
Gods of Night by David Mack

gullevek's review against another edition

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A solid read, actually better than I expected from any novel in the Star Trek Universe. It keeps the mushy stuff to a bare minimum and gets on with the story line that is actually quite good.

maddypertiwi's review against another edition

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Akhirnya selesai juga. Saya juga baca novel ST yang lain tapi ini menarim perhatian saya karena merupakan pengembangan dari 3 serial yang sudah ada. Karakter2 yang biasa kita kenal sudah mengalami pegembangan signifikan.

Membaca buku ini bukan berarti saya sudah terbiasa dengan technology babble yang akrab ditemukan di cerita ST. Cukup pusing saya hehehe. Saya memfokuskan pada plot cerita yang menurut saya berliku dan melibatkan time travel.

Bagian pertama dari trilogi ini merupakan pembuka, dimana Ezri Dax sebagai kapten dari USS Aventine berusaha memecahkan misteri mengenai hilangnya kapal USS Columbia. Tokoh lain seperti Jean-Luc Picard dan William Riker, dengan kapalnya masing2, mempunyai persoalan berbeda yang akan dibahas pada bagian berikutnya. Benang merahnya satu, menghadapi invasi Borg.

Buku ini susah payah saya habiskan karena untuk menikmatinya tidak bisa terlalu santai. Walau begitu, saya suka dengan ceritanya dan tidak sabar untuk membaca bagian berikutnya.

sidetracked's review against another edition

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It's the frickin' Borg! And Picard, and Riker, and another incarnation of the Trill Dax, and captain Hernandez from the 22nd century (captain of the Enterprise's sister ship, Columbia). And you also have a mysterious race, more advanced than any other, apparently in the whole universe, that could potentially solve the Borg invasion.
It's like Christmas when you were a child and still believed in Santa, only for Trekkies. It's really that good! If you haven't read it, take the whole trilogy and read it. You'll not be disappointed!

amethyst_hearts_books's review against another edition

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If this was someone's fanfiction, I would say it's pretty good. But it's not.

The writing is problematic at parts. Most of the character interaction happens through teasing, which is boring and in some cases, odd. And then he takes two happy couples, and decides that the next logical step is babies. Fine, but both? And make one of them have very present-day Earth problems (miscarriages) with only present-day solutions? I don't remember Deanna ever even caring about having children, but now she's apparently completely unreasonable? And there could be a much more creative process here. Genetic manipulation, for one. It just feels tired, like he didn't know what to do next with a happy couple. The Time Traveler's Wife had the same problem.

I also really, really didn't like who he turned Dr. Beverly Crusher into. I didn't recognize her.

thuismuis's review against another edition

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Well, it's basically cannon Star Trek, including captains Picard, Riker, and Ezri Dax vs. the Borg. And there's a new extremely powerful and secretive alien species. So far it's a good fun read.

jecamp86's review against another edition

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This is the second time I’ve read this book and it remains one of my favorite of the post nemesis series. There’s a great story here with 4 different crews each on a different mission that’s told brilliantly. Most know this series is about the Borg but they’re not really a presence in this book much as a character but more of a background story.

fbone's review against another edition

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A lot happening all at once. Multiple story-lines with multiple ships and crew including flashbacks. I was confusing everything and everyone. Then there were a few personal interest scenes acting as an unnecessary diversion. Things were starting to come together at the end, though. And I'm sure the next book in the series will follow the pattern. The book was well written and well thought out. Hopefully, the author can continue the momentum.

feeona's review against another edition

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It took a while to fit all the strings together but towards the end of the book everything turned out to be connected and I am really excited to read what's happening the the next 2 books.
Hint: Don't read/finish the book if you don't have the next one right at hand because it's a mayor cliffhanger.

howattp's review against another edition

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I’ve been waiting for this day for years: finally embarking on the journey into the great unknown (for me) of Star Trek post-A Time To... fiction, really starting with the Destiny Trilogy.
This is a solid opener to the trilogy, and I’m not exactly sure what the overarching story will be, but I’m enjoying the journey so far!

mordecai's review

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Dnf @ page 39/431
Just not feeling it. I used to love reading the Star Trek novels, and I don’t know whether they’re just not my thing anymore, or if I’m just not in the right mood currently. There was nothing wrong with the book, I just couldn’t get into it. Might potentially try again in the future, might not. This was a library book, so no great loss.