
Bad Moon Rising by Sherrilyn Kenyon

leabookjoy's review against another edition

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Un tome que j'attendais avec impatience après avoir lu Unleash the Night !

Alors qu'on avait eu cette histoire du point de vue de Wren dans un précédent tome, j'étais très impatiente de savoir exactement ce qui se passait entre Aimee et Fang ! (les romances interdites ... J'adore !)

Ce que j'ai particulièrement aimé :

- l'univers avec toutes les légendes autour des Katagaria et des Arcadian (j'ai trouvé toutes les explications fascinantes !)

- l'intrigue autour de Wren bien sûr (dont je connaissais les grandes lignes mais que j'ai adoré voir à travers les yeux de Fang et Aimee) mais aussi tous les problèmes avec la famille de Fang (j'avoue j'aurais aimé plus de détails et surtout qu'ils payent pour tout ce qu'ils ont fait !) et ses "petits" problèmes de démons (j'avoue je suis hyper curieuse d'en savoir plus sur Thorn <3)

- les personnages !! J'ai adoré qu'ils soient tous si nuancés avec leurs sombres secrets et leurs histoires tragiques ! (OK je suis horrible mais j'étais contente que
SpoilerNicolette meurt >< Elle a été tellement horrible avec Wren et plus que limite avec Aimee
!! Mais la responsabilité de Savitar ... J'aurais adoré voir sa réaction !)

- la romance entre Aimee et Fang ... Trop mignons <3

Bref, un tome que j'ai dévoré avec plaisir (je veux teeeellement un tome avec Savitar !!)


A book that I was looking forward to after reading Unleash the Night !

While we had this story from Wren's point of view in a previous book, I was very excited to know exactly what was going on between Aimee and Fang! (forbidden romances ... I love it !)

What I particularly liked :

- the universe with all the legends around the Katagaria and the Arcadian (I found all the explanations fascinating !)

- the plot around Wren of course (whose outline I knew but which I loved seeing through the eyes of Fang and Aimee) but also all the problems with the family of Fang (I must admit I would have liked more details and especially that they pay for everything they did !) and his "little" problems of demons (I'm really curious to know more about Thorn <3)

- the characters !! I loved that they were all so nuanced with their dark secrets and tragic stories ! (OK I'm awful but I was glad
SpoilerNicolette died >< She was so awful with Wren and beyond borderline with Aimee
!! But Savitar's responsibility ... Would have loved to see his reaction !)

- the romance between Aimee and Fang ... So cute <3

In short, a book that I devoured with pleasure (I really want one with Savitar!!)

jazzrizz's review against another edition

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Lots of upheaval in this book. Same situations from different points of view are making the Dark Hunter world very intriguing. I can hardly wait to see where the story goes from here.

jazzrizz's review against another edition

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Decided to listen to this before reading [b:No Mercy|6438541|No Mercy|John Gilstrap||6628427]

I love the world Kenyon takes you to. I really wanted a refresher before No Mercy finally shows up in my library queue. I really love Fang and Amy . . . and I can't wait to see what's in store next.

xofelf's review against another edition

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looooved this one!!!

toastymaloney's review against another edition

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Oh my goodness, I cried towards the end. My favorite since Acheron. I liked it.

jscarpa14's review against another edition

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I've read this before but it's been a while because I only remembered small parts of it and to be honest there are large chunks of the book that I don't really think warrant rereading nor do I feel they're up to Kenyon's signature level of talent. For one large scenes of this book are almost exact repeats of scenes in other novels. In one I swear it's the same point of view and has got to be close to the same words. I can see maybe telling an abbreviated version of a previous novel's scene from a different point of view but these particular scenes were pushing it in my personal opinion. The book takes place over the course of multiple years and multiple previous novels leading to the repeat of previous novel scenes. To be honest I think half this book could have been better done by relying the fact that series readers read the other book in the series and putting some of the hodge podge of past scenes into other novels. Parts of the beginning really do read like a scrapbook of loose scenes.

