the_herbal_carnivore's review

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My children thought this story was hilarious and couldn't believe the two men actually indeed peed over the side to lighten the load. I thought the book was well written with lovely illustrations. Again, a great way to learn a bit of history in a fun way and trigger curiosity in the children. 3.5 stars

lattelibrarian's review

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What a fun (and mostly true) book!  Olshan and Blackall's book discusses a rarely talked about but an important and fun event: the first international balloon ride!  With Olshan's intriguing and explanatory narrative as well as Blackall's highlighting illustrations, this book is fun for all to both read and learn something new.  There's a lot of attention to detail both obviously and subtly, making it great for readers in grades 2-4.

Review cross-listed here!

sfujii's review

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WAY too much text. My newest pet peeve are kids books that are so overloaded with text that the toddler it was marketed to loses interest before you can turn the page...

Pictures are really cool, but the story is very literal and again, not matched well to the age group that it seems like it is for.

matthewabush's review

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This was a fun read and a little educational at the same time. It was fun to see the two reconcile at the of their flight.

dawnoftheread's review

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An extra star for cute dogs.

lazygal's review

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Read for the Mock Newbery at work.

agudenburr's review

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A little too silly for me.

jennybeastie's review

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I'm particularly amused by the funny depictions of faces/teeth, and by the ingenious solution to avoid crash landing.

erine's review

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The text and illustrations work together to convey the humor (some imagined) of this somewhat mad adventure. Two men, conflicted in their personalities, work together to reach their goal of traveling over an international border in a hot air balloon. The list of their luggage would be enough to inspire giggles, but the way in which they solve their aviation troubles is even more enjoyable.

A short author's note details exactly where the story left the rails of truth.

jmshirtz's review

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I loved this book! There is so much interesting information, and witty dialogue, and hilarious happenings! It's 1785 and Dr. John Jeffries and Jean-Pierre Blanchard (and their dogs) want to make the first international flight by balloon across the English Channel (or is it La Manche? ;)). The main problem is: they don't get along! Will they learn to work together to ensure safe passage? Whatever happens, it's bound to be an adventure!