
Una estrella que no s'apaga by Lori Earl, Wayne Earl, Esther Earl

sarahsindorf's review against another edition

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Resenha do blog, escrita por Sarah Sindorf

"(...) Esther não era incomum porque estava doente, mas porque era a Esther; e ela não existiu para que o restante de nós pudesse aprender Lições Importantes de Vida. O significado da vida dela - como o de qualquer outra - é uma questão enlouquecedoramente ambígua e envolta em incerteza."

Esther Earl era uma menina que foi diagnosticada com câncer de tireóide aos 12 anos e morreu aos 16. Mas esse é um resumo muito simplório e que, ao meu ver, não descreve em nada a pessoa que me foi apresentada neste livro. Desde as primeiras páginas tudo que pude sentir foi muito carinho, muita alegria e, principalmente, muita vida.

O livro reúne depoimentos de pessoas amigas, familiares e profissionais que trabalharam com Esther durante sua luta. Em todos eles conseguimos sentir uma opinião unânime: Esther era a pessoa com mais vida, força de vontade, coragem e amor que eles conheceram. Ela tinha o dom de fazer uma pessoa se sentir a mais importante para ela, de realmente sentar, ouvir e tentar ajudar quem viesse a ela.

Não vou com esse livro dizer que conheço ou sinto falta dela, porque não é verdade. Infelizmente não conheci e nem sabia quem Esther era até o lançamento deste livro, mas posso dizer que gostaria de tê-la conhecido. Assisti alguns videos de seu canal (que ainda está no ar até hoje) e os achei super divertidos e cheio de animação. Não tive a sensação de que ela tinha um problema ou sentia tanta falta de ar e desconforto com diz em alguns momentos no livro.

Uma coisa que eu não esperava nesse livro é que Esther não é descrita como uma pessoas sem erros, nem pouparam o leitor de seus momentos sombrios. Em vários momentos podemos ver uma Esther dividida: de um lado uma pessoa de coração aberto à fé e esperançosa sobre o que Deus reservava à ela, e de outro uma menina assustada, que não queria morrer e não entendia por que estava passando por aquilo tudo.

Eu acho que a grande lição que esse livro deixa não é a superação nem a luta contra o câncer, mas o modo de ser de uma pessoa que seria maravilhosa com câncer ou sem ele. Esther era uma pessoa preocupada em fazer a diferença no mundo e batalhou por isso mesmo tendo vários problemas pessoais e limitações físicas. Se preocupava e amparava vários amigos online, que sequer sabiam que estava doente.

Assistindo seus vídeos e lendo alguns rascunhos de histórias que ela começou e foram publicados no livro eu senti que ela seria conhecida e famosa no futuro. Ela tinha muito potencial. Mas esse potencial não foi desperdiçado, pois ela mudou e fez a diferença na vida de inúmeras pessoas, algumas que nem a conheciam, e acredito que continue fazendo essa mudança até hoje e ainda fará por muito tempo.

Seus pais criaram a fundação This Star Won't Go Out, onde se encontram várias informações sobre Esther e onde você pode fazer doações, que servem para ajudar famílias carentes a arcarem com o tratamento e despesas financeiras referentes ao tratamento de câncer infantil, como viagens, pagamentos de hipotecas, etc.

De todas as biografias que li esse mês, essa foi a que me deu mais esperança e confiança na humanidade, e agradeço à Esther por ter sido assim e aos seus pais por terem tido a coragem de enfrentar o luto e criar essa excelente publicação para que possamos amar e ter esperança no próximo. Espero que todos possam ter essa sensação maravilhosa que tive lendo esse livro.


erinkayata's review against another edition

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I originally had no intent of purchasing or even reading this book when I entered the book aisle of Target. Not to say I was against it, but I simply had not considered it. The photo on the front drew me in and I found myself flipping through the pages and before I knew it, reading the book, right there in the middle of the aisle. I felt compelled to buy it so I could finish it. I'm most certainly glad I did. The story of Esther is both touching and inspiring. Reading her writing made me feel like I knew her; I wish I had. I have a feeling we would've gotten along. I love reading the work of other young writers, so this book was great for me. It even encouraged me to get back into my own writing, something which I've neglected as of the last few weeks. The story is a sad one, and I couldn't shake a feeling of inevitable, impending doom while reading it. But input from Esther's family not only added to the personal feel of the novel, but put a hopeful spin on it. They all seem like extraordinary people. The only downside to the book was sometimes I missed some of Esther's references-but hey, what would you expect when reading someone else's diary? With this book on shelves, this star truly won't go out.

