annashiv's review

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I enjoyed this one, though it wasn't amazing or super special in any way. It was just a nice psychological look at Daredevil's father and the choices he made. Most people know what happens to Jack Murdock, but now we are shown why he didn't throw the fight in the end. I especially enjoyed the moments between father and son, that really let us know that Jack wasn't a great father, but he wasn't just a bad person. He kind of got cornered into his circumstances at least where the story started and couldn't get away from powerfully bad people. Overall I liked how it ended. It didn't feel like it ended too soon or suddenly or unjustly either. It was just a nice story if you like Daredevil.

helpfulsnowman's review

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A nice little backstory on Daredevil's father.

I don't know why, but any movie about boxing suckers me in big time. Rocky? Even the shitty ones have their moments. That Tyson documentary? Thoroughly watchable. Oh, and if you haven't seen Warrior yet, holy crap. I know, it's about the douche-y world of mixed martial arts. But trust me. It's got heart, it's got story, it's got soundtrack by the National.

I might be able to expand it further, now that I think about it. I also like movies and books about a guy coming out of retirement who really shouldn't. Dark Knight Returns? Yep. Die Hard With A Vengeance? IMHO, most underrated of the Die Hards.

There's just something about a story where an old dude is facing up to the odds. I think, maybe, it's because those are the stories where you're just not sure that everything is going to be okay.

octopusincoffee's review

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interesting introduction to jack murdock. he's definitely one of marvel's more overlooked characters, and i do wish this was a little longer. it feels a little rushed and some bits feel a bit on-the-nose ("my boy is weak" constantly repeated) other than that, it's a nice quick read and provides as a good little prologue to matt murdock's reign as daredevil (and i do enjoy the fact that jack figured out that jack has taken up being a fighter, essentially knowing that matt is daredevil).

mtdmali's review

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Didn’t love the artwork, but this limited series fits really well into the Daredevil continuity. The four round story structure was a nice touch.

gallaghergirl12's review

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It's been awhile since a comic book walked all over me like that.

stealingsilver's review

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It's a decent read but it does not flesh out the story enough.

spiides's review

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5 STARS ||

*cues the ‘thea is ignoring all her responsibilities for comic books’ soundtrack*

anyway it’s been an amazing fast and intriguing read! if you’re a fan of daredevil this is one of the essentials you should pick up for sure. the writing is phenomenal and my heart is now crumbling to pieces even though i already knew his origin WHEW

i will be reading a bunch of comics for a little bit so i’m sorry if you’re not interested in them but life’s been hectic and they’re the only thing helping me at the moment x