
Tonic by Staci Hart

jpgrina's review against another edition

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She should have made him work for it after their fight.. or more like him telling her that he never wants to work with her again. I'm all for couples having angsty moments after the fight and before them getting back together. This one was so... fast and easy.


crazychriss93's review against another edition

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Wow, lovely, had no idea that we would get to know Patrick or Tricky's boss :D
Well, I love it :D

I had several problems with this novel, but all in all it was a good read and I enjoyed it ;)

Writing style?
Pretty similar to the other novels.
My problem is just that especially Joel has some issues that he should really deal with. Like, I'd advise him to get professional help or something cause what he does is jut not healthy. Anger issues aren't something that just go away 'cause you finally found 'the one'. You can get angry, no problem, but destroying stuff? Hurting people? Like, physically hurting them? That's a no go.
I'm just disappointed that there is no word about this at the end of the book. He just seems to let his past behind. Yeah, right. Talk about idealization.

Other than that, I think Annika was portrayed as this Russian girl who loves vodka a bit too much - I mean, alcohol in the workplace? Wth

So yeah, ... I liked the chemistry between the characters, thought that the initial idea about a reality TV show was pretty interesting and new but I just did not like Annika. I found her immoral, whiny. Yeah, she was self-confident but she was also so stuck-up, felt that she was above all the others. I did not like that. At all.

Negative points:
I think there were a bit too many 18+ scenes, had to skip those.
Also, the fight was a bit blown out of proportion.
Plus, the whole alcohol and anger issues thing was not dealt very well with.
And last but not least, there was this whole reality Tv show thing. So basically Annika loses bits of herself whenever she is at work but in the end she again just seems to be totally okay with that? In the beginning, I thought that she doesn't like to be this cold-blooded boss but then in the end, it was just like: Oh, yeah, my boss apologized, now my boss isn't that cold, now I can be like her, everything's fine.
The fact that what she as a producer has to do is totally glossed over annoyed me.
Also, the ending was just so abrupt.

I don't know, I just liked the previous instalments better :D

linathebookaddict's review against another edition

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{ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.}

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Title: Tonic
Author: Staci Hart
Category: Romance
Series or Standalone: Standalone
POV: Dual, First Person
Plot: 5
Characters: 5
Scorching Level: 5
HEA: Not telling

Omg! Romantic. Passionate. Forbidden.
This book will make hearts and Kindles melt!!!
Staci Hart managed to surprise me with this book! Refreshing storyline and characters that will warm hearts.
Annika is a toughened television producer. She learned from early on that she has to do her job the best way she can and than emotions do not mix in television industry.
Het newest project? A reality tv show about tattoo artists; particularly a tv show on Joel.
Joel is not a man that Annika would ever notice. He is cocky, over confident, tattooed and...hairy. He is also coming on to her quite strongly. Her response? She is disgusted and utterly mad with his boldness...Or isn't she?

I had requirements, such as: clean cut, ambitious, professional, refined.

He was a fantasy, not a real prospect.

Joel doesn't need a serious relationship. His bad past experience with his ex-wife has left a sour taste in his mouth and the only thing he wants is a no strings attached affair and Annika captivates him.
The problem? She doesn't seem keen to the idea and she makes it perfectly clear. Still, there is something there and nothing can stop it. Attraction? Lust? Whatever it is they will both risk everything to figure it out.

Loved the progression of the story. The premise intrigued me and the execution was perfect. The push and pull relationship between our two heroes had me at the edge of my seat. There was passion, complexity and emotions that made the book fascinating; a real page turner.
Joel will melt your heart! There is real book boyfriend material there. Annika was strong and determined.

The romance? Sizzling and at times filled with angst! Loved it. I highly recommend it.

5 Hairy Stars!!!

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nightreads's review against another edition

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First off, I want to start off by saying that the couple on the cover represent Annika and Joel perfectly!!!

Okay, now onto the book. I loved it! It was still around a 4.5 more than a 5 for me. I know it says that it’s a romantic comedy on the cover but it is way deeper and emotional than that. The situation they are both in made it difficult for them to really be together. Which I found really interesting because she’s a reality show producer. I am sure all of us have seen a reality show at one point or another and know that they have to create drama for it to be interesting. And if you’ve watched Miami Ink or LA Ink, you definitely get a vibe of those shows on here. I knew something bad was bound to happen so I was anxiously waiting for it, and when it did come I felt so sad for them. I understood both of their sides but that didn’t make it any easier. But what came after, (the whole cat situation) was so sad and then sweet!! I feel like that was my favorite part of the whole book

whisperingchapters's review against another edition

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Joel and Shep Anderson are the owners of the tattoo shop Tonic. When presented with the opportunity to start a reality TV show surrounding Tonic, Shep is on board but Joel is against the idea. What gets Joel to agree is when the producers tell him they will just produce the shop from his ex-wife's husband. Joel isn't prepared for Annika, the girl who's heart is made of ice. He can't wait to break down her defenses. But Annika's job comes first, no matter if it ruins her chances with Joel.

I wanted to take her apart, find out what made her tick. I didn't know why, exactly.

