
Age of Magic by Lynn Larsh, Elise Kova

utopiastateofmind's review against another edition

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(Disclaimer: I received this free book from the author. This has not impacted my review which is unbiased and honest.)

Above all, I loved being back with the gang. I have grown so attached to the characters within the Wish Quartet over the last four books. There's something about each of them that I have loved. Whether it be Jo's passion, Samson's quiet nature, or Snow's smokiness. I don't think you can read a series like this, without forming emotional bonds to the characters. Reading Age of Magic was like being reunited with your favorite group of friends at the end of summer.

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dragontomes2000's review against another edition

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So Age of Magic to me was an okay finale to a series but one that felt so rushed. That is the best way to describe this whole series to me is rushed.

Age of Magic definitely took on a more fantasy element then the first three books and I enjoyed the setting much more. However we didn't get enough time with this new world. Which wasn't necessarily new to the characters, but it was for the readers. So I just wanted to feel immersed and I felt like I was a patron being rushed out only after just arriving. This world seems like it has so much to offer and what we did get, though very little, was intriguing. A small part of me hopes we get more from this world because I see so much promise.

The plot picks up right where we left off and it is a plot that ultimately goes nowhere. They made the big bad seem to be this uncontrollable force who eventually goes down quite easily. So that was a little upsetting. What I did enjoy about the plot though was some of the character moments we got with the side characters, not even the main character because it was clear as day how their story was going to end up. But the side characters, mainly Takako, Samson, and Eslar made my heart soar.

The Wish Quartet series started out with a promising vision that only suffered from story that felt rushed. Though I did enjoy myself, truly, I just wanted time to breathe in the world and story a little more.

Society of Wishes - 3/5

Circle of Ashes - 4/5

Birth of Chaos - 3/5

Age of Magic - 3/5

Wish Quartet - 13/20

silviasilviareadsbooks's review

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I was sent this book as an advanced copy for reviewing purposes, but all opinions are my own.

3.5 stars

The conclusion to this series felt very different from the first three books and I can say I’m fairly satisfied with how everything turned out.

The thing I loved the most was the new Age of Magic and seeing how technology and magic and different creatures interacted in this new alternate reality that was created by the destruction of the Society of Wishes. Also the new world politics were interesting even though maybe it’s a little unrealistic that the whole world was divided in so few political areas but for simplicity purposes it was fine.

Contrary to the first three books, this was a lot about plotting and planning and I can’t help but feel like it could’ve been a little shorter. Not that it’s not short already, but it did drag a little for me in some parts, and I can’t help but feel like a lot of the book was “let’s do this thing to show off this world we created” when the Thing didn’t end up having much relevance at the end after all.

The rest made up for it though and I loved the whole part in the Elves’ kingdom, it was basically like reading a high fantasy novel instead of an urban fantasy and I loved the descriptions of the surroundings.

As for the actual conclusion I found it a little bit messy and although there was a lot of tension I never really felt like the stakes were too high. I never felt actually scared for any of the characters and I thought so much time in the novel was spent planning that I already knew exactly what would happen because not enough was left up to my imagination in those last moments, if that makes sense. Everything more or less turned out how everyone expected it to go.

Despite this, I’m still satisfied and finally I saw some other side plot lines have the page time they deserved. I’m particularly talking about a side M/M couple which I found was pretty obvious from book one but still it’s nice to see it actually on page. The main romance between Jo and Snow never actually made my heart beat so I wasn’t thrilled about it here either but it was okay. If you’re easily into soulmates/reincarnation romances you’ll probably enjoy the romance a lot.

The epilogue set the basis for a future spin-off series as was to be expected. I think if I had the next books on my hands right now I wouldn’t exactly skip meals to read them but I’d keep them for later when I’m in the mood for this genre again, which I’m sort of not right now.

I still enjoyed the overall experience of reading this Wish Quartet series and I would recommend it for fans of urban fantasy and/or Elise Kova, even though I still think she can and has done better than this.