
Grosse Pointe by Natalie Barnes

reviews_musings's review

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Every book offers us something new to read. This book offers an insight into the Prohibition era, an era where there was nationwide constitution ban on production, importation and transportation of the alcoholic beverages across US. This is a story about Brek, who decides to travel to America when he was 15. He meets a friend on the ship, and together they embark on new experiences. The book revolves around mafia, drugs and a lot of trouble. It was difficult to read through the language, the slang went over my head many a times. Set in 1926, it is about the gangster life and the troubles they got into because of their life style. A coming of age story, little emotional at times, a good fictional novel which gives an insight into the history of America during the 1920s.

samanthajayne_x's review

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So once I got used to the writing in this book it got a lot easier to follow that being said the author stays very true (I believe) to the time period that she is writing in. The book is action-packed and fast-paced and I loved the description in the book and how it didn't slow the action down either. I really liked the scene with Brek and his mum that was really cute.

I really loved Finn! I kind of loved him more than Brek but he was a great character and I really loved his relationship with Hazel, weirdly more than I did with Brek and Gabriella. Regardless though still loved them but Finn and Hazel have my heart.

Honestly, some of this book is so tense and it did get me on the edge of my seat. This was a different kinda book for me and I'm glad I took the chance to read it. Also that ending... I don't want to say anymore because spoilers. Let's just say I was slapped in the face...

dimples87's review

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I love how action-packed this is from start to finish. Brek is a hero in his own right and easy to love from the way he tells the story through his strong accent. He and Gabriella's chemistry is amazing as I enjoyed being sucked into this era with them. So much has transpired in this one that you'll feel enthralled in it but I'm such a fan of history, romance and where this one bought me but in a raw dynamic that's fun and vivid to read.

way2gosmartguy's review

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Grosse Pointe by Natalie Barnes was such a good story. I was drawn in just from the cover and then read the description. It takes place in the 1920s and it is very well written. The author does a great job of describing things, that I wouldn't even have thought of. Such as the boys first seeing the statue of liberty, their first experience in a car, concern whether they will have electricity or indoor plumbing, and courting a girl in the 20s. Brek leaves his mom and home of Kilkenny, to board a boat to America when he is just 15 years old. He is lucky enough to make a friend on the ship, and they bond together and watch each other's back. It is sort of a coming of age story, mixed with mild gangster life in early America. The book has a lot of slang, that I am not sure if its Irish slang or just of the times... That took me a bit to get used to and understand what they were saying. The words repeat so you get used to it and don't even notice after a while. I recommend this book and can't wait to read more by Barnes.

roxsannel's review

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This is the story of Brek O’Brien, he is born and raised in Kilkenny, Ireland, but decides to get on a boat to New York City to start a new life. This new life is a start from scratch, he has the clothes on his back, a little bit of money, but no plan or idea what he will do when he gets there apart from, find something to eat, find somewhere to lay his head on a night and then find work.

It is 1926 and this new life involves being on a boat for weeks, a trial in itself to survive, but a friendship is formed through this shared experience. As Brek and his friend arrive in New York City, their next trial is about to begin, they have to pass the entry tests and when this is finally over and done with, they have to face the next round of hardship and find somewhere to stay for the night and work out what the next few days will hold and how carefully they will have to spread their combined wealth.

The prospect of finding work seems to be out of their reach, until a man gives them an offer they can’t refuse in the city of Detroit. As the pair get sucked into a life of booze, pistols and women, they keep the booze and drug supplies flowing by going out on supply and delivery runs, while also keeping the competition in check with his persuaders. It is on one of these days where the competition needs to be reminded of their place when Brek catches sight of a beautiful woman in an outdoor market, his heart and breath are stolen away. This could be the beginning of something beautiful, if only life was as simple as Brek wishes it could be, be with his woman and keep doing his runs.

Soon Brek and his friend realise that the work they accepted is a different sort to what they initially expected it to be, but there seems to be nowhere to escape the bloody path which fate has in store for them. Will the only thing standing between Brek and Gabriella be the one thing which will break them apart? Or will life be as simple as they both would like it to be?

This is a tale of Irish cheek, friendship, love, life, death, disappointment, regret and discovery all set in a background of 1920’s Detroit. A snapshot of an exciting and dangerous life which draws you in until you’re as immersed in the characters' fates as much as they are.

katie_83's review

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Grosse Pointe
By Natalie Barnes
4 stars

I am a huge fan of historical romance but I’ve not read much historical fiction from this era so when I saw this story I thought I would take a chance and I really enjoyed it. The authors’ writing was really engaging and the time period was actually really intriguing to read about. I love the plot and the characters. I really felt involved in the characters’ lives and throughout the story I really wanted the best for them. Brek’s life was fascinating and there were so many times where my heart broke for him a little – he found such a great connection with Gabriella, their relationship definitely wasn’t the easiest but it was so genuine I desperately wanted it to work out for them.
This is the first book that I have read by this author and I will definitely be looking forward to reading more from her again in the future.

fish3718's review

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This story is a historical romance book. This is my first book by this author and I will be looking up more books by Natalie Barnes. This story is a mafia romance during the prohibition era. I was captivated from the first page until the last page. My emotions went on a wild roller coaster ride. The story is about Brek, a mafia member who met Gabriella, a beautiful young woman. Can Brek and Gabriella be together? What will Brek need to go through to be able to be with Gabriella? Will Gabriella go through everything to be with Brek? I highly recommend this story to fall in love with this mafia romance story.

bwagner's review

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I enjoyed this book. This is my first book by this author, I look forward to reading more from this author. I found this book to be a well written story that kept me turning pages. It is engaging and entertaining. I had no problems connecting with the characters as they brought the story to life. I found myself on an emotional roller coaster through some of it. Berk has so much pain and violence in his life that it was hard not to feel for him. This is a story that takes place in the past and it was done in a manner which was very understandable. I won’t say too much about this book as I highly recommend you read it. I really enjoyed this book.

angelahayes's review

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4 Stars

Grosse Pointe by Natalie Barnes is a superb historical fiction story- a bit of a mafia romance set in the prohibition era. This is my first read by Ms. Barnes, so I really didn’t know what to expect going into the story- but I was pleasantly surprised by what I found between the covers, and am glad I took a chance and grabbed myself a copy of this book to read. I will definitely be going back to see what else of Natalie Barnes work I can find to explore. I will also be keeping my eye out for any new releases from her, also.
Like I said, this story is set in the prohibition era- the year, 1926- with gangsters, dolls, bubbly, and guns. I really enjoyed the way the author brought the period to life- I was right there, experiencing the story right alongside the characters.
It did take me a couple of chapters to get into the story, but once I got a handle on the story and style- things became more interesting.

Thank you, Natalie Barnes.

jennadb's review

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Grosse Pointe by Natalie Barnes is a fictional historical romance story and an enthralling and interesting read. It is set in the 1920’s the times of violence and drugs, trouble and gangsters, prohibition and the entanglement of the mafia of the times. Natalie has done a great job at weaving a tale that helps you get lost in their world. There is pain and suffering for our characters, but the price is not to high when you're on the road to love.