I was surprised by this! I usually like or don't like this author's books (no in-between) but I had a good feeling for Tonic and the feeling was right! I loved Annika so much. Being a producer for reality TV requires not taking crap from anyone. Over the years, she has learned to be professional at work which is why she's a respectable woman. She's also a devoted daughter, amazing sister, and a very adorable aunt.

When Joel and Annika meet, you just know they will argue immediately and will not get alone, mostly on Annika's part. Their relationship starts to grow and they start getting attached. These two would banter back and forth. I was definitely eating it up. The chemistry is off the charts with this one! I did think there wasn't much depth when it came to their relationship, which was somewhat of a deal breaker for me. Despite the lack of depth, the few moments that weren't all explosive were so unbelievably sweet and swoon-worthy!

"I hate you, and I want you, and I hate that I want you. But I do."

The reality show setting was done incredibly well and it gave lots of insight as to what goes down behind the scenes in this type of show. Being done in a tattoo shop was very interesting. I really liked all the tattoo talk and all the process. Also, I found out the most difficult tattoo to be done! It's actually a simple thing but one wrong move and it could be ruined. I didn't know this so it was great that the author added it to the story.

A few times I found myself drowsing off because it would be slow, slightly dragging, and repetitive. Other than that and the lack of depth in the romance, the rest was really good. The supporting characters were great! I wish they had more dialogue in the story. I think it would have added more to it, especially on the humor side. The support of family is big on this one, which I appreciated. Annika's family is so close and supportive of her and her job. Plus, they give great advice! I wouldn't mind spending time with this jovial family.

Overall, Tonic is quite an enjoyable story with a great setting that I loved. If you're into Alpha males who are sweet and girls who slowly start to shed their cold and tough exterior, you will adore this one.

I received an eARC from the publicist for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

currant7's review against another edition

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The Characters.

Joel: the owner of Tonic tattoo parlor and is tall, dark, and a bearded bear. He has a temper when he loses “control” and after being caught so vulnerable in his last relationship, he chose to lock them uptight and just be alone. He has a brother, Shep, who works at the shop with him since their parents died when they were a young age. He lives just above the tattoo shop, which makes his job, his life. He is the ex-husband of Liz who married Hal, a competitor tattoo parlor around the neighborhood. Annika named him ‘Hairy’ and didn’t like him upon the first impression since he got under her skin and wouldn’t stop pursuing her until she told him off. He is a big softie for kids and cats, as in the example of Kira and Kaz.

Annika: executive producer of the upcoming reality tv show that Joel and his tattoo team is part of. She is the only daughter of Russian immigrant parents (Max and Dina), who escaped during the Cold War with the help of her Uncle Andre, part of the Russian mafia. She is a fur-mommy to Kaz, a 13-year-old rescued cat that found its way to Annika’s parent’s laundry shop’s dumpster when he was still a baby, and an aunt to Kira, who she shares a place with her cousin, Roxy.
She is as determined to pursue and succeed in the world of television and just finished working at a previous cut-throat reality tv series with Lacey, her mentor, and friend. She is starting to film a new series filmed in a tattoo shop, Tonic, where she meets Joel, the main owner of the shop. She is a dichotomy of personalities – a laid-back aunt at home AND a serious, no-nonsense executive producer at work. She compartmentalizes her job and functions well until Joel came into her life and turned it upside down.

The Start (Stop) of Something.

The chemistry and humor between Joel and Annika is kind of funny from the start. There’s so much “push and pull” going on that it gets a bit confusing since Annika would say something totally opposite to what she feels. I get it that since Annika is young so maybe all this “wishy-washy” mind is all because she’s attracted to an older man that’s totally opposite to what she’s exposed to in the past.

The relationship turned into something else by the time Annika really got into ‘terms’ with her relationship. I like how she opened up to her cousin, Roxy, and told her everything that made her concern with starting anything with Joel. It was very evident that they were so attracted to each other that they can ‘sense’ each other as they entered any room. Everyone in and out of the shop/show saw it but themselves or at the least, Annika who has been denying the connection from Day 1.

The Big Fallout.

I have to say that Joel acted very immaturely for a 38-year-old man, who runs a successful business. He seems to be very ignorant of how to act in the relationship department, which could probably account for the failure of his first marriage by sweeping/ignoring the problem through intercourse. He blows up in front of everyone (when he specifically told Annika, he wouldn’t do at the start) and blames Annika for lying to him. He was an uncontrollable freak and was not reasonable enough to listen to her side when he out-rightly told her to do what she needed to do to ‘get the job done’. I understand that it was wrong of Annika to leave it out but she was also instructed by her boss, Lacey, not to mention anything. I get also that she took it the wrong way with being intimate with Joel before the big reveal the next day and she was acting like it was ‘the end-of-the-world’ that made Joel lose his mind but Joel from the start, kept pushing himself towards her if you read back. It was all a ‘me-me-me’ but nothing about them and her or the rest of the people around them.

