
Fabricating Jada (Fabricated, #1) by Vanessa Marie

veeofwilds's review

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I really enjoyed the concept of this book but the delivery was a little lacklustre. It would have benefitted from a lot more focus on character and a lot less cliches. There were wayyyyyy too many romance tropes/cliches to keep track of: enemies-to-lovers, rags-to-riches, teacher-student, abusive parent, sick parent, celebrity MC, paparazzi, precocious kid, best friend that calls female MC a hooker and a bitch because she’s so incredibly cool, injury leading to hospital, overbearing overprotective male MC, unconscious eavesdropping, and the list goes on...
The enemies-to-lovers aspect was really shoddy. Apparently all it takes is to be a gigantic asshole for the majority of the relationship and everything is hunky-dory, just as long as it’s under the guise of wanting to push someone to reach their potential. No matter that the blatant sexism and harassment is making me cringe, it’s fine for the female MC because she values looks over personality. Jada needed about 98% more self-respect.
The mechanics in the book were really interesting though, I liked that Jada was talented and that she was allowed to be talented. It’s clear the author knows her stuff in this area - I just wish more care had been taken with getting the plot and characters right.

bookgyrl's review

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Loved it and it is one of my favorites this year. Jada is a young woman with a dream. She wants to fabricate things and build cars but her family situation stands in her way. When her idol Jesse Valentine is teaching a class, her mom urges her to go for it.

I thought Jada was a great character. She has an unusual dream for a woman but is brimming with talent and when she finds her hero to be tainted (Jesse is a real jerk to her and they constantly clash) she does not give up. She has to travel for hours to get to the class, has been hurt the first day but soldiers on and still shines. I also loved her friendship with BFF Carter.

I kept on reading and was disappointed when it ended. I read there will be more books so I am keeping my fingers crossed for more Jada/Jesse.