
Black Swan Affair by K.L. Kreig

nodrama_lady's review against another edition

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Esse livro me fez chorar, rir, gritar de raiva. Teve momentos que eu queria entrar no livro e dar umas chacoalhadas na Maverick. Kael foi tão paciente e compreensivo. Mary Lou uma amiga que não fica parada enquanto a outra faz besteira, ela analiza as situacões e não tem medo de ser sincera com a Maverick. O livro mostra perfeitamente como a vida é feita de altos e baixos. Mexeu muito com a minhas emoões. E a autora não facilita a escolha da Maveriki no final do livro. Killian e Kael tiveram suas razões para agir como agiram. Meu ship foi Kael e Maverick desde o início, mas saber a verdade sobre a escolha de Killian foi triste e fiquei morrendo de dó dele. Gostaria de ler uma continuacão sobre ele e a Jullian. Ou a versão deles nessa história. As reuniões de familia vão ser no mínimo estranhas.

brittanyreads07's review

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***4.5 Stars***
This book grabbed my attention from the start! Black Swan Affair was intense from the 1st page to the very last.  I have never read a book that was filled with so much tension between the characters.

I thought I had it all figured out halfway through the book but boy was I wrong. You may think you do too but you'll never guess the lies and secrets being hidden in the name of love.

I loved what the K.L. Kreig did with Maverick. We watched her and her love grow.  In the end, my heart was happy with her choice.  It was so different than any other love triangle I've ever read about.

Black Swan Affair is one of those books that grabs you and takes you on a rollercoaster ride you'll never forget.  This page-turner is  emotional,  heart-breaking, and unexpected.

danirodrix's review

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I literally devoured this book. Read straight through it, it was THAT good. I’m such a big fan of love triangles when it’s done right and this one was definitely in the top 5 category. I don’t want to spoil anything so I’m going to keep it short and say the angst? Amazing. The spice? Amazing. The drama and plot twists? Amazing. First 5 star read of February.

lys_lynn's review

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A book has never made me so mad. I think we all know who deserved better

nightlyreadandtea's review against another edition

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Embarking on my theme of love triangles for December, I sought something impactful to start my journey. "Black Swan Affair" stood out amidst the positive reviews by my book club, so it was the obvious choice.

Okay so about 100 pages in, I had to seek reassurance from Amber that neither of the guys would be villainized… There's nothing worse than a beautifully balanced love triangle suddenly skewed by one character turning into a total jerk—it ruins the essence of the story for me. Thankfully, with my friend's confirmation that this triangle was a favorite, I pressed on, and I'm grateful that I did!!!!

Maverick, the female lead, found herself in a heart-wrenchingly confusing situation, torn between the loves of her life—brothers Killian and Kael. Killian, enigmatic and alluring, lingered in the shadows, while Kael, her best friend, was always there with unwavering openness and honesty. The way this narrative twisted my emotions, pulling me into a whirlwind of conflicting feelings for each man, was nothing short of gripping.

The journey Kreig crafted had me genuinely rooting for each character, invested in their complexities and the intricacies of their relationships. Ultimately, I found myself immensely satisfied with Maverick's decision, and Kreig masterfully brought the story full circle, tying loose ends in a way that resonated deeply.

Overall, "Black Swan Affair" is a highly recommended read for its portrayal of a complex love triangle, the depth of its characters, and the journey it takes the reader on. Kreig has woven a tale that grips the heart and doesn't let go.

mariefun's review

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Starting out, I wasn't crazy about the out-of-context scenes we were dropped right into. However, the story as a whole drew me in and I couldn't put it down. I have mixed feelings about the book. The scenes constantly jump back and forth through time to focus on the present, the distant past, and the recent past in order to slowly reveal information about these characters' lives. The full story was interesting enough that I think I would have enjoyed it if it had been written chronologically, perhaps even more so. I was happy with whom she chose to be with in the end, but I do wish that the author wouldn't have planted quite as much seeds of doubt about that character, because I was so suspicious about his intentions that I didn't get to enjoy their romance as much as I should have.

timitra's review against another edition

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Rated 3.5 Stars

I know I'm in the minority here but this book just didn't fully work for me for a few reasons. I found the characters frustrating to the point where I wanted to reach into the book and shake them, the heroine especially. I didn't like how a certain character was equated to a possession, something that had to be fought over, manipulated and lied to in order to acquire. But what really killed this book for me was the end and that's all I'll say on that as I don't want to spoil it for other readers.

denysemarie's review against another edition

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jill_mac's review

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“I followed my heart and it led me back to you.”

Holy effing shit. The Black Swan Affair is by far, without a doubt, the best book I’ve read thus far this year, and is now easily one of my top favorite books ever!

I have not had a book tear me up -the way this one did- in a very long time. KL takes readers on a heart wrenching, rollercoaster of a ride that leaves you sitting on the edge of your seat, panting for more. Everything about this story was perfection. Everything about this story held me captive. I’m upset it’s over. I don’t even know what to do with myself.

There’s honestly not much I can say without giving away the littlest of spoilers, so I’ll just leave you with this. If you’re a fan of angst… If you’re a fan of a love so deep and passionate it basically burns off the pages… read Black Swan Affair.

whatthefawkes's review

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Ughhhh. I'm not a big fan of love triangles but I was a sucker for this one even though I was extremely sad about which brother she chose in the end. Deep bloody sigh.