emilyn02's review

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I think it was fun my library had this so I could read it and love it. "Then we swallowed the pizza so fast I hardly chewed, and I burnt the roof of my mouth on the cheese." Miku p.71 in this book. We all do something like this from time to time.

vegandanimal's review

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Charming in its use of Japanese folklore, but I never got the feeling that the characters were in any danger.

alffbooks's review against another edition

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This book is a very quick read, easily finished in one sitting. I probably would have enjoyed it more at a younger age. I found the references to Japanese culture and stories to be very interesting. The fact that the main characters are much younger makes it harder to connect with them, but it is interesting because you really do feel that the main characters(Miku and Cait) are quite young and it is often hard to simplify writing in such a way to bring that across without making them sound stupid, at least that is my opinion.

The story itself had a bit of back story that I would like to read more about in the next book, just to understand more about the main character's family(the Takeshita's). All in all I will continue the series because it's nice to read something that I can finish overnight.

rachael_amber's review against another edition

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Review to come

hogsandwich's review against another edition

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This was a great read! Short and punchy and full of fantastic, surreal demonology. There's SO much research in this book, but it doesn't weigh down the text at all. I also liked the still tangible remnants of our protagonists family history and past in Japan, even though the stories set in Britain. Very recommended!

cyn0514's review against another edition

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petualangan takeshita miku -anak jepang yg keluarganya pindah ke london- dan sahabatnya cait o'neall dalam menghadapi berbagai macam hantu jepang. yg plg menakutkan adalah nakekubi, makhluk yg kl siang serupa manusia tp saat malam hari kepalanya bs lepas kyk leak begitu. si nakekubi ini ngejar2 miku krn dia keturunan wanita klg takeshita yg terakhir, tp kenapa nya jg msh blm jelas.

ini mmg aslinya ceritanya tiba2 selesai atau edisi bhs indonesianya ini yg ngaco ya? lg seru2nya ngadepin si ubiubi itu tiba2 ganti bab, trus sdh pagi, trus gak tau apa yg sdh tjd sama si hantu ubirebus itu #eh.

*mendingan baca manga d... kekkaishi atau raise of the yokai clan atau yg kyk2 gitu....*

oiya, typo2 bertebaran di mana2, mengerikan.....