
Angelbound by Christina Bauer

blodeuedd's review against another edition

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I did enjoy this one (even if it had plot holes.)

Myla is just like any other teenager. She has her bestie, boy trouble, school sucks, and she fights to the death in the arena. Ok so there is the difference. She is also part demon and lives in Purgatory. Her mum is always sad, her dad is a ? and she meets this hot boy that thinks all demons should die.

I did feel she was too much of a teen at times. It was like the author tried to show us that she is just like us. But the thing is, she is not. She could never be. So the over the top I am a teen could have been toned down. Also Purgatory sure looks a lot like the US.

Also, why does she fight in the arena? Why does no one talk about what happened 18 years ago? Please, people would so talk. It's like the world is made up of two generations, 18 and 40. Why did the angels not step in 18 years ago? Why are there stupid games? If Myla lost against a bad soul then that soul goes to heaven, even if it was Hitler. That makes no sense. That could have been planned better.

Still, even with those things I really enjoyed it. The world was interesting, I wanted to know who her dad was and how it all would turn out. I enjoyed it

rickus90's review against another edition

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This was an ok book. Full review over here:

_camk_'s review against another edition

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Angelbound is a pretty fun story with a very strong female lead. Myla has a good head on her shoulder and it has been a while since I've liked a female character as much as I liked her.

The book is a bit slow for about 60% - so beware for a lot of back story and idleness.

reaganshoe's review against another edition

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Witty, fun, exciting, nicely paced. Kinda instaromance-y but not bad. I really liked their relationship actually. Now I have to read the rest of the series.

sk24's review against another edition

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This review and more: Sharing Inspired Kreations

My overall opinion of this book is just meh. I didn’t love it and I didn’t hate it. While there are definitely some factors that I really didn’t care for, there’s nothing to rave about. The things I didn’t have a problem with were just okay.

One aspect I took issue with: the voices are terrible. The teacher sounds like a robot. I despise Myla’s mom’s and Sissy’s voices. They are incredibly annoying. I know it’s narrated by the author, which I would think would be awesome because how cool is it to hear the story the way the person who wrote it meant it to be heard?? But I just don’t think the author did a good job with it. I hate to say that, because who knows the book better than her? But it just wasn’t enjoyable hearing her narrate it. Ugh.

Another thing that bothered me was there wasn’t much of a break between chapters. I don’t like that because sometimes I want to stop listening, but I’m waiting for the chapter to end, but then it only gives me 2 seconds (maybe not completely accurate, but that’s what it felt like) to pick up my phone and press pause. Annoying and frustrating.
And then we have an instance of instalove. I couldn’t really get into the romance. It just didn’t do it for me, unfortunately.

I found Myla to be annoying, unfortunately. She’s supposed to be so tough. I really like the idea of Myla. I’m a fan of strong female characters, but Myla turned out to not actually be as strong as she is initially portrayed. Sure, she wins fights, but then she is so immature. She doesn’t accept her future very well and she doesn’t want any responsibility.

The story was okay. It was able to captivate me and the author actually did a decent job of narrating the story. I just took issue with the voices, but the way she told the story was pretty good. Sometimes I listen to audiobooks and just can’t get into it. I zone out and realize I missed a bunch of the story. This book wasn’t like that for me. It had my attention.

couscous's review against another edition

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4.5 This was unexpectedly a little beacon of awesomeness in amongst a bleak streak of book funk. Definitely recommend if you like spunky interesting characters who stand their own and make you go 'aww' and 'omg yes! oh yay!'


elizpeace's review against another edition

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3.5. Didn't require much of my brain, but it was fun. :)

willwork4airfare's review against another edition

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This book is so different from most in this genre! I picked it out at random from my library app and I was so pleasantly surprised. Myla is a sweet, readable character even if I didn’t completely love or relate to her youthful, mischievous personality. I loved the idea of the getting different demon traits that exaggerate your lust or wrath etc. Some very dramatic parts are written so glibly, major action can fly by before you know it. The book was a good length. The romance was sweet and funny if a little melodramatic and all-consuming. A lot of things just fell into place way too conveniently to be believable, but it’s not like I went into this looking for realism. I’m excited about the idea of the next book in the series being from someone else’s perspective, I hope the style reads differently too. A very fun and unique read!

talkingchicle's review against another edition

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Thank you to NetGalley for this audio ARC. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

I enjoyed listening to this book, I liked the concept for the Angels and Demons, the MC was a kickass , quirky heroine and the romance was believable but felt a bit rushed. The pacing was far too slow for me and the book longer than it needed to be. I enjoyed the setting of this book but it was very complex and I did get a confused a few times. The characters were done really well, I just think they were too many of them to keep track of.

Overall really entertaining but just a tad too long.

mollymortensen's review against another edition

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I don’t know what it is about me and tail fascination. I’ve just always wanted one. So naturally the reason Angelbound caught my eye is the main character has a tail. (The author actually uses her tail to show emotion and humor too.)

Angelbound is told in a fun voice with plenty of humor and I liked the strong sassy heroine, Myla. It might just be me, (because I couldn’t pry the book out of my fingers to go to bed.) but this book was a quick read. I think Angelbound will appeal to fans of the Mortal Instruments.

Myla is a quasi demon (meaning part human) living in purgatory. Around twenty years ago demons invaded purgatory and left ghouls running things. Myla’s mom is super over-protective and won’t say anything about her life before the war with the demons or even about Myla’s father.

Myla spends most of her time at school, but every so often she’s called to duty. When a soul enters purgatory they can choose trial by combat. Since she was twelve Myla’s been required to fight to the death in the arena against theses souls. As the best fighter they save the nastiest ones for her, but she’s not your typical almost eighteen year-old. She enjoys her battles in the arena, particularly when it’s against a demon and she keeps extensive notebooks on how to beat the various demon races.

Myla’s best friend Cissy (who has the tail of a golden retriever, yes it does wag when she’s happy. Okay, enough about tails…) has a huge crush on a boy at school, so when said boy invites Myla and a guest to his party she can’t say no. At the party, abandoned by her friend, Myla meets the frustrating prince Lincoln. He’s a demon hunter who thinks all quasis are evil, but Myla can’t stop thinking about him and not just about punching him. Well, that too.

The Good:

Romance is a strong part of this book and it’s well done. Though the conversation where they got to really know each other is only told about afterwards.

Angelbound has interesting characters and good world building. The author takes her time to really make us care about the characters and to establish the world.

The Bad:

There are a few slow spots towards the beginning, but I’m glad I kept reading, because it quickly picks up.

I did notice several errors, but I’m very nit picky about that sort of thing and often find such in books.

Would I recommend this book? Yes. Will I read the next one? For sure!

POV: First (Myla)

Predictability: 5 out of 5 (Where 1 is George RR Martin (If the characters make a plan or think about the future I know it isn’t going to go that way.) And 5 is Cinder (where I guessed what was going to happen long before it did, but it was still a great book.)

Age Rating: Older YA, due to one make out session. (Not sex, but parts are named.)