
The Raven and the Dove by Kaitlyn Davis

ncrevy's review against another edition

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Thank you NetGalley and Amazon for sending me this audio book!

Wow! That audio book was fantastic! The narrator Sarah Sampino did a fantastic job. He voice kept my attention and I was highly engaged through all 12 hours of the story.

Kaitlyn Davis, girl! You know what you did with that ending! I am so emotionally distraught from everything that happened the last 15% of the book. hahaha

This story was so good and so action packed. It touched upon some of my favorite tropes, FMC saves the MMC (She even patches his wounds via candle light!), forbidden love, and grumpy x sun shine.

I love seeing a strong FMC who can protect themselves and Lyana was perfect!

Rafe was such a little grump, but it was interesting to learn why he behaved in the manor that he did. His backstory was truly heartbreaking.

I adored Xander! Ugh, it tore me apart to listen to the story unfold. He is such a sweet little bean and I want nothing be the happiest of endings for him. My only critique about his character is that wish his disability wasn't seen as so much of a weakness. I understand that is was sort of necessary for the story with this book, but I am hoping in the future books to see Xander become incredibly powerful and learn how to fight though with his disability.

Cassie.......the delusion is real with this one. Man, I know it was going to be bad with her, but man did she surpass my expectations. haha I hoping that she is going to have a redemption arc for her sake, but if she thinks that Lyana is going to just understand and forgive her, delusional!

The world that Kaitlyn created was so unique. I loved it. I cannot wait to see what the other kingdoms look like. I am hoping we will get to see them all in the future books.

I absolutely loved this story. I cannot wait to binge listen to the rest of the series, because it is amazing!

sixofwoes's review

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"The cause we fight for is greater than you or me or any one person. Our lives don't matter. We're the casualties of a war we have no choice but to win.


It's been a while since I've read a high fantasy book, so I was a little worried going into this novel that I wouldn't be able to concentrate. However, I thoroughly enjoyed this read, and was fully immersed in the world. It's a retelling of Tristan and Isolde (the love story thought to inspire Lancelot and Guinevere), and I had a lot of fun researching the original tale to see the connections with this book.

The fantasy world was really intriguing to me. The characters are like the Illyrian warriors from Sarah J Maas' A Court of Thorns and Roses series, but with different variations of bird wings and abilities. Leading on from this, the characters live in the sky and have architectural differences to suit their wings, which I thought was interesting.

For me, the best aspect of the book was the characters, who felt very fleshed out and relatable. There is a tragic love triangle between Lyana and two brothers, which honestly had me so confused about who I was rooting for, since I love both Rafe and Xander. I started off liking Cassi but events towards the end made me so angry with her, and I can't see myself forgiving her from here. I think the multiple perspectives were very helpful in allowing me to get to know each character individually, too, otherwise I would not have cared as much as I did.

The reason why I dropped a star from the rating is because the plot and world-building were quite chaotic at times, which made it hard to follow. I found myself wanting to skip those scenes, even though I needed the information for later on in the novel. I'm hoping that with most of the world and plot already established, the next book/s will be easier to follow. Nevertheless, I am very excited for the next instalment and i just hope all my faves will be okay - especially Xander.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

brittneedsbooks's review

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"The Raven and The Dove" is an engaging and enjoyable book that deserves recognition. While I ultimately enjoyed my reading experience, I did have a few reservations that prevented me from awarding it a full five-star rating.

The primary issue I encountered was the pacing of the story. The narrative moved at a fast pace, almost as if I was rushing to keep up with the events unfolding. This made it difficult for me to fully immerse myself in the world and connect with the characters on a deeper level. The rapid pace also made it challenging to keep track of the various points of view (POVs) presented throughout the story. Juggling multiple perspectives can be an enriching storytelling technique, but in this case, it occasionally proved overwhelming.

Despite these concerns, "The Raven and The Dove" has many redeeming qualities that make it a worthwhile read. The book shines in its imaginative and well-crafted world-building, transporting readers to a unique and vividly depicted setting. The author's attention to detail is commendable, allowing readers to easily envision the enchanting realms and landscapes.

Moreover, the characters within the story are complex and multi-dimensional, each with their own struggles and motivations. Although the fast pacing hindered my ability to fully connect with them, they were still intriguing and well-developed. The romantic elements in the plot were skillfully integrated and added depth to the relationships between the characters, enhancing the overall reading experience.

In terms of writing style, the author demonstrates a mastery of descriptive language, painting vivid pictures with their words. The prose is evocative and engaging, drawing readers deeper into the story. Additionally, the world-building and lore were well-researched, providing a solid foundation for the narrative.

In addition to the written version, I also had the opportunity to experience "The Raven and The Dove" as an audiobook, and I must say that the narration greatly enhanced the overall enjoyment of the story. The choice of narrator was excellent, as their voice and delivery captured the essence of the characters and brought them to life. The narrator's skillful interpretation of emotions, accents, and dialogue added depth and authenticity to the listening experience. It was a pleasure to listen to their soothing and engaging voice, making the audiobook an immersive and pleasurable way to experience the book. The audio production quality was top-notch, ensuring a clear and professional recording. Overall, the audiobook version of "The Raven and The Dove" is highly recommended, particularly for those who appreciate the immersive nature of audio storytelling.

In conclusion, "The Raven and The Dove" is a solid four-star read. Despite the issues with pacing and multiple POVs, the book offers a captivating world, complex characters, and a well-crafted narrative. Readers who enjoy immersive fantasy novels with a touch of romance will likely find themselves enthralled by this tale.

bookishlykenia's review

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This book caught my interest because of the cover, then the summary lured me in the rest of the way. Starting the book, I immediately loved our MC, she sounded so naive but so rebellious and strong-headed with honor and loyalty. She just wanted a few hours/ days of freedom before her life would only be to her duty. Unless she could love her mate and when that chance presented itself, she fought a dragon for it. But things don't always go the way you plan them.

