't just about grand gestures, but did little things too. He was so upset and vulnerable because of his guilt over the loss of Lulu, and yet he opened up to Beryl without too much of a fight. I thought that they had a strong connection right from the start, but it was really natural. It didn't feel forced or fake at all. It just worked. Beryl was smart and ambitious, and also really sweet. I liked that she was willing to leave everything she knew on a chance at a better future. She didn't let anything hold her back, and I liked how honest she was, even to the point of saying things that could have got her in trouble. I loved that she was able to see others as the best they could be and was always determined to help them see the same as well. She was just a great heroine, and I really liked reading her story. Gavin and Beryl had a lot of chemistry, but they shared so much more than that.

Overall, I thought that this book was really good. I didn't give it five stars, because even though we do get some interaction between them at the end it really felt like the majority of this book was about Beryl. Because they start of apart and are just emailing and chatting through the internet, it really sort of feels like this story is Beryl's for the most part and that their relationship sort of takes a back seat. I wish that Gavin would have showed up a bit sooner and that we would have got more of their time together. But I really did enjoy this story and that was really my only complaint. I liked getting to briefly meet the other guys in the band and look forward to getting to know them better. I am a bit apprehensive about Stella being the next heroine. I hated her actions at the end of the book, but if i'm being honest I didn't like her from the start. She was extremely selfish and wasn't a good friend at all. I really hope that she redeems herself though, as I think I am really going to like Tyler and I hope she is worthy of him. I really loved that this book was about a rockstar, but was completely different from any other story I have read before. I think that if you are looking for a story about a sexy rockstar that has more depth and emotion, that this is one that you should definitely give a shot. I am so glad that I read this one and can't wait to read more in this series.

simplyxkate's review

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DNF at 55%. Can I just say that I absolutely hate Beryl aka Judgey McJudgerson?? It's creepy how she snoops through her clients' things and wears the clothes her client specifically tells her to get rid of, and then begs him to trust her. Then when he finally opens up to her, she throws his problems back in his face and gets offended when he stops talking to her. I'd fire this girl so fast.

Also, for a rock star romance, there's very little rock star in it.

kayladbruns's review

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The book was really promising after reading the blurb. The characters were likeable but I didn’t really care for them. I just felt as if this book had the potential to be more. I thought that Beryl always crossed the line with Gavin. She was really intrusive into his personal life. All she was hired to do was to be his house sitter and then she acts as if she is she shrink when he lets his guard down just a little bit. Every time he to move forward she just did it again. I don't really understand how they transitioned from friends to a couple. When they finally met face to face there was absolutely no chemistry between them. And as far as her best friend Stella goes, I didn’t like her one bit. How do you flake on your best friend when she needed a place to go and then after everything you betray her too? This was just an okay read and since the next installment is about Stella I think I’ll pass.

morgandemming's review

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A sweet little pen pal to real life romance👍🏻👍🏻5 stars!

smitchy's review

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Highly readable contemporary romance. Not as steamy as some but more of a story going then any have. Reminded me of Kylie scott. But not quite as funny