
I'd Give Anything by Marisa de los Santos

scarlettg12's review against another edition

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I LOVE [a:Marisa de los Santos|66631|Marisa de los Santos|], although I’ve only recently discovered her. So when I heard she was coming out with a new book I was so excited. Maybe it’s because I hyped it up so much before reading it, but unfortunately I was disappointed by this book. I thought this storyline was just ok. It’s probably a 3 star storyline, but in the hands of [a:Marisa de los Santos|66631|Marisa de los Santos|] I’ll be generous and say it’s a 4 star book. It definitely pales in comparison to the other books in the series. But honestly, it 100% should not be included as a part of this series, because it has absolutely nothing to do with the other books at all. While the other three books did take place years apart and could be read as standalones, they at least had very strong connections, the same characters, and overlapping storylines. So I thought that Cornelia and Teo and Clare and Dev and all my favorites might at least make an appearance, or take place in the same town, or some reference to their lives. Some kind of crossover. But no, nothing. When I first read the description I thought it might even be that this was the story of the Ginny who was Elizabeth’s babysitter in [b:Belong to Me|2113410|Belong to Me (Love Walked In, #2)|Marisa de los Santos||2212314], which would still have been a very weak connection but a connection nonetheless, but the ages and last names don’t line up. So I’m very very confused why this is included as part of a series it has nothing whatsoever to do with.

Speaking of the description, DON’T READ IT, at least not in the middle of reading this book like I did. There’s a spoiler! I just don’t understand how a minor twist that’s not revealed until almost 75% in the book is revealed in the description. I hadn’t realized when I first read it months ago when I added the book to my TBR, and I didn’t reread it right before starting this book, but before I got to the point the spoiler is revealed, I reread the description, as I sometimes do, and the spoiler was spoiled. Not only that, but a lot of plot points that should only be discovered while reading are revealed right there in the description. Very little is left to the reader to discover by reading the book, they’d just need to read the description. I’d highly recommend the publishers change this somehow and make it less revealing.

I liked these characters, but again they are fairly generic when compared to Cornelia and Clare and Teo and Dev and even Piper and Edith from previous books. And I know I wouldn’t be comparing them so much if this hadn’t been wrongly included as part of the series, but even trying to separate myself from that and think of it as it’s own book, it’s not [a:Marisa de los Santos|66631|Marisa de los Santos|]’ best book. I was engaged in the plot and wanted to know what would happen and was surprised by several things, and I did root for the characters and enjoy reading about them. I really liked the friendship between Zinny and Gray and Kirsten and CJ back in the 90s and all the things that happened to them, and I was also so engaged in the train wreck that was Harris and everything that he did. I liked both the past and present storylines and the way that they connected. So there was lots that I enjoyed for sure. But something was still missing. The romance was extremely anticlimactic and sudden, especially coming from such well-crafted slow build romances in previous books. One day they were casual friends, the next day they were “one slender centimeter away from true love”, and that is not an exaggeration.

All that being said, I do LOVE [a:Marisa de los Santos|66631|Marisa de los Santos|]’ writing style. It’s probably my favorite writing style ever. There were moments where I was reading with this goofy grin on my face because the writing is so beautiful and it’s just so FUN to read. And I did enjoy reading this book, very very much. It just didn’t live up to my expectations.

kimberly_white's review against another edition

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A story about choices and secrets and how they an change everything. I really enjoyed this one.

barbarajean's review against another edition

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I can count on enjoying anything by Marisa de los Santos. This one is, as per usual, full of emotional depth, themes of redemption, and characters to fall in love with. The interweaving past and present storylines were done really well, and though I felt like the addition of the daughter’s perspective came a bit late in the novel, I do love the way de los Santos writes an endearingly wise-beyond-her-years teenage girl. My favorites are still the Love Walked In books, but this is up there!

soubhi's review against another edition

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What a great book! I loved this story of high school friends 20 years later, looking back at a traumatic shared experience and how it changed their relationship dynamics. There’s also a deep family drama in here. I really liked this, even though I saw the end coming.

This author never fails to hold my attention.

Thank you to the publisher and Library Thing’s Early Reviewers program for the ARC.

tarheeltiff's review against another edition

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3.5 stars. There were a couple of lines I really loved in this. The writing is excellent. And I really loved how complex all of the characters and relationships were. The book did get a bit weighed down with apologies, but still ultimately somewhat satisfying.

clairej109's review against another edition

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Loved the story line! Minus one star for unnecessarily flowery descriptions of making French press coffee.

spencerc22's review against another edition

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This book is the perfect example of why I can never get myself to DNF books.

The first 3ish chapters were SO wordy and descriptive. Like OVER. THE. TOP. At least for me. I almost put it down, but like always, decided to keep on going. I’m glad I did, because I ended up really enjoying it. It was one of those books that I found myself wanting to pick back up so I could know what happened next.

The book has two timelines, 25ish years apart from each other. I actually found myself liking the main characters more as teens than adults for the first half of the book, which surprised me since I’m not a big fan of YA books/books centered around teen characters.

I will say the description/book jacket does give one thing away, so I would go into the book not reading it. There are other things you will think it gives away, but SURPRISE, twists are on the way!

In the end, a pretty quick easy read.

mgleeson's review against another edition

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Marisa de Los Santos has done it again! If you like low key love stories with a bit of family drama, betrayal, friend issues, and secrets, then you will love this book.
Ginny (Zinny) is a middle aged married mom of a sixteen year old girl, Avery. Ginny is reserved, quiet, and calm, but she didn't use to be. Things changed after a fire was set at her high school and the culprit was never caught, but Ginny knew their identity and planned to keep it a secret forever. But secrets create rifts in relationships, future and past, and when Avery finds her mom's high school journal and realizes she has a secret, she decides to get to the bottom of it.
Enough mystery to keep you reading but not too keep you up at night. A feel good story to warm your heart.
#idgiveanything #netgalley

lisa_rwrmusings's review against another edition

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It's been awhile since I've read a book by de los Santos. I loved the character development and the dialogue among the characters. This one deals with some heavier issues, but the way the book is written makes it a lighter read for the summer if that is what you are looking for. I was surprised to see that it is considered part of the Love Walked in series - you definitely do not need to read the other books in the series to follow along with this one!

goosegirl26's review against another edition

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It was a compelling story. I enjoyed it, and it contained de los Santos' characteristic brilliance of putting together complex yet also compulsively readable sentences. However, it was a little harder for me to connect with the characters than it normally is, but I'm not sure why. I did really enjoy the story.

I won a free copy of this book in a giveaway, and this is an honest review.