I love books that are character-driven and this book I think was both very strong with its characters and it's world-building. Finishing the book, we are still shrouded in darkness a bit about the world and I assume all will be revealed in the next book. As Ana starts getting answers herself, I think we will too. The magic was also something I think has a good premise to build up in the next installment, which I am so excited to read about. The bit we were introduced into was pretty interesting.

For the rest of the review check out my blog post here:

talkingchicle's review

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Thank you to NetGalley for this audio ARC.I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Did I request this for the cover? Yes, yes I did. I am nothing if not a sucker for a pretty cover.

The world in this story was unique and sounded so beautiful, it really drew me in. I loved the premise of this however I did not like how it ended. As much as I enjoyed Lyana as a main character for her headstrong, act first thick later and at times outrageous personality, she also came across spoiled and whiny at times. I also did not like how she jus essentially used Xander. I didn't like how utterly clueless Xander was the whole time, to the point it became a unbearable. Then there's Rafe, who gave absolutely nothing.

I'm not sure if the idea of the story, the world building and the pretty covers are enough for me to continue the series.

asheehanfittante's review against another edition

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This is a fast paced fantasy romance . If you are a fan of Tristan and Isolde you will be a fan of Raven and Dove. Even though the read is light, fast, and gripping. The author's world building is seemless in places, describing a rather brutal world where those with magic live in fear of being killed, sometimes in brutal ways. The scenes where Lyanna cares for an injured Rafe will feed the need of any fans of enemies to lovers.

The Narrator did an excellent job capturing the feelings of the characters. Each voice was distinct and her performance was well rounded.

sndmaldo's review against another edition

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I saw this being recommended to fans of Sarah J Maas and decided to give it a go without expecting much. Man, was I wrong.

I wasn’t ready for such a complex, fast-paced, character-driven work of art.


I loved every single POV, every conflict, tangled relationship, unexpected development... I can’t praise this enough. How this isn’t more popular is beyond me.

One thing I absolutely loved were the “villains” in this book. And I’m using quotation marks because rationally I understand they are evil mf but my heart is screaming “my babies!!” So there’s that. Kudos for crafting such complex, relatable Bad Guys. I couldn’t be more in love.

I’m still weeping over Rafe. In general. And specially about his last scenes in the book. I’m DYING to know what happens to him next.

Not to be dramatic or anything, but I’ll never be happy again if Rafe doesn’t get his [redacted] back.

This book gifted me with an incredible main female character.

I loved how Lyana knew what she wanted and fought for it no matter what, without shame or any self doubt. I’m looking at you, trial’s closing ceremony. Talk about badass! She knew what (who) she wanted and she said, fuck it I’mma getting myself that boi. Mad respect.

Rafe and Lyana are my new addiction. The tension between them, the longing... THE ANGST! Oh man, their will-they-wont-they dynamic was everything I ask for in life.

I loved that they finally gave in to their emotions and attraction but I think I’d have loved it even more if they had waited. Only because I’m a gluttony for angst.

My only complain was the use of the miscommunication trope between them and Xander. Things would’ve been so much more easier if any of the three had used their words. It was just silly. But I’m willing to ignore the silliness in favor of everything else. Fingers crossed things change in the next book.

I loved the relationship between Xander and Rafe. Brothers with the world literally against the idea of them loving each other, unable to not care for one another. It was the perfect mix of adoration and resentment that creates such a captivating dynamic. I need them to get things fixed in next books or I’ll cry.

I wasn’t expecting to care about Xander as much as I ended up doing. He was so wholesome and pure and giving, it was impossible not to love him.

I’m torn in half when it comes to Cassi. Because WHAT SHE DID, but also MY BABY DESERVES A REDEMPTION ARC! I actually loved her immensely and found her character to be one of the most complex and interesting to explore in future books.

And now I have to wait two months to read the next book and I can’t stop thinking about that ending... that last scene... and I’m like

You know a book is good when you are feeling so many emotions you no longer can create coherent thoughts lol

asheehanfittante's review against another edition

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This is a fast paced fantasy romance . If you are a fan of Tristan and Isolde you will be a fan of Raven and Dove. Even though the read is light, fast, and gripping. The author's world building is seemless in places, describing a rather brutal world where those with magic live in fear of being killed, sometimes in brutal ways. The scenes where Lyanna cares for an injured Rafe will feed the need of any fans of enemies to lovers.

The Narrator did an excellent job capturing the feelings of the characters. Each voice was distinct and her performance was well rounded.

reading_as_pastime's review against another edition

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I was not a fan of the multiple POV'S and that made it hard for me to want to finish (I dnf'd this so...) I was really into it in the beginning too, but when every chapter was a new character (at least that's how it felt) I got tired of that. It didn't feel necessary to have a POV for every single character. I was halfway through the story and literally nothing was happening... They just made it to the mating ceremony thing. I get the story was about the four characters who's POV were being told, but I feel like the story would have been so much better if we didn't know everything that was going down between the four of them. These were my feelings and thoughts...

themooncodex's review against another edition

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I've heard many booktubers and other people in the community talk about this book. I must admit, the premise always intrigued me, but not enough to actually buy the book, which is already saying something. However, this book was available for free with my kindle unlimited subscription and I was like "Ok, this is fate, let's give it a go!".

Now, the writing is super easy to read and you can fly through the pages so quickly. You have multiple POVs, which for me always makes the story more rich and it's easier for me to connect with all the different characters at play. However, it felt too easy.

It was an intriguing story, but I don't think it was earth shattering or that I will be continuing with the series at all.

Gave it three stars nonetheless, however, it's more 2.5 if I'm completely honest.