
23 saker de inte vill att du ska veta om kapitalism by Ha-Joon Chang

emaanaanwar's review against another edition

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challenging informative medium-paced


grzybekwdeszczu's review against another edition

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Świetna lektura, język prosty i zrozumiały, struktura idealna dla laika

rosswilson's review against another edition

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Really interesting and well communicated. He's clearly a bit of a genius, and I appreciated the important context and pitfalls that he adds to free-market economics.

sekhri's review against another edition

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One of my best recent reads in economics. Explains in a layman's way what ails contemporary free market economic theory. Explodes the myths propagated by mainstream economists and lays down the policy mix that the world needs currently. I am sure I will read it again some day.

_annabel's review against another edition

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Interesting book, it’s a bit old now. He’s kind of preaching to the choir with me, so not sure what other people would think of it. He talks about how we don’t have a free market and there is also a lot on how free market economics have been bad for countries. The stuff on high interest rates was interesting given the current rising rates.

titus_hjelm's review against another edition

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A brilliant, plain-English book about why the global economy is so lost. Chang joins the queue of neo-Keynesians (although the alternatives to the neoliberal disaster are only briefly outlined) calling for a rethink of how to organise the economy. The book's beauty is to show really how common sense it would be to get rid of the free market ideology. Hopefully an increasing number of voters in the West get that message.

connorjmatthews's review against another edition

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Systematically dismantles perceived truths about capitalism.

adam84's review against another edition

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informative inspiring medium-paced


 Současná západní společnost přísahá na neoliberální model ekonomiky, který za nezpochybnitelné dogma prohlašuje tzv. volný trh – ostatně i v Čechách svého času byla „neviditelná ruka trhu“ nedotknutelným božstvem. Ha-Joon Chang, jenž (snad díky svému původu) dokáže nahlédnout kapitalistickou ekonomiku západního střihu jaksi zvnějšku, vlastně vyslovuje, popisuje a zdůvodňuje jen to, co v posledních desetiletích začali vnímat mnozí: že volnotržní ekonomika přes všechny proklamace a teoretické ospravedlňování v mnoha směrech selhává. Ekonomiku volného trhu kriticky rozebírá z mnoha úhlů a velmi názorně ukazuje její nedostatky. Nenabádá ovšem k zavedení jakéhosi protikladného socialistického modelu, ale doporučuje řadu opatření, která by současný model dokázala zlepšit k prospěchu všech. 

leadbelly's review against another edition

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Accessible but useful debunking of the myths of free market economics. I don't know if it's been updated but it's slightly dated and there's lots of areas missing that really ought to be tackled in a newer version. Maybe for a different author though.

l44l's review against another edition

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informative fast-paced
