
The Archer by Tony Spencer

anovelstart's review

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I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or my review in any way.

I actually really liked this story. It's quite informative for those who want to know more about archery too.

I think my favourite part is the characters. A hard-done-by but famous archer trying to make a living, while thinking about a pretty lass from his youth. It's many years since they've seen each other and he's always thinking about her, haunting him. It's a lovely, classic romance story. I like the way William tries to hide his emotions to protect himself. How he's taught himself, through past experience in different situations, to show no emotion. To me that describes a typical man, how we all (females) think they have no emotion, but the truth is they just hide it well. They're scared, like us, and fear rejection.

Some parts of this book reminded me of when I read about Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. There's quite a lot of chivalry in this book and it's almost fairy-tale like. Man rescues damsel... but with a twist! I really liked the twist ;)

Another favourite part I had of this book was the way the characters talked. It's quite old-English, it makes it easier to relate to the time. I love history, particularly around this era when they were still using bows and swords. I actually studied this eras language a little bit when I did English Language in college. My point is, it made me right at home. It made it easier to just sit back and believe I'm there watching William go about his life. It didn't feel forced, I was just there in the Middle Ages watching it all. I think that's the best kind of book though, the kind that totally immerses you in the time period.

The only negative I would say it I'd have liked more emotion from the characters. I understand why there's not, which is why it's only a minor point I raise. Being from a mans perspective, I understand why there's a lack of emotion - it's intentional and makes the character perspective more believable. If it was from a female perspective, it'd be packed with every flutter in the tummy. All in all though, it did make a nice change having a romance novella written from the male perspective, it makes you look at things a bit differently.

I'd definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes the Middle Ages and historical romance novels. It's a short story so it's perfect for reading when you're short on time, maybe on a holiday, during your lunch breaks, or even in the bath with a glass of wine. Four stars all the way :D

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