
The Inner Circle by Kevin George

weaselweader's review

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The devil (or angel) is in the details!

There isn't anything particularly new about an apocalyptic novel based on the premise of a wayward comet crashing into earth. But Kevin George's THE INNER CIRCLE does it up right and manages to be a refreshing, interesting, page-turning and quite compelling take on an old theme. The politics, the characters with developed and completely disparate personalities, the secrecy, the astronomy, the worry, the paranoia, the fear, the struggle for a solution to save mankind ... it's all there and, as I said, stays away from anything that might be called trite, stale, repetitive or derivative. At the end of this first novel in a (are you ready for this?) 12 part mammoth series, I'm definitely hooked and ready to move quickly on to Part 2. Whether or not, Mr George can spin this out and keep me on the edge of my seat for another 11 full length novels remains an open question. But I'm certainly ready to get started

Paul Weiss

warren1970's review

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Abandoned book after a jelly-donut eating cop made an appearance, and then 2 characters watched a comet with an orbit around our sun get deflected in real time by a unknown black hole, and then a scene with a couple of pantomime Russian cliche characters that just made me think the Science behind the Sci-Fi is too ridiculous for consumption and the writing was dreadful.