
No Turning Back: A Novel by Tracy Buchanan

thebooktrail88's review against another edition

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I have loved Tracy’s other novels and I’d definitely going to be reading her next - but this one wasn't my favourite. It is clever however, clever in the opening scenes and how Anna deals with the situation and the aftermath - well I could imagine how she must feel - the fact she’s killed a boy she thought was going to attack her and her daughter on the beach.

The rest of the novel was drawn out though and the back and forth - the anguish, guilt, despair, excitement of the media... all very believable and real. It was all going towards out finding what really happened and what really was going on that night...

The answers weren’t what I expected that’s for sure, but I didn’t feel satisfied with the reasons and the why fors. If you can suspend disbelief then it could work, and the arguments to come from this book - would YOU do anything to protect your child will linger on long after the book has finished.

cowmingo's review against another edition

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You guys. Oh my god. You guys. I started this book this morning and was hooked within 3 chapters. I kept sneaking furtive glances at my phone, trying to figure out how I could read this and get my work done without getting in trouble. I resisted for the most part but every time I got a chance (waiting for a meeting to start, going to the bathroom (you do it too), while dinner cooked), I read.

I don't want to say anything about anything because I don't want to ruin anything. All I will say is, someone read this so we can talk about it. It was good, kept me guessing and if I say anything more, I am afraid I will ruin something.

This book was provided to me by NetGalley in exchange for a review.

ioanaisreading's review against another edition

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It was a slow start, but after 10% it picked up. I am not convinced of the premise of the book - to kill a child to protect yours. Some parts of the story, when it is described what is happening
Spoiler(when she killed the boy and when her gran, Florence, dies)
, are not very clear and I had to re-read them. I was curious to see whodunit, although at some point I guessed who one of the murderers was, albeit later than I expected (and have liked!) to guess who the murderer was.
Some parts seem impossible, and forced. Those police officers, poor souls, were highly incompetent. That kid was very smart for an eight month old, the people were stiff in their dialogues for the most part, and even the romantic relationship is not plausible and doesn't make you cheer for the characters.

However, for a mystery story, it was nice, I enjoyed it.

I received an advance e-book copy from the publisher, Crooked Lane Books via Net Galley. All thoughts expressed here are my own.

snazzybooks's review against another edition

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I wasn't sure what to expect from No Turning Back; from the synopsis it sounded like a bit of a thriller/mystery read but the first half of the book is, I'd say, just about Anna and her way of dealing with that awful day on the beach when she protects her daughter and ends up killing a schoolboy. There's a lot about the aftermath and how Anna feels, but not much mystery - and I was eagerly awaiting some elements of suspense because there was the mention of an 'Ophelia Killer' from years ago which peaked my interest. Although I can always appreciate a novel that is just character-based, I felt this story wasn't gripping enough without the mystery element, so I struggled to stay hugely interested for the first half.

The tension does ramp up after that, when we find out more about what actually happened all those years ago and on that fateful day, and there were some more interestinfg partsbut to be honest the plot felt a little ridiculous towards the end. However, at least it did get a little more engaging, and there were some surprises which I definitely did not see coming.

The narration is quite easy to listen to, though at the beginning I did find Anna's voice grating a bit! However I am overly picky when it comes to audiobooks so I suppose that's my own problem!

Overall I found this an enjoyable read but quite unpredictable; some parts really kept my interest whilst others felt like they dragged and/ or were a little unbelievable at times.

ceeemvee's review against another edition

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Dreadful story, characters and dialog.