Take for example: When Kaz died, it was nice of him to go to the funeral for Kira but when he told off Annika that he didn’t come for her, even if it’s true though so not(!), was inappropriate and wrong. Everyone was grieving and if only he asked her how Kaz died and realizing that it was Annika discovered Kaz dying beside her, he would have been and should have been more respectful in front of everyone. I cried ugly on this part also since it was just wrong.

The Resolution.

Even after Annika came to apologize to Joel and ask his permission for a new proposal for the storyline of the shop, the whole outburst and ‘ultimatum’ are so alpha dominant (but in a more immature sense) got me all frustrated again. In all of this, I think Annika did the right thing to get everyone to continue with the show. She gave up her dreams for Joel…it’s a very mature action for a young lady.

Joel’s epiphany couldn’t have come at a better time. All the words and emotions that came all out – it was ‘passion puke’ – and it couldn’t be stopped by the time he was at Annika’s doorstep with a cute present. I also cried ugly in this part. Staci just gets it for me when things ‘right’ themselves in the end.

The Writing.

Overall, the story and plot were good. I can see Staci trying a different approach with the characters balancing totally hating to loving each other. I enjoyed the references of the 70s and present-day mesh-ups, especially with Joel’s tone-deaf singing vs Annika’s Elsa angelic voice. The comparison of the bear to the ice fox is good and I can better match their personalities with these spiritual animals for both of them.

Staci got me feeling things for the characters though not as deeply as her past characters. I was more frustrated with the ‘pushing-pulling’ that puts everything in a weird light immediately to feel and give into the relationship for the two main characters.

nbiblioholic's review against another edition

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When it's a first read for me of a particular author, I like to share the news with everyone. THIS IS MY FIRST READ FROM THIS AUTHOR! And I liked it LOL! I think it was the author's wonderful use of metaphors that ultimately won me over. Or not. I just loved the idea of Joel's fire melting Annika's ice.

I love the push and pull of new and irresistible chemistry and this book had that in spades. Joel had no problem admitting to what he wanted. It was a matter of getting Annika on board and for her to stop denying and resisting her own wants and desires. Once she did, these two were explosive.

The story centers around reality TV so you can bet that there's plenty of drama and manipulation to go around. In the midst of it all, Annika and Joel's budding romance must withstand the show, their fears and their doubts. Love blossoms while trust is tested. These characters had their work cut out for them, that's for sure.

Overall, this was a different yet interesting and entertaining contemporary read. I recommend this to those who don't mind hardheaded main characters!

ARC generously provided in exchange for an honest review!

myntop's review against another edition

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I won this book from a giveaway, I'm not even sure how long ago. My apologies to the author for taking so long to read it.

I was immediately intrigued with the premise of this book. I don't watch much reality tv and it was interesting to see how things work behind the scenes of that kind of a show. Add to that the chemistry of the main couple and I was hooked. The romance was hot and the struggles were volatile. It was opposites attract put into a pressure cooker and turned all the way up!

I also enjoyed Annika's cousins. I think they added a fun and sweet side to Annika's life and showed who she really was behind the facade at work. The Kaz thing nearly broke me, so if you're sentimental or sappy like me, have tissues.

I would be interested in seeing a story about Roxy's life as well, I feel like there's more to tell there.

bookpauper's review

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bookbriefs's review

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**You can see this full review and more at Book Briefs:**

Tonic is a new adult romantic comedy by Staci Hart. I would put this one more in the vein of a contemporary romance because it takes some time for the comedy part of the romantic comedy to gear up. But either way, I loved Tonic. I was in the mood for a really great romance and it totally hit the spot. I have been wanting to read another Staci Hart book for a while now, because I knew that I would really enjoy it and I was right. She is right up there with Penny Reid and Meg Cabot as my romance go to authors.

I loved the perspective that Tonic took. I am a reality tv show junky and Tonic is about a tattoo shop that is getting it's own reality show. But the story itself is told in dual narrative between Annika and Joel. Joel is the shop owner and Annika is a tv show producer. That is the interesting perspective I am talking about. I think it was a spot on portrayal of the way reality TV works. I loved seeing the producers talk about moving and manipulating the characters to create an atmosphere for drama. Watching them plan out the episodes of the season was super fascinating to me. I have no idea how accurate this is or isn't but it felt pretty accurate to me.

Of course, the reality show, even though it s front and center plot wise, felt secondary to the character development and relationship blossoming between Annika and Joel. I just loved the dichotomy between the two of them. With Annika's ice queen exterior and Joel's dogged determination they were a fiery pair. I think you all know by now that I am a sucker for some URST bickering, and these two had that in spades. But Joel really steps up when he needs to. he is caring and kind and his focus is sexy. I loved him. I really liked Annika too but I don't know how anyone can compete with Joel. (can you tell I have major goo goo eyes for him.) There is just something good about him.

Bottom line: Whether you are more of a Romantic Comedy fan or more of a dramatic contemporary romance fan, Tonic will be a great book for you. Read it even if you can't stand reality TV. Trust me. Joel and Annika will win you over. They won me over right from the very start. Their fire and ice dynamic made for a read that I could not put down and I did not want to end. Staci Hart is quickly becoming an Auto-buy author for me. I love her romances.

This review was originally posted on Book Briefs