
At Last by Jill Shalvis

veraann's review against another edition

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Lucky Harbor Series Book #5

The series seems to follow a predictable formula, but is written in a way that is very enjoyable to read through. The characters are just so much fun and make me laugh, cry, and pull out my hair right along with them.

kathydavie's review against another edition

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Fifth in the Lucky Harbor romance series and revolving around Lucille, the matchmaker of the town — nothing and no one gets past her gimlet eye. The couple focus is on Amy Michaels and Matt Bowers.

My Take
The start of At Last is too funny with a humiliated Amy getting rescued by the man she's attracted to. The man she doesn't want to be attracted to, and Matt is happy to tease her along. Shalvis cracked me up with Matt getting heated up at the thought of Amy wearing nothing but her city-girl boots. The cliché is for men to get turned on by those high, high heels, but it makes so much sense that the nature-loving Matt would get turned on by hiking boots. It only made me love that boy more.

One of the many things I enjoy about Shalvis' Lucky Harbor is the snark. I love how the characters call on each other and won't let each other get away with anything. It's all in love and loyalty, friendship and caring — yep, even the guys! Hmmm, now that I think about it, I think the guys do the best snark…
"'You keep going at each other like that,' Josh said, 'and you'll end up in my ER.'

Breathless, Matt rolled to his back. 'Sorry, I only play doctor with the ladies.'

Then there's '…I could have been with Mallory, and dinner with Mallory includes things you've never offered to do for me.'"

Riley is an interesting addition and a useful technique, oops, character, to bring out Amy's introspections about her own past. Thoughts that will find her confessing to Matt about her past and why she closed off to emotion. Matt, too, finally spills the beans about what happened in Chicago to make him quit SWAT.

Reading about the efforts Matt and his fellow rangers have to go through to deal with people who ignore warning signs makes me appreciate why so many search-and-rescue services now charge for a rescue. There ought to be fines for people who don't practice safe nature techniques and ignore those efforts intended to keep them safe. Like that jerk's dad who wants to sue the park service because his son is such a cocky brat.

I am impressed that Amy keeps such careful track of Matt that she can see how much sun he's gotten on any given day. Ahem.

Damn, Shalvis knows how to get through my heart. Amy's grandma was only seventeen when she made this journey with a dying and much-loved husband. It's a sad twist at the end that will find you reaching for a tissue.

I'm missing something. How can Matt be sued for vandals removing the lock and ignoring an earlier warning that the trail was closed, AND they're under the influence? Nor do I understand how Matt will miss his 8 a.m. inquiry. All he has to do is climb back down the trail and get in his truck.

This is a town where you get your life back on track. Where people care about others. Where the sex is great, lol. It's not overly erotic, but it is romantic and hot. It's a series you want to buy, just so you'll have it on hand for those days you need to snuggle up for a warm and cozy read about great people.

The Story
Amy is in Lucky Harbor on a mission to trace her grandmother’s path through the journal she had written fifty years ago.

Matt’s mission is to get to know Amy a lot better. It’s a slow assault requiring Matt to spend many meals at the Eat Me Café. A plan that gets sped up when he finds a homeless girl on the mountain and wants to help her. Help that will include Amy.

The Characters
Amy Michaels blew into town one day and started waitressing at the Eat Me Café. That's about as much as anyone knows about Amy, well, besides her loving chocolate with her fellow chocoholics: Mallory Quinn (Lucky in Love, 4) and Grace Brooks. Her mom got pregnant too young and dumped Amy off on her mother, Rose, who raised Amy until she died when Amy was twelve. Grandpa Scott Barrett had died when Amy was five. Turns out Grandma was married before. To Jonathon Stone. The one with cancer.

Matt Bower, a.k.a., Ranger Hot Buns, was searching for peace after a tumultuous time in Chicago SWAT and found it as a forest park ranger in Lucky Harbor. Shelly is the ex-wife who never did get it about his job.

Riley Taylor is just eighteen and squatting in the woods, stealing to survive. Troy is her "stepbrother".

Dr. Josh Scott and Ty Garrison (he hooked up with Mallory in Lucky in Love), another former SEAL, are Matt's best friends in Lucky Harbor. Josh has two kids he's responsible for: his twenty-one-year-old sister Anna who's in a wheelchair from the car accident that killed their parents and his five-year-old son, Toby.

The forestry service
Mary is the dispatcher. Candy is a ranger-in-training.

