
Hot Love Inferno by Nicky Blue

alatedbibliophile's review

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I received an advanced/review copy of this book. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content and honesty of my review.

This was honestly one of the weirdest and craziest books I've ever read--and I mean that in the best way. Mr. Blue has an incredible sense of humor and quite possibly the most unique "voice" I've read. My favorite part of this book was the footnotes. Talk about laugh-out-loud funny!

If you'd like to read my full review, please check it out here: Hot Love Inferno

goodvibesgoodbooks's review

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I was asked by Nicky to read this book for my honest opinion.. This usually would not be the subject matter that would scream to me, but I am so happy he reached out. Because, you guys.. I am not one to find things easily amusing, and within the first few pages I found myself giggling at the screen. This book was..... odd? It was odd in the way that you found yourself sitting for however long, reading about samurais and Mrs. Jittery Twitch. You never knew what was going to happen, and almost couldn't believe it when it did.. You found yourself wondering what was reality, what was fiction, what was a myth or even a dream... I couldn't put it down. The writing style was fantastic. You go from the main characters story in the style of a timeline, to a narrators POV (which is hysterical,) and it was perfectly done so not only to explain anything that was needed; but add humor and depth to the characters and storyline.

popthebutterfly's review

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Disclaimer: I received this book from the author. Thanks! All opinions are my own.

Book Series: Book 2 of the Prophecy Allocation series

Rating: 3/5

Publication Date: November 24, 2018

Genre: Sci-fi

Recommended Age: 18+ (dark humor, swearing, violence, strangeness)

Publisher: n/a

Pages: 131

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Synopsis: How twisted do you like your fairy tales?

A half-woman, half-cockroach fused in a bizarre gardening accident? That would be Mrs Jittery Twitch, dwelling in the shadows of our misdeeds. If in danger, you can call upon her help… all she asks is your soul as payment. But she’s just a legend, so no need to worry.

Barry Harris is a 28-year-old man, still living with his dear old mum in a little flat above a hairdresser. His obsession with Star Trek and the martial arts won’t help him when he’s forced out on a date.
And nobody knows about the weird string of events that’s about to put everyone’s lives in danger. A trio of samurai warriors and the strangest offer of help lead Barry on a perilous mission to save the day.

(This book is the second in the Prophecy Allocation series but works fine as a standalone read.)

Why you should read this book:

It explains revolutionary insights into the nature of reality that debunk the myth of free will (probably).
It proves the multiverse has only two parallel universes (depending on your criteria for what makes up proof).
It contains 50% extra innuendo-based gags than Book One in the series. Some of them might be considered funny (again this is relative).
The author achieved a heightened dynamic tension not found in other books. He was heavily constipated during its creation. There may be a link. The author is no way suggesting that this makes it better than every other book ever written.

Warning: The book is written in British English. All British slang terms are helpfully translated for the international reader, along with a short explanation of why British people are a little strange.

Review: I thought the book was okay. The book is full of dark humor and is compiled of scifi short stories. The footnotes are amusing and for the most part I enjoyed the book if only for the author’s excellent comedic writing. I did think that the characters and plot were well developed though.

However, I’m a bit confused as to what I just read lol. The writing isn’t bad, but there’s definitely a feeling of randomness in the book. The book is also the second book in the Prophecy Allocation series so maybe the book will make more sense if you spend the time to read the first book (I was unaware of this until after I read it cause sometimes I’m a bit of a blonde to titles lol).

Verdict: Funny if dark humor is your thing!

betweentheshelves's review

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3.5/5 stars

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for my review. It is completely different from the things that I normally read! It's a short novella filled with dark humor and unique insights into the idea of parallel universes. This is the second book in the Prophecy Allocation series, but it's definitely a book that you can read on its own.

This book is a book that doesn't take itself too seriously, making it a fun and quick read. The author's voice is probably the best thing about this book, as it gives the book a sort of light-hearted feel despite the pretty dark humor throughout. This combination makes the book overall entertaining, and is the perfect book to keep on your phone when you might need something fun to read.

By the end of the book, I still wasn't quite sure what exactly happened in the book, but I can say that I was entertained throughout it. There is a lot of swearing, so if that's not your cup of tea, you've been warned.

I would recommend this book for anyone looking for dark adult comedy mixed with a little fantasy. Which might make a great beach read!
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penned_in's review

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I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This book was definitely an easy read( I finished it in one sitting!) with hilarious characters and an engaging plot. Keith the basset hound added the perfect touch to all the samurais and death with his straight forward humor and his 'annoying face'. It is part of a series but that didn't matter because it was easy to find out what had happened and what was going on in this novel.