
Breathing You In by S. Moose

beckyrendon's review

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3.5 stars

Breathing You In is a sweet story about a broken man and the woman who brings back his light. But as a stubborn man who is hurting, he isn't exactly up for the light.

I found it predictable in the turning points of the story but it is still a fun read.

reviewed for Naughty Book

nicki_theoverflowingbookcase's review

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This is a book stacked with burdens of betrayal and loss mixed with high and low points of starting over. Hannah and Logan both have demons in their pasts but it is their love in the end that will make them whole. Loads of push and pull and connections that you will not see coming. Intense and overwhelming but also soft in the right spots. A good read.

shellysbookcorner's review

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Not sure how I feel about this book to be honest. There are parts that I liked and enjoyed and then there are parts that had me shaking my head. Hannah is about to start a new chapter in her life with a new job in a new city. She is also dealing with having her heart broken by her first and only long term boyfriend. Then we have a brooding and tortured Logan who is dealing or not dealing with the death of his wife. I have to say I liked Hannah and Logan together but something was missing for me to feel the full connection. They kept going back and forth and it drove me nuts. One minute we are friends and the next we are in love and then we are back to friends. I had a bad case of whiplash with all this back and forth. I get that Logan has issues but his treatment of Hannah at times was brutal and not okay in my book. Hannah was too nice and too forgiving and I wanted her to develop a backbone and set Logan straight. As I said I ger he has issues but enough is enough. I really liked the supporting characters Eden and Lincoln. This story had a lot of potential but it just fell flat in some areas and then seemed rush in other areas. There is a secret revelation that I pretty much figured out from the beginning. I was hoping once this bombshell came to light we would have had some more angst. I felt everything was fixed up way too quickly. And then we have the ending of the story that I’m still trying to wrap my head around. When it's all said and done this was the kind of book that despite certain issues I found myself having to continue on and seeing what happened. So even though I didn't love it as much as I wanted I didn't hate it either. And I would most likely read another book by this author.

reading_with_2_book_lovers's review

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What a great read by s moose, breathing you in had me a mix of emotions, tears, laughter and lots of swooning.
I loved Hannah and Logan togther they just made the perfect main characters.
I volunteered to read a copy of this book

nicspears's review

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I really, really wanted to love this story a lot more but unfortunately I didn't. Don't get me wrong I liked it, and overall it was a story I had to keep reading to see how it panned out it was just lacking something to give it that wow factor for me.

Hannah and Logan came in to each other's lives when they were both at rock bottom. Neither of them looking for anything more than friendship, but they found a lot more. They were each other's crutches, a life raft keeping them afloat when they felt like drowning.
But sometimes it's harder to keep breathing when all you want to do is drown.

This was a very fast paced book in my eyes and although I liked the plot I would've liked it to feel a little less rushed.
The characters were ok, Logan frustrated the hell out of me and Hannah I just couldn't believe sometimes.
And the ending...well that just topped off my overall rating. It could've been such a better ending and I would've loved to get a little more of a closure than we got.

Despite my issues with it, it was ok. It kept me reading to the end which is why I gave it the 3*.

kaytlynallbooked's review

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Breathing You In is an emotional story about healing after tragic life events. Both Hannah and Logan have known loss in their lives. This book is the story of two broken and hurt souls coming back to themselves as well as finding love in each other. It really is a beautiful story, and I don't want to give too much away, but overall this book was a decent read. Alright Kaytlyn...but you just said it was a beautiful story so what am I missing? Well I wasn't over the moon about the writing.  So as it comes down to it I had mixed feelings about this one. 

For me the storyline and the ideas in this book were a smash hit. If thats all I judged a book on this would probably be a 5 star review. But it's not. And I just can't seem to give it that rating. So here is the thing...honestly, in quite a few places this book was choppy and rushed. I feel like the beginning did a great job at leading and building up the story and characters. I fell in love with both Hannah and Logan, as they became friends, as the spark took off, and even as their chemistry shot into outer space. However as the book progressed that development in the writing faded off. I think that there were a couple different topics that could have been expanded on more that were simply glossed over. On top of that, there were a few scenes where I had to retrace my steps and go...wait how did I get here?

I really do think that with a few tweaks to the writing this book could have been a 5 star read for me. But as it sits, this book was still enjoyable it just didn't live up to my expectations. 
Overall Rating: 3.5/5 stars

kathy2012west's review

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I really like S. Moose and her work but for some reason, this book just didn't click with me. It's wasn't that it was a bad book, because it wasn't, I just didn't connect it. Logan and Hannah had a cute story but I feel like there could have been more....I'm not sure but something. I will definitely read S. Moose again. Even with some of my favorite authors, I don't always connect with the book they wrote. It doesn't mean they're bad author, it just means that book wasn't for me.