
Unfollowing You by Komal Kapoor

b1rdie's review against another edition

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yeah, contemporary “poetry” just isn’t for me

armyofreaders's review against another edition

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Unfollowing You gave a unique look at dating and falling in love in the age of technology and social media. I took away a sense that the author was trying to say that technology has ruined the sincerity of personal communication and relationships. Although I am not in that stage of life anymore it was easy to feel how the characters felt. Komal Kapoor did a great job making a real situation, happening everyday into prose to show the emotions of dating and breaking up. The layout of the book was fun to read with inclusion of screen shots.

Thank You Netgalley and Andrews McNeal Publishing for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not required to leave a positive review.

zugy42's review against another edition

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Unfollowing you est un recueil de poésie anglais centré non sur l'amour, mais sur une relation dysfonctionnelle. Son autrice, Komal Kapoor, nous raconte ainsi comment il nous arrive, parfois, de nous raconter des mensonges et de nous lancer dans une relation vouée à l'échec.

La première partie du recueil est donc centrée sur les prémices de cette relation, et les sensations qui l'accompagnent. Tout n'est que découverte, nouveauté et papillons dans le ventre. L'autrice apprend à faire confiance, à faire tomber ses murs et à tomber, malgré elle, amoureuse.

La deuxième partie est quant à elle consacrée
Spoileraux désillusions qui accompagnent l'amour à sens unique
. Ici tout n'est que colère, déception, et chagrin. Cette partie décrit également comment, à travers un long et fastidieux apprentissage, il est néanmoins possible de tourner la page.

Unfollowing you est donc un recueil de poésie moderne, en prose, sur une relation parmi tant d'autres, mais qui néanmoins frappe juste. Tous les textes ne sont pas admirables, tous ne sont pas aussi recherchés, mais par certains aspects, je me suis souvent retrouvée dans les poèmes de l'autrice.

lucy05's review against another edition

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I don’t think the book deserves the slander it receives, I mean it is ultimately cheesy with some unconventional ideas and weird sentences. For me, I think this only adds to the authenticity of the poetry as well as the relatability for the target audience. While, there are a few flaws within the collection the aim is clear and perfectly executed; demonstrating a modern day ‘love’ story- or more often the lack of love in the online format. A bittersweet collection of musings which I believe to be completely worthy of a read.

shanoconnor's review against another edition

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I really liked this book, I found it entertaining and I could relate to so many of the feelings from 'modern relationships'. With that being said, I felt like the writing fell short. It wasn't anything that wow-ed me or anything that pulled me in wanting another book by this author. Worth a quick read but not anything special. A few poems stuck out but other than that I was a little disappointed.

irrelevantareej's review against another edition

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i would say 3.5 stars for this. this was a really nice poetry book,not the hardest hitting for me probably because i can't relate to the whole falling in //love// love and breaking up thing to the same extent as the author but i will 100% use the emo-ness of this all to write fics from. however, i liked how it went through a journey and spoke about finding yourself again after a relationship ends and healing from that whilst realising things happened very differently after u take the rose tinted glasses off! the way she realised how she deserved so much more energy back made me really glad like everyone deserves a love that is right for them and not just settling!! and of course talking about love looks and unfolds in the digital age will forever be so fascinating to me! all in all a cute lil more whim like read. some of it was very relatable, some of it not!

bghillman's review against another edition

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I really liked this

alyson7's review against another edition

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There were so many moments when reading Unfollowing You, that I thought, this is a little scary. It was so relatable, almost as if it were taking a piece of my thoughts and transforming it into poetry. Love is strange in this world of social media and texting. There is a certain amount of disconnection and isolation, even though we are paradoxically, more connected than ever. Unfollowing you is a collection of poems of the beginning, middle and end of a relationship. Although it was short and sweet, I greatly enjoyed reading this collection.
I received a copy of Unfollowing You from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

laurag22's review

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This is a long form poem charting the start, obsession and end of a relationship lived out through the medium of the internet and social media and how that has changed how relationships are compared to the past. This gives you a lot to think about.

whatjasread's review

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When it started off with acronyms like 'lol' and 'bae' in the poetry, I thought I was in for a rollercoaster ride that only went down. But, surprisingly, the meaning behind a lot of the poems far outweighed some of the language used. It was an anthology surrounding modern relationships in a technologically advanced society, so of course it wasn't going to be insanely poetic with fancy words that nobody knows the meaning of. It was concise and succinct and straight to the point (unlike this review). I did really enjoy this.

4 stars.