_reedmylife_'s review against another edition

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this book was phenomenal. This book was actually the book that got me to know the world of nerdfighteria and i am so thankful for it. The story of Esther earl was so meaningful and just full of love, I think I cried more than I have ever before. Thank you Esther!

pussinbooks's review against another edition

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In this book you'll find a story about a girl of remarkable strength, the people she loved, and the people who loved her.

Many times those who have passed are raised onto a pedestal to one dimensional memories of Hope and Inspiration. Esther's story does offer hope and inspiration because of her accomplishments, but her journal entries show a complex girl. Esther is angry at her disease, yet also grateful and seemingly enraptured by the love and support of her family and friends. She never loses her sense of humor even as her condition grows worse. Esther's early fiction romantic comedies, a fantasy world populated by animals of her own making, and a fictionalized version of her own struggle with cancer. Her work shows us a passionate voice that was clearly going to develop into a successful writer.

finnthehuman217's review against another edition

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I have so many things to say. First of all, as a Nerdfighter who loves the fan culture of the vlogbrothers, I found this book to be incredibly awesome (see what I did there) I am so happy to finally read it, and hear from Esther herself. Especially because I’ve only seen bits and pieces of what I know from John’s vlogs and whatnot. And so to get to know Esther as the rest of catitude does is incredible because I was thinking of her as she was described by others and I loved seeing the humanity in her. She was so cute and I read the book through audio, so it was weird to hear familiar names (that I personally know) and be like “hey that’s my friend!” Anyway...Lori, Wayne, you are wonderful people who raised a great daughter who was really influential in making a lot of change both during her life and after her death. I keep thinking back to the weekend of Nerdcon: Nerdfighteria where John broke down during his closing ceremony talk regarding Esther and how we are present in the moment. He discussed the idea that Esther would have loved NC:NF because of the amazing connection everyone felt. Like you could sit with people if they had a Pizza John shirt on and it wouldn’t be weird. I find that so cool!!!! Anyway, as I come out of my stream of consciousness about my experience with the book, I just want to say again thank you John for teaching me to imagine people complexly. I finally got to see Esther complexly!!! This book was perfect with so much angst but also a lot of fun and emotion. Thank you Esther for blessing us.

ttayfel1997's review against another edition

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This book was honestly so enlightening. The amount of joy and happiness that Esther showed during a hard time in her life was astounding. It made me realize how good I have it. I can't believe she was able to stay so positive throughout her journey. She is an inspiration to me. This book brought me to tears, but also made me smile and laugh as well. I really feel like I know Esther after reading this book. I hope she knows how many people she has touched with her story.

bookgirl4ever's review against another edition

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Esther Grace Earl was John Green's inspiration for bestseller The Fault in Our Stars. Esther was diagnosed with thyroid cancer at the age of 13. She managed it for three years before passing away gracefully at the age of 16. This book is a collection of her diary entries, art work, blog entries, and tweets with friends. Also included are blogs posts from her parents and remembrances by her friends and doctors. Esther relied upon on her faith in God, family, and friends to get through this great trial. I am impressed by her love for others through her suffering. A positive inspiration for teens and adults alike. Kleenex needed throughout this book.


maggieweygand's review against another edition

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I can't explain in words how beautiful this book was. Crying is an understatement for what I did while I was reading this.

pleasejustletmeread's review against another edition

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The inspiring story of the last years of an amazing girl, that you can't help but love.
Anyone close to a person with cancer or another serious illness needs to read this, - it gives an insight to what it might be like for the ill person, again making it easier to be around this person, knowing a bit more about their thoughts, mental state and general needs.

christina_grace's review against another edition

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This is one of the greatest stories i have ever read it makes me thankful for all i have. I will remember each word and each moment in this book. It is the only nonfiction that i have not fallen asleep reading it is exceptional.

This is the journal and a look into the life of Esther earl before and after her Thyroid cancer diagnosis. She was a full of life teen who spent all her possible time at Harry Potter conventions and Doctor who Cons, and lets not forget comic con and leaky con where she met someone who would become her greatest friend and beacon of support... We all know him as the World renowned author John Green but she knew his as her goofy nerd fighting friend who would put together parties and pay to fly out all her online friends to visit her when she wasn't doing well.

As the dates creep closer and closer you see less of her writing and more of her parents and supports saying and sending letters telling those how she is as you continue her story... Her book begins to whine done until a week after her 16th birthday she passes away peacefully in hospital room enclosed in a circle of family and closet friends.

Reading this story you will not have a dry eye its emotional funny and most of all it shows the strength that this teenage girl who never gave up and will always be loved and remembered not for her cancer but for her outlook and comical outlook on life and the important paths we leave on others... Ester Earl is my inspiration and her star will never go out.