
For the Save by Amber Garza

roseeelyn's review

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2.5 stars

samwlabb's review

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This is my 4th Playing for Keeps book and I have to say, I love that Garza picked up with characters from the last book. We get to check back in with Chloe and Holden, but Sawyer takes center stage. He is dealing with the aftermath of the school shooting by attending a support group. There he connects with Addison, who had lost her brother. Together, they help each other heal and find closure. I really enjoyed the tender moments Sawyer and Addie shared, and for real, the boy is a saint with the patience of Job. He dealt with Addie with love and kindness and understanding, with very few demands. But I have to say, it was all in the epilogue for me. Oh, how I love an epilogue. I NEED that closure and Garza gave it to us two-fold by including Holden and Chloe.