readingactually's review against another edition

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This book did pull me in right from the very beginning when Anna was having an argument with Heather, the producer/manager of her talk radio show. Anna is looking very argumentative and maybe a bit hostile already then wham a walk on the beach with radio show host Anna and her baby daughter Joni  goes horribly wrong and a teenager is killed. Not only is this teenager "accidentally" killed at Anna's hand but the manner in which he is killed is a bit gruesome. I know Anna was protecting her baby daughter but this teenagers death kept nagging at me, I kept thinking that Anna acted too quick and maybe jumped to judgement about the whole situation a bit too soon and that is what pulled me into this book. There was so much more to this senseless (maybe, maybe not) death and I wanted to find out everything. We soon find out that Anna, who is going through a separation isn't perfect, she does have flaws but so does her soon to be ex-husband. It is disturbing how quickly things start to go wrong for Anna, how fast people turn against her when some things about her past surface. Anna has a bit of a romance which I found added a nice touch to this book. Anna's family except for her grandmother are not at all supportive. No one is team Anna except her grandmother and this so called romantic interest. There is a lot going on on this book, the Ophelia killer resurfaces after twenty years and was Elliot , the murdered teenager somehow involved? Through many twists and turns and false leads all is revealed in a very dramatic and surprising scene. To say surprising is a bit of an understatement , creepy and macabre describes the conclusion as well.

Final Thoughts:

I found this to be a great mystery/suspense book with a creepy and disturbing twist.This review was originally posted on Cindy's Book Binge

kirstengrier's review against another edition

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**I received a Kindle edition of this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

Anna Graves is a radio presenter who has just returned to work after maternity leave. Once afternoon while out for a walk with her baby daughter Joni she encounters a teenage boy who suddenly attacks her. In order to protect herself and Joni she fights back and the boy (Elliot) dies from his injuries. Anna is horrified and traumatized, especially when she feels she is under suspicion from his family and other townspeople.

Things take a turn for the worse when it's discovered that Elliot was poisoned shortly before his death. The poison given to him conjures up memories from 20 years earlier when a number of teenage boys were murdered by a serial killer who was never found. Anna's father was heavily involved in the investigation of those killings as a journalist. The police now believe Anna is hiding something and they think she is more involved with Elliot's death than originally thought. She soon starts receiving messages from someone claiming to be the serial killer. Anna doesn't know who she can trust and who is on her side or against her. She turns to an unlikely ally in order to discover the truth behind her attack and the killings from the past.

This is my first book by Tracy Buchanan and I really enjoyed it. I would definitely read more of her books. Her characters were relatable and I was instantly drawn into the story and wanted to keep reading until Anna solved the mystery. I'm usually pretty good at predicting twists and the end but this one kept me guessing. My only wish would be if Elliot's parents were more involved in the story, at least at the end once everything is solved.

longtimereader's review against another edition

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The premise is good. I liked the voice, love British work is super most of the time. After being attacked by a teenager, while trying to protect her child, Anna is now in a world of trouble. Is she a heroine, or a villain? Is her personality split, or is she innocent?

Over all a very interesting read, although I would have preferred a few tweaks, I can deal with it. I would read another book by this author.

My copy came from Net Galley. My thoughts and opinions are my own. This review is left of my own free volition.

freyawatsn's review against another edition

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Easy reading and enjoyed. Found the main character a little but uninspiring but felt invested in the plot! Setting reminded me a bit of Deal which was cutee!

booksuperpower's review against another edition

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No Turning Back by Tracy Buchanan is a 2017 Crooked Lane publication.

This is a solid enough British mystery, with a unique premise.

Newly divorced, single mom, Anna, has only just returned to work after the birth of her daughter, when while taking a walk, she is attacked by a teenage boy. Thinking only of her daughter’s safety she kills her attacker.

Once the story makes headlines, Anna begins receiving emails from a notorious serial killer, connected to her father’s investigations as a journalist.

Was Anna truly protecting her daughter? Were her actions necessary? Has a long dormant killer resurfaced or is someone toying with Anna?

The story bounces back and forth the between the perspective of an alleged serial killer and Anna’s battle to keep her life from spiraling out of control.

Although the characterizations were a little weak, and there were some implausible situations throughout, I think the story is original, and has one whale of a twist, I did not see coming.

The author did do a good job of creating doubt about Anna, which made me wonder if she were reliable. This added an additional layer of suspense to an already tense atmosphere. The pacing was even, but there were places that really need more in- depth explanations and some events were glossed over too quickly.

I admit I didn’t start reading this book with over hyped expectations, and so I was pleasantly surprised by how absorbing it was.

Although the book has a few minor issues, and isn't one to receive a lot of heavy buzz, it is a nice little gem and I am glad I discovered it through several Goodreads friends. This author shows a lot of promise and I will be keeping my eye out for more of her work.

3.5 stars