
The Ever-Changing Past: Why All History Is Revisionist History by James M. Banner

dominikag's review

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The writing was too academic for my liking. It didn't seem to be for a general audience like the author suggested they wanted to also be writing this for. 

musicdeepdive's review

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A fascinating study that both debunks and confirms mythos surrounding historical revisionism.

kavinay's review

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It was ever thus.

Banner's job is actually quite difficult, make a simple case that political rhetoric about the use of history is completely antithetical to the actual practice of reassessing the past against new sources and frames of reference. His examples though of common controversies about revisionism are well chosen and each expose a new wrinkle about how a static view of the past doesn't just miss the point but also loses clarity in pursuit of absolute truth.

karatedrummer's review

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A fascinating study that both debunks and confirms mythos surrounding historical revisionism.