Lance and Tucker Larson are brothers who run the ice cream shop on Lucky Harbor pier. Lucille is not your poster grandmother, but she cares for everyone in town while she runs it, her art gallery, and her many friends, posting most of it to Facebook. Mr. Swanson is Lucille's current swain. Jan owns the Eat Me Café, and Henry is the new cook after Tara left. Lucky Harbor's mayor Jax Cullen and former world sailing champion Ford Walker run the Love Shack, a bar and grill. Sawyer Thompson is the sheriff.

Trevor Wright is the teenage son of Allen Wright, a successful builder who thinks he's God's gift. Caleb Morrison is one of the five boys on those illegal ventures, and he's stupid enough to brag on Facebook.

The Cover
The cover is an impassioned, khaki-clad Matt in a white button-down kissing a clinging Amy in a floral bustier sundress in Sierra Meadows on a beautiful summer day.

The title is of their various bogeyman laid to rest and Amy and Matt together At Last.

zaza_bdp's review against another edition

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Une fois de plus, Jill Shalvis fait carton plein avec ce 5ème volet de "Lucky Harbor".

L'amitié est une nouvelle fois au rendez-vous, que ce soit au niveau du trio d'accros au choco ou au niveau du trio de mecs, tous plus sexys et charmeurs les uns que les autres. Ils passent leur temps à s'asticoter, c'est plutôt drôle et ça casse un peu le mythe du gros dur ^^.

On découvre dans ce livre une Amy plus sombre qu'auparavant, on se rend compte qu'elle a eu une adolescence difficile, qui l'a laissé très méfiante et peu encline à accorder sa confiance, que ce soit à ses amies ou à un homme. Son passé va refaire surface, tout comme le chaos de ses sentiments, avec l'arrivée en ville de la jeune Riley.

Matt est bien évidemment super sexy, il est très investi dans son travail et dans la communauté de Lucky Harbor. D'ailleurs Lucille ne perd pas espoir et espère bien publier des photos sexys de lui sur le FB de la ville ! On apprend à mieux le connaître et on découvre ce qui l'a mené à Lucky Harbor.

Amy et Matt forment un joli couple, mais leur relation va être contrariée par leurs problèmes de confiance. Ils sont aussi méfiants l'un que l'autre et on une tendance au repli sur soi assez prononcée ...

Ce n'est pas le meilleur opus de cette série, mais j'ai passé un agréable moment en compagnie de tous ces personnages, et j'ai bien apprécié de retrouver Ty et Mallory, ainsi que Josh (le docteur) et Grace (la troisième du trio). Sawyer fait une courte apparition, mais celle-ci est remarquée !

bhookjunkhie's review against another edition

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4.5 STARS ....On to the next one:)..I love this series!

melly2966's review against another edition

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AMY IS AWESOME!!!! MATT IS BAE!!! Loved this book!!!!!!!!

holly_keimig's review against another edition

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I really hope Shalvis never quits writing or I am going to run out of awesome romances to read. Always enjoy her stories and this one was no different. Amy has had a very rough life and moves to Lucky Harbor for a fresh start. Matt is also looking for something different. They never thought finding each other would be the right answer. (There are some pretty dark moments in here for those who have been abused but nothing graphic.)

steph01924's review against another edition

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Decent. The meager plot twist to keep them apart for a little while was thin and weak, but at least it didn't last long. Amy was either a bit less annoying than Mallory, or I'm just learning to skim better on the parts where the lead characters whine about the other person being 'too dangerous and unsafe' for their dumb 'no love' clause.

mamabears_fabulous_book_finds's review against another edition

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Amy and about a really fun ride.

Amy has been through hell...leaving home when she was a teen, hitching across the country, and ending up in Lucky Harbor where she finally found a place she wanted to stay. She's making her own way, but something is missing. So she takes her grandmother's journal, detailing a summer that was spent in the mountains around Lucky Harbor, and hits the trail to follow in her grandmother's footsteps, so to speak.

Well, she get's lost. She calls Mallory, one of her best friends for help, and who does Mallory call, but Forest Ranger Matt. Yummy man. Ex-Navy and one of Ty's best friends, he and Amy always seem to butt heads. Maybe it has to do with the attraction between them.

What happens next involves a runaway girl who reminds Amy of how she used to be, prompting her to get really protective and do everything she can to help the girl, a journal and a journey to learn about herself and a part of her grandmother's past she never knew, and a man who just doesn't want to give up once he has found what he wants.

trish1008's review against another edition

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I love the chocoholic books! Can't wait for the next one.

colleen1011's review against another edition

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Lucky Harbor is a good series. I have enjoyed all of the books I have read so far.