The book also includes a seriously angsty love story which while I'm all for the tortured heroes with seriously tragic pasts and wounds that need to be heeled, I'm not one for an angsty love store. There's only so much of the I love him but I can't be with him and vice versa that I can take before I'm think okay I'd rather read about the other characters now. Honestly when these are supposed to be the main characters the reader really shouldn't be thinking that.

That said it's not that Fang especially didn't have some interesting layers. Aimee not as much but definitely Fang. It's just that in many of his scenes with Amy its was slow paced, longing looks, angst, forbidden thoughts and did I mention about a million times more angst? What I really wanted to say is if your family loved you half as much as you seem to love them then they'd let you be with the person you loved regardless of duty or anything else. The real question for Aimee here is did she love him enough? And many parts of the book I wouldn't answer that in the affirmative.

That said this book introduces the Hellchasers and brings in Zeke who I knew was going to end up part of the Dark Hunters series. Which provides all sorts of yummy new intriguing layers for Kenyon's world. The scenes which included the Hell Realm and these characters were by far some of the best in the novel and a lot of why this book didn't get a lower rating from me. Also once Fury leaves Sanctuary this book really starts to pick up with action, drama and scenes that actually tapped into my emotions outside of irritation. The changes Kenyon makes to an existing series landmark and certain reoccurring characters in this book also pack a huge punch. For that reason alone I would recommend that series fans read this novel even though I don't consider at least half of it to be Kenyon's best work.

Overall it's a good book, especially for series fan who want to make sure they keep up with all the little changes and new additions to the world, but it's not a great one nor would I consider it a good example of Kenyon's talent.

angie_stl's review against another edition

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While great, this book could be a little difficult to follow, since it went over years that had already happened in other books. Some events were word for word from previous books, which was a bit repetitive, but it was good to see how those specific events fit into Aimee and Fang's story. There were not a lot of new questions, nor answers to old ones, in this book, but it was good to get those few answers that were included. Especially why Fang was unresponsive for months. I can't think of any way it could have been told in a better way.

rosetyper9's review against another edition

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This book is the most recent in Kenyon's Dark-Hunter series...or more specifically Were-Hunter Series. It is the long awaited, if I do say so myself, book about Fang and Amiee. There is one thing I can say for sure about this book is that it significantly progresses the series plot line; Kenyon is slowly starting to break away from her single book for single character mentality and starting to bleed together the books. I like it, it works and its enjoyable. I enjoyed the characters in this book...we get to see more from the Pontier family as well as some new characters and a whole new pantheon is introduced, not to even start on the little piece of information she left at the end. Fang and Amiee have a scorching relationship and it shows in this book. I enjoyed it. The only complaint I have is that she could have eased up on the history lesson in the beginning of the book and made it progress a bit faster. So what will the world be like for those seeking Sanctuary? I guess we will find out.

rosetyper9's review against another edition

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. It is the long awaited, if I do say so myself, book about Fang and Amiee. There is one thing I can say for sure about this book is that it significantly progresses the series plot line; Kenyon is slowly starting to break away from her single book for single character mentality and starting to bleed together the books. I like it, it works and its enjoyable. I enjoyed the characters in this book...we get to see more from the Pontier family as well as some new characters and a whole new pantheon is introduced, not to even start on the little piece of information she left at the end. Fang and Amiee have a scorching relationship and it shows in this book. I enjoyed it. The only complaint I have is that she could have eased up on the history lesson in the beginning of the book and made it progress a bit faster. So what will the world be like for those seeking Sanctuary? I guess we will find out.

thegeekyblogger's review against another edition

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Read for Fun (Kindle)
Overall Rating: 3.50

So I was really looking forward to Bad Moon Rising by Sherrilyn Kenyon and was extremely happy with the 2nd half of the story. The first part is a bunch of retelling of what has already been told in other books. Yes it was at times from a different perspective but still a bit to repetitive for me. I am hoping this is not a sign to come of Dev/Samia story but I don't think it would happen since I think that will